July 26, 2011
In dreamtime awareness, I got a call, to go to an aircraft (symbol of a higher vibrational reality). My people said the car (my earthly vehicle) had to align with the Spacecraft. And so we proceeded to make the alignment.
Next thing I know, I’m on board my "Spacecraft", in my Pure Consciousness. My First Officer and friend reports the situation: “It’s about him (another entity), he says he wants to go down there, and I replied that we need your approval”
I looked at the guy. I immediately felt in his energy that he had aggressiveness and anger, which he "secretly" wanted to express in 3D.
I said “No. Permission denied. We don’t need more of that on the Planet”
And so it was noted and my command was executed. I then woke up, happy and amazed at how I am again getting new consciousness of my Guardian role, which I enjoy so much!
Namasté, dear Masters