Expanding your Heart and Opening your Mind — The Arcturians through Suzanne Lie, Aug . 12, 2019

Sue-Lie-22-300x150.png?profile=RESIZE_710xExpanding your Heart and Opening your Mind

The Arcturians through Suzanne Lie

Dear Arcturians,

Do you have a message for me today?

Yes, we the Arcturians, are always ready to send a message to our brave warriors to take a third-dimensional body during the NOW of Gaia’s great transition. “What transition will occur?” we hear you ask. Our answer to that question is “What transition are YOU ready to incorporate into your present reality.”

In fact, some of you may be more in a “stabilization” in which you are discovering, owning and grounding new experiences within your reality, or even moving into a deeper understanding of old experiences that have often occurred in your life. The new experiences are a challenge, as these are new experiences.

Therefore, you will need to create a new space in your thoughts and emotions to develop, understand, and incorporate this new experience into the YOU who has chosen this experience. “But I did NOT choose this experience!” we hear some of you say.

Yes, it is true that your third dimensional, human self may not have had that particular experience. However, if you were to call on your fourth-dimensional creative self, or our fifth-dimensional ascending self, you may be able to discover that the answer you need is waiting in your Heart and Mind.

We say “Heart and Mind” as your heart, via your Heart Chakra, allows and guides you to continually expand the love that you can send out into your reality. Simultaneously, your awakening Heart Chakra is being called to Unconditionally Love ALL life.

We, your Galactic Family, know that loving all life is a tall order for your earth-bound Heart Chakra. We are also aware that opening your mind could give you information that you are not quite sure you are ready to receive.

However, while you are pondering whether or not your Heart, 4thChakra, and your 5thdimensional Mind, are ready to work together as ONE, yet another challenge of your Seventh Chakra occurs.

At the top of your head (your soft spot when you were a baby) is your Crown Chakra, which is receiving and processing more and more inter-dimensional information from your ever-awake Higher SELF, who resonates to the fifth dimension and beyond.

After the Fifth Dimensional information is received by your 7th, Crown Chakra at the top of your head, it flows into your third-dimensional mind, and into your 6th Chakra, Third EYEwhere this higher-dimensional information begins its translation into the language of the receiver of that energy field.

Your 6th Chakra, also known as your Third Eye, works with your brain’s innate imagination to assist your human self to understand the information that came from above your Crown Chakra, through your Third Eye and into your brain.

Fortunately, your loving, fourth-dimensional Heart Chakra is constantly reminding you that LOVE is an inter-dimensional Carrier Wave. It is because of your Heart Chakra that your ever-expanding consciousness can assist you to perceive, accept and hopefully use, the information that you have received from the Higher Dimensions of reality.

However, before you can consciously perceive, openly accept, and take the time to use and/or share the higher dimensional information that you have received, you will have to believe your own SELF.

How do you know that you have received “higher dimensional information?” It is this question that is often one of the most difficult parts for many of you because you will need to expand your Sense of SELF to incorporate higher dimensional information into your daily life.

“How do I expand my Sense of SELF?” we hear you ask. The answer that we will give you is very simple to say, yet often difficult for humans to understand and carry through. The answer is: You chose to put your dedication to your reality—persons, places, situations, and obligations FIRST.

Therefore, reading an article about how to assist Gaia with Her planetary change, FIRST. What do we mean as “first?” We mean thinking about how you can assist Gaia to get through the damage she has suffered from humans, before you buy a new dress, or take a nap, or watch TV.

What is most important in your life? Many will say, “I don’t know? Maybe my family, my job, paying my bills, visiting with my friends… Then somewhere, at the bottom of your list, is the quick note you wrote to remind yourself that “YOU have chosen to take an earth vessel in this NOW to assist Gaia to heal from the grave damage that humans have done to her.”

“But I am too busy. I have to care for my children and my other family members and go to work!” Yes, that is great to care for your friends, family, and work. However, what kind of reality will your children have if the adults of this now do nothing to assist Gaia?

If you can “follow YOUR Path” into the unknown of your fifth-dimensional reality, you just may discover that there is a new body, a body made of light, that your consciousness will wear as you continue your adventure into the higher frequencies of your fifth dimension.

Transmuting into a New Body To perceive and inhabit Higher Worlds

This “New Body” resonates to the frequency of your New, fifth-dimensional reality. This “new reality,” which can only be perceived via your fifth-dimensional consciousness, activates your fifth dimensional “perceptual field.”

One’s “perceptual field” is basically that which one chooses to perceive. In fact, using your perceptual field is the process of calibrating your attention, thoughts, emotions, and perceptions towards the “unseen by 3D self” fifth-dimensional reality.

The fifth dimension is not “perceived” via your third-dimensional consciousness, but will come into your awareness when your consciousness resonates to the higher fourth and fifth dimensions. Also, everyone finds their own answers about their personal “analogy for ascension,” which are:

What is deeply changing in my 3D life?
How is that change transmuting my perceptions of reality?
How am I allowing my “imagination” to accept higher dimensional thoughts and emotions?

This higher dimensional perception of reality is the life you have always wanted since you were a child, and/or perhaps for many past lifetimes. In fact, this “imagination” is actually the fifth-dimensional reality from which you came. If you are drawn to this type of information, you are likely in the process of remembering your own higher dimensional SELF.

Therefore, you are NOW remembering that you CAN have a fifth-dimensional life within your consciousness, as YOU are innately a fifth-dimensional being. Finding your connections to your fifth-dimensional SELF while wearing a third-dimensional form, was your “reason for incarnation.” Your higher, fifth-dimensional SELF, is the YOU who (consciously or unconsciously) volunteered to assist Gaia with Her Planetary Ascension.

Gaia’s growing need to transmute into a higher frequency is the energy field that you are beginning to remember. It is this fifth-dimensional YOU, that your third-dimensional life made you forget. It is the process of remembering what your Higher SELF has always known—while you are wearing a third-dimensional body—that is an important component of your “reason for incarnation.”

It feels very, very helpful to remember the courageous you who first started this inter-dimensional journey that has taken many, many incarnations. And, you are not done yet!

Within this NOW it will begin! We say “within this NOW” because the fifth dimension is beyond the 3D concept of time and exists only in the “NO Time” of the fifth dimensional and beyond.

The Higher Dimensional YOU, who chose to take an incarnation within this NOW, has begun a journey into the NOW in which you will find your Higher, Multidimensional, SELF. This journey to SELF encompasses:

*Clearing darkness, which is usually old traumas, which created doubt and fear.
*Finding the life in which that “darkness/fear” began.
*Healing the darkness of those difficult incarnations with Unconditional LOVE.

Yes, many of you have done the above “homework” in many, many incarnations, and are ready to connect with your “Source Life.” Your Source Life is the you who has the ability to remember, and BE, that YOU by looking into your Multidimensional Aura.

As you deeply remember your Source Life, who is your fifth dimensional and beyond expressions of your Multidimensional SELF, your 3D will have a new and expanded “Sense of SELF.” This new “sense of self” will over-ride your third-dimensional “sense of self” so that YOU will remember how to guide yourself, and others, back to your true, Fifth Dimensional SELF.

It is also important to ask your SELF (your Higher SELF) questions such as:
Whereon Gaia’s body did you volunteer to assist with that Planetary Ascension?
Why did I choose that area of Gaia to begin my Interdimensional Service?
How will I use my own, fifth dimensional, Unconditional Love and Violet Fire to assist Gaia back to Her innate fifth-dimensional frequency of reality?

The answer to these questions is,
“First, I clear my own physical self. Then, I focus on clearing Gaia.”

There is so much to remember and so much to do, but within this NOW, you will also find yourself at a fifth-dimensional resting place, a place where you can rest inside your own Multidimensional SELF. Within that “resting” you can ask yourself questions such as:

Did I volunteer to stay with fifth dimensional Gaia?
Or did I volunteer to return to the Ship to act as a liaison?
Or, did I volunteer to do both?

As you move into the NOW of remembering and knowing your own Multidimensional SELF, you will discover that you have created a New, or remembered an old, Pathway into the fifth dimension.

This Path will assist you to expand your consciousness enough to remember your higher dimensional incarnations, which you experienced before your current NOW.

This inter-dimensional, multidimensional PATH forms within and before you as you choose to focus on remembering the answers to:

Why did I volunteer to take this incarnation?
What Mission did I vow to complete?
How will I fulfill this mission?

Whatever your Mission, dedication to Gaia and to your SELF, you chose, remember that

Your Fifth Dimensional SELF is Infinitely ONE with Gaia!

Therefore, you are feeling, remembering, and owning that
YOU are ONE with Gaia and Gaia is ONE with you.
How will this acknowledgment of SELF and of beloved Gaia change your life?

We are ALL being called to step into our leadership roles
to help prepare OUR SELVES, as well others,
so that we can best assist Gaia with her

Can you hear Gaia whispering into your heart,
“Please Dear human, join me with my Planetary Ascension.”

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  • 8115788467?profile=original


    "Can you hear Gaia whispering into your heart?

    “Please Dear human, join me with my Planetary Ascension.”



    "We are ALL being called to step into our leadership roles
    to help prepare OUR SELVES, as well others,
    so that we can best assist Gaia with her



    "Did I volunteer to stay with fifth dimensional Gaia?
    Or did I volunteer to return to the Ship to act as a liaison?
    Or, did I volunteer to do both? "



    f you are drawn to this type of information, you are likely in the process of remembering your own higher dimensional SELF "

    ( Synchronicity... such a BEAUTIFUL thing!!! )



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