Copyright © by Dr.Angela Barnett. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material freely, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included. Include author’s credit, Crystalai, copyright 2015 and include the website url. http://crystalmagicorchestra.com
Fall 2016 will bring the moment of our New Version of Reality. There will be a division between those who can perceive the New Reality and those who continue to see the Reality that was imposed upon us through the cultural beliefs, the realities created by the holograms of others in our THINKING BRAINS.
We are the angelic incarnates on Earth. We are the vehicles of the breaths of consciousness of our galactic archetypes. We are the representatives on Earth who choose to exhale the magic from the co-creative realm. We sing the cosmic symphony of evolution through our breaths of consciousness. As we harmonically align with the Cosmic Breaths of Consciousness our entire cellular structure sings in harmony, and becomes completely transmuted into this Cosmic Symphony. We each contain a melody of fraternal essence and our angelic co-creative consciousness. The light streams and sound of the breaths of angelic consciousness are streaming through our minds, our cells, our atoms, our molecules. All of the Suns of all of the Galaxies are singing in magnificent rhythmic streams of crystal light energy of aqualene texture. Our crystal heart glows and dances as it wraps the stars beyond this matrix into the zero point of the spark of source. The ignition of Oneness takes place and it feels like the tone of home, the stardust energy, the radiance of omnipresent Divine Love.
The more we soak up the Galactic, Cosmic and Stellar Frequencies through the Breath of Consciousness, the more aligned into the harmony and rhythm of the Evolutionary Transformation. We must share frequencies and rhythms until we align into a brand new rhythmic texture and a Galactic Tone of Home. As I invite hundreds of Cosmic and Stellar Entities, Family members and Friends to share their Breaths on my recordings, I find a harmonic alignment. It doesn't require any music theory, or what key resonates with what key.
When the angels sing they all resonate in harmony. In order to resonate with Mother Earth as she becomes a Star, those who desire this great transmutation must first completely transmute their frequencies into the Cosmic Realm and allow the highest frequencies of the Cosmos to exhale as they breathe and sing. This doesn't mean that quantity is greater than quality. It means the quality of the highest frequency is the only frequency that will have any significant impact on the transition of the individual's island of light or in the entire ascension process of the mass. Those who think they are making an impact by breathing heavily or singing loudly will only find themselves surrounded by more of the same. It does help to sing the magic words such as Karayasatahala or MaharatamuAva because these are sincere desires to only be created by those in the True Christic and Cosmic Realms.
This is what is significantly different about this music created through the Music of the Spheres. I learned this art form through one on one instruction from a group of Elohim of Angels who connected my Ear portal to the Elohim of Hearing. It was her breath who could bring the highest frequency to Earth 2000 years ago. I came from a team of co-creative angels. I was sent by Zadkiel in 1954. I was realigned as a walk in thirteen years later. From that moment on I knew my reason for living was singing the voice of the angels on Earth.
The standing wave pattern that one places their Consciousness into is the one that the body will realign to. If we continuously focus our Consciousness into a higher realm of frequencies that we can clearly feel penetrating through our cells, our blood stream, our atoms, our air, our water, we can complete shift into this parallel reality of a higher consciousness. The law is the same as the law required for defining your home of residence on Earth. Your true home is the one you spend the most time in. When we can truly find the time to stay in the harmonic frequencies of the fifth dimension, or galactic consciousness, or Cosmic Consciousness continuously, that is where our bodies will shift to.
We must begin implementing Transformation. We must start transmuting our frequencies into this grand new cosmic symphony. We must begin to return to the Perfect Man in accordance with the parameters of cosmic evolution. We must live in a state of harmony and balance and beauty--but not from the Earthly standpoint. The state of harmony and balance and beauty comes from the alignment of our breaths of consciousness into the music of the spheres. Once we spend more time aligning our frequencies into that orchestra and less into the rock and roll band of the Earth's definitions, we become lifted into a vibrational frequency of our Higher Being who continuously and perfectly directs and guides and magnetizes harmony, balance and beauty. This causes the entire physical body to transform and merge into the higher frequency of love and abundance.
As the frequencies of Cosmic Consciousness penetrate the listener's physical temple, the vibrations lift the structure into a magnetic field that only allows those elements of the equal frequency level to enter in. It allows a higher more elevated vibrational experience that turns life into one event of bliss and joy after another.
The entire Ascension Process involves refining the frequencies of Consciousness into the memory and realignment with Cosmic Consciousness. We were completely removed from our perfect spiritual self, and now we are being completely realigned into our spiritual self. This doesn’t happen automatically. Each individual has shadows that need to be removed to allow the light to shine through. The more light that is streaming from the galactic suns into those shadows, the harder it will be for the shadows to cover the light energy. This is why it is imperative to keep the body saturated in light energy day and night. There is no more wonderful way to do this than to listen to angels breathing and singing all night long.
Perfection, according to the Cosmic Council, is experiencing that feeling of harmony, beauty, peace and love that produces an atmosphere of infinite Light, patience and compassion. It is the state in which the all that configures your physical structure is transformed to merge into the vibratory frequency of your Higher Being, as an entity of spiritual service and plenitude. In other words, it is the Frequency Configuration that braids the physical and spiritual or matter and anti matter particles together into one new frequency signature. It is the most elevated state of vibration that allows us experience what it means to be part of the Infinite where the limitations of matter are replaced by the continuous creation of episodes of excitement through experiences within the dynamics of Divine Love.
Parents must be willing to allow their children the divine right to participate in the world under the new planetary - galactic terms. Children must be allowed to begin preparing their new golden galaxy. We must prepare to return to our Seventh Level Form of immortal Man. Children need to allowed to learn the truth about our galaxy, our starry brothers, our immortal self hood. They need to learn that they are a grand creation from the Spark of Source that has created stars and galaxies themselves. They must be encouraged to remember who they really are. Children on Earth are Starry Children, Golden Beings, the original Seventh Level Immortal Man of the Aquarian Galaxy.
Children need to be allowed to remember that they came from the Planes of Immortal Light where Divine Harmony was the key to existence, and creating with the Divine Activity of Divine Love was the desired profession. It is time for children to know about their real genetic structure that is engraved in the DNA of our cosmic consciousness. It is the breath of Cosmic Consciousness from the co-creative angels that is recorded on these albums of ETERNAL LIFE.
Children need a combination of remembering their magic as well as their galactic identities. They need to learn that the co-creative elementals, fairies, devas really are out playing in the backyard. They are the entities who created the flowers and the trees in perfect alignment with the breath of Source. This is the true meaning of being a co-creator. All creation is done through and in perfect alignment with Source.
We have been given the tools to connect into the Frequency Specific Mid Brain and into the Mind of God to Attune in to the Frequencies of Souce. We can turn on or tune in to a New Version of Reality by tuning out of the Thinking Brain Frequencies and tuning in to the Mind of God Frequencies.
All of the breaths of angels on the recordings are lined with the breath of Source Consciousness Breath, Divine Love Breath, Divine Father Mother God Breath. Each CD album is created within the formula of the Divine Plan. Each CD is an Island of Light. It contains all of the Entities of the entire Cosmos who created these Symphonies of Breaths of Love in alignment with the structure of the Music of the Spheres.
The magic waits in the listeners own consciousness. The listener must listen, absorb and learn to exhale the magic that is absorbed from the cosmic breaths. This light energy must be exhaled into the body and into the environment. This is how Islands of Light can be created on Earth. We can actually transfer the magnificent cities of light as they were in the original Atlantis into our present reality through our breaths of consciousness.
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