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“The world will witness a massive invasion of aliens, thousands of holographic alien warships will cover the sky, immerse people in global panic and real military aircraft between the holograms will deliver a real blow.”
– As a result, a single world government will be created and none of the people will be against it. It will lead the surviving people in this new world of total control.
In his message there are many interesting things. This old video shows all the essentials that Joseph Spencer told the world. The video is old, with a subtitle translation, but believe us, there are many interesting things …
I don't know how true this vid is, so we as always must make''discernment's''on what we take in no matter from what source it comes. I myself have come across this info of our present and future before or rather what they plan for our future. But since they also messed with our timelines it may become real or not at all. The future is not set in stone, it can be and will be changed. We create the future with our positive thoughts and actions. We are Won, Adonai
This vid is a bit heavy, but necessary to see , covid#19 was supposed to happen in 2017 Project blue beam is there last chance to put in the NWO,which I have posted here in the past. But I don't think it will happen either. And of course all of this depends on us, and the awakening of the 2nd Wave of light-workers called Starseeds,plus we have our ET Allies and Help from the Spirit realm. And lets not forget Trump and Qanon, so all in all we have the power and people to end this Deep State Now ! Waki-Waki Starseeds, We are Won, Adonai