EXPERIENCIES FROM ASTRAL TRAVELS (a page from my site: www.artmine5000.com) Udapted as off Apr.09

As I have also written, in the “Special Events” (see page II.1.B3 of my site) ‘‘another source of my inspiration is to enter in deep meditation and to imagine that I use the technique of a great painter of the future and that I am in another planet…‘’. Gradually using this practice I observed, with big surprise the first time, my conscience to leave my body and to wander in the space, having a sense of great euphoria, and to see various unusual things until I return in my body. This later began to happen also during the night when I sleep, for longer time intervals, and as experts explained to me, these are called ‘‘astral travels'’ that a lot of people have the possibility to experience, and in many cases this happens in situations of narcosis in the surgery.With the enthusiasm from this new experience, and given my innate interest for other planets and cultures, I began consciously to direct my astral travels, asking the evening in my meditation before I sleep, to visit another planet and to communicate with the intelligent beings that might live there. After many efforts this began, to my great pleasure, to happen, and or (a) it is a result of imagination that my subconscious creates responding to my intense wish, or (b) it has a certain base of reality, case for which I give today (2007) a probability of 50%. This probability is gradually increasing as various things happen to me lately, and as I compare my information with charismatic person who have similar with mine experiences. I decided therefore to describe and to put in the internet certain of my countless experiences, having in mind, as I am a distrustful technocrat, to use certain criteria and see, if certain things will happen during the next two years, this will mean that is in effect the case (b), while if they do not happen it means that it is the case (a). At the same time I consider useful to share and to check my experiences (that as I mentioned before constitute one of the sources of my inspiration for my painting), also with other persons that might have similar experiences. This I have already done in certain cases, (in particular with persons that function as ‘‘channels’’ and communicate with our ‘‘superior selves'’ and other beings), with very interesting results.Respecting your time, I will refer only to visits that I made in a planet of the constellation of Pleiades which has seven main suns, other smaller and many planets, where the intelligent beings have anthropoid form. However, I know also about other planets in Pleiades, in Serious (that is considered as the red cross of our galaxy), in Orion and in the constellation of Centaurs, as well as planets in other galaxies as in Andromeda (which is called the galaxy of intelligence). At these planets the intelligent beings have apart from anthropoid also other bodies (saurian, feline, etc). Common characteristic of most of these beings, with which you communicate using telepathy, (that is to say they read your thoughts and transmit to you what they want to say, or what you ask, as if it comes from your subconscious), is that are very friendlily and radiate love, thing that makes them pleasantly acceptable, despite the repulsive for us appearance of many of them.The people in this particular planet of Pleiades, men and women, are very pretty for our tastes, but also very coquettish and highbrows, and give great importance in their appearance, in beauty in general, and in sex. They are particularly tall, while their legs consist of three parts with two knees, fact that gives them great charm in their walking. They have marvellous brain and are very good in organizing, (one alone can coordinate with precision hundreds activities that happen simultaneously, like a huge computer). They live many-many years and they do not give the same meaning that we give to time (I suspect that either they may be able to travel in time, or that for them the time combines the present and the past, or even and the future). Also they are not in a hurry for anything. With regard to their population, they have few children and they raise them collectively, as if the children had many parents, and they have great freedom with their sexual relations, that they consider as an opportunity to exchange positive and reviving energy. Some of their beliefs are described, with the following phrase: ‘‘We see ourselves as accumulators of information for the ‘‘prime creator'’ (they mean the God). We do not judge ourselves and we live in order to learn. If an experience does not satisfy us, we try another because we have seen how boring is to have nothing to do and we do not want to experience it again’’.Referring to their cities, their equipment, and their advanced technology, these are in general similar to what I have described in the next page (II.2.D1), which is also valid for the Earth when the Earth enters the ‘‘fifth dimension'’ (the dimension the extraterrestrials have entered many-many years ago). Generally I could say that their high technology is connected with their high consciousness, and that the (thin) energy of their mind governs and guides the mater and its functions. Finally, they show that they know in every detail what happens in the Earth, as if they have seen it in television or they have read the human’s thoughts. What they ask for, with great interest, is ‘‘how we felt’’ when the one or the other thing happened to us, and in particular our emotions in cases of pain, sorrow, despair, poverty, etc, sentiments that they cannot feel, because the above causes have ceased to exist a long time ago in their planet. I have also the impression that, in contrast with people on Earth, the tissues of their body are much more of a crystallised form, fact that makes them much stronger and resistant against external influences.From the Pleiadians, but also from other extraterrestrials, I learned and I crossed a lot of information that gave me about our Earth. The main characteristics of the Earth, that makes it unique in our galaxy, are the many ‘‘gates'’ it has that will render the Earth the ‘‘airport’’ of our galaxy, when the Earth will enter the fifth dimension. Through these ‘‘time – space’’ gates, an individual suitably equipped, or a spacecraft, can enter and be transferred immediately to the other end of the galaxy, without the need to travel for millenniums. Many of such gates exist also in Greece as e.g. in the rock of Parthenon, in the region of Delphi, in ancient Olympia and in almost all ancient sacred places, that render Greece a privileged country in Earth. These gates gradually now begin to be activated helping the visitor with his inspiration and with the reception of information, as if information emanates from his subconscious. Therefore I recommend to the visitors of these places to try entering (for those who have the experience) in meditation, and I believe that the more ‘‘sensitive’’ ones will have the same pleasant surprise that I had myself. Some times this information enters directly to subconscious, and we are not aware of it, until the time that we will need to use it, and then it emerges and guides us. More specifically, huge gates exist above Iraq and Iran that can accept spacecrafts of tenths of kilometres length that makes also these countries privileged in Earth. Also lately (end of 2008) another gate gradaaly opens in a property of 12.5 acres (50.000 sguare meters), which (guided by my subconscious) I bought sometime ago in Attica (prefecture of Athens). This gate is near to an ancient temple of Apollo where in the underground exist large formations of crystal quartz. Many (sensitive) friends who visited me there felt a strong energy, that for some of them was very strong. I expect with anxiety to welcome in this gate my friends the Pleiadians, when they will decide to come down to Earth, as they have promised. Another characteristic of our planet, that makes the Earth precious for the ‘'Galaxy Confederation'’, in which we will participate when we enter the fifth dimension, is the great variety of our mineral wealth that very rarely you can find in other planets. What makes it more important is the fact that, with the help of the high technology, small quantity of one mineral can cover needs of multiple quantities.Moreover, I learned many other impressive things such as: For the life in Atlantis and in Lemuria and the reasons for the destruction of these highly developed civilisations, which, (due to the many questions I have received), I may include, along with information about the life in these highly developed civilisations, in a future page of my site. For other ancient cultures in Earth (in America, in Asia, in Africa, etc), that the extraterrestrials had visited and helped several times in the past. For the life in the ‘‘hollow Earth’’ and the people there. For the parallel universes that can coexist with our universe and how they are created. For our ‘‘astral body’’ and the other non-material bodies that we have, for the life after death, the ‘‘God - prime creator’’, for our ‘‘superior self'’ and our communication with him and with our ‘‘advisers’’ and ‘‘angels’’. For the reincarnation and for how we choose our parents and the time and place of our birth. For our ‘‘plan of the experiences’’ we decide to take in each incarnation and is written in the ‘‘book of our life’’, and how we can include changes to it during our life (see my page II.1.D3). For the ‘‘gates of exit’’ from this life, that we have placed ourselves before our incarnation, and we decide (usually subconsciously) during our life which of them to take (i.e when to die). Also, that sometimes we are incarnated in other planets, or that we come from other planets. In addition for the ‘‘veil’' that covers our memory so that we do not remember (at least consciously) our experiences from our previous lives as well as from the ‘‘other’' (after death) life. That we can sometimes temporally brake this veil with ‘‘regressions’' etc, and that in the fifth dimension this veil will not have reason to exist. With this occasion, I would like to say that I have made also efforts for regressions to my previous lives, with the help of four different ‘‘masters’’. None however of these regressions convinced me 100% that I went indeed to previous lives, and that what I saw was not simply a result of my guided imagination.Moreover I received many questions about how one could have astral travels. I believe that a good way would be to lie down, to relax and to imagine that our consciousness leaves our body and goes up to the ceiling, and from there we try to see what is going on in the room. Trying this repeatedly and without stress for the outcome, we will probably succeed, and then if we are not afraid, we will begin to go far away, and later we may achieve to visit another planet. This process would be much easier if we open and activate with the crystal sounds (that I give in my page II.2.D6) our chakras and in particular the chakra of the “third eye''. Also to the question “how could we communicate with our superior self in order to receive precious information for our choices and our life in general?” the simplest answer is: To lie down, relax and pose the question in our mind, without anticipating a specific answer, (e.g. what we like, or what we fear, etc) and without stress, as if the question refers to another person. We should accept and trust the first thought or picture that will come to our mind from our subconscious, without trying to judge, analyze, or dispute it. The more we trust these answers that we receive from our subconscious, the better contact we establish with our superior self, as long as: a) We should not repeat the same question, which implies that we doubt the answer, (unless in the mean time the conditions have substantially changed). b) We should not occupy our superior self with questions of low importance for our life, because then we may lose the good contact with him.I also learned about our origin as human beings, our DNA that has only two helixes, (unlike other extraterrestrial beings who have twelve helixes in their DNA) and about the reason for which we remained underdeveloped all these years, and how we can reconnect the remaining 10 helixes in our astral body, in order to multiplying our efficiency as humans. Noteworthy is that the combinations of the chemical elements (codes) that create the helixes of DNA, function also as antennas communicating with and influencing, when they are open, the environment around us. The opening of these antennas depends a lot on our (“good” or “bad”) feelings, and therefore our feelings influence our environment and the people in it (see details in my next pages II.1.D1 and II.1.D5). In addition I learned about the studies that certain extraterrestrials perform in human bodies and in particular in the ‘‘sentimental body’’, taking people while sleeping and bringing them back, without these people remembering in general what happened. I also learned about our various wrong convictions and adherences that have negative impacts on how we feel and on our mental euphoria, as well as consequently on our health. Finally I learned about the great importance of maintaining our ‘‘aura'’ intact and of “cleaning” it regularly, for our protection against dangers (illnesses, etc.), and not breaking it by internal (negative sentiments, etc.) or external (radiation of mobile telephones, etc) causes, and how to recover when these causes occur (see my page II.1.D3). All the above, which are only a few of what I learned from them, I simply give without any details because are not the main subject of this page.In addition I learned that a lot of the extraterrestrials have been visiting us already for many years now and they study us, but we do not see them because they and their spacecrafts are in the fifth dimension, while we were in the ‘‘third'’, the clearly material dimension. Only in 2006, we entered in the ‘‘fourth dimension’’ that constitutes the entrance for the fifth dimension, where we will gradually enter from December 2012 until 2017. However, with the use of some appliances the extraterrestrials can bring their vibration down to the fourth dimension and become visible to us, ‘‘wearing’’ also a ‘‘human form’’. So they visit us quite often lately, mainly in order to communicate and deal with certain governments that are influenced by them, (thing that began in 1947 and is done today on a regular basis and in a large scale). If this is true, obviously the governments keep it as top secret. What is also impressive is that certain historical, but also supposed mythical persons of ancient Greece (like the Greek Godes) and of other ancient cultures were extraterrestrials that passed one interval of their life in the Earth and transmitted to us their knowledge. Finally, I learned about the great importance that the ‘‘game’’, which is taking place with the entry of the Earth in the fifth dimension, has for our galaxy. In all the other cases when a planet passed from the third to the fifth dimension, all the people died before the passage and were reincarnated in the new dimension, with their fifth dimensional bodies. In the special case of Earth, we are going to enter in the fifth dimension alive, with our third dimensional bodies that change to fifth dimensional, and thus we will carry in the new dimension all our experiences from the previous. This is a ‘‘game’’ of great interest for all extraterrestrials, and they will visit us in large numbers and will remain with us for long periods, acquiring near us new experiences. (Actually they speak for a ‘‘party of experiences’’ that will last on the Earth for at least a thousand years).In my question when we will all be able to see their spacecrafts and if this will happen in December 2012, their answer was: ‘‘For your time and with the speed you are proceeding you are supposed to see our spacecrafts (if things are proceeding as planned) until the end of 2009'’. In my recent question, what they mean with “if things are proceeding as planned” the answer was: “Our spacecrafts of the Galactic Confederation (which is a union of many Galactic Federations), are already here, but you will be able to see them when enough people will want us to come and help them, the number of which now increases rapidly with accelerated speed as they are awakening. This is because we respect the universal law of non-interference unless we are asked for. When we will come, we will restructure your whole planet with our technology and we will help you in every aspect, silently, calmly, peacefully and with respect to all cultures of the planet. In addition, we are going to help changing the “frequency” of the people, in order to be in line with the increasing frequency of the planet, because otherwise, the planet will impose its frequency to the people, and that will not be comfortable for them. We have successfully given our technological or other assistance to many other planets and entire star systems that needed our help. We already have contacts and negotiations for decades with your governments but they still show resistance. The obstacle is the difference in ideology with the governing bodies of this planet, who continue to govern by using force and by creating systems that control and enslave the humanity. However, with the evidence we are giving them about the changes that are anyway going to happen in the planet, they begin to change their mind because they realise that they have no other choice, and begin to face the new reality, which are aware of but they still keep it as top secret from the masses”.The above appearance of their spacecrafts is one of the landmarks I use, among others, as criteria in order to decide, whether my astral travels, that are presented to me so clear and without any contradictions, are finally creations of an uncommon subconscious imagination, or are indeed based on an upcoming exiting and splendid (as we will see in the next page) reality. Of course certain appearances of spacecrafts have been observed already, mainly from pilots of military air force, (with an effort to be kept secret), but my question to the extraterrestrials referred to their appearance in front of millions of people. I have not seen spacecrafts or something relevant, but I have seen recently a vision (September 2007) during the nightfall in my veranda. With the right side of my eye, I saw three individuals dressed in something like tunic, but when I turned to look at them, they disappeared. This fact also influenced me to write, in the same month, these two pages. Finally, I give an elementary description of what the extraterrestrials say about the conditions that will prevail on the Earth of the fifth dimension, (conditions that exist long ago on other fifth dimensional civilizations) in the next page of my site: II.1.D1 THE EARTH IN THE FIFTH DIMENSIONFurthermore in order to support, supplement and crosscheck the above information that I received from the Pleiadians, I give you below the information that a charismatic person Dr. Sheldan Nidle (info@paoweb.com) has received on 7 April 2009 from the Sirians. With the Sirians, besides channelling and astral travels (as I had with the Pleiadians), he often had also physical contact with them (see also my pages II.1.D1 and II.1.D2). This text, although it is long, I copy without any changes. It mainly refers to the fist contact that the extraterrestrials prepare to have soon with us. In addition gives details about the precious assistance they are going to give us, in order to help us to totally transform our life and our present reality, to restore us to full consciousness and become fully fifth dimensional. I also give below selected paragraphs for another four similar messages. The message is as follows:1ST MESSAGE: Selamat Jarin! We come with more information for you. As you know, our Earth allies are on the verge of success. Their plans are to change your present world of lack and limitation into a realm of abundance. This project includes a legal foundation that permits them to alter the world that you now know. All this fits nicely into our first contact plans despite the fact that they are far more complex than any we have known. Normally, a whole host of preconditions followed by a series of special negotiations precedes first contact. In your case, planetary conditions prevent us from observing the usual protocols. We are relying instead upon a special group of well-placed and wealthy individuals to achieve our preliminary objectives. This initial phase, generally called the 'awakening,' is somewhat tedious. It includes the work that Heaven is doing to return each of you to full consciousness. It also involves the grand work so far accomplished by our Earth allies. To aid them in this, we offer our advice and good offices when needed. This phase is nearing the last steps before its manifestation in the public arena.The 'awakening' phase includes the announcements of our existence by the transitional governments and other actions that are to prepare your world for our arrival. If these preliminaries proceed smoothly, they can take the place of the initial contacts required of a normal contact operation. We are setting up liaison teams that can work with the new governments to create programs elucidating various aspects of first contact and to introduce the technologies currently withheld from you. To these will be added some of our technology which can boost the present capabilities of your devices. It is important that your present apprehension and worry about us be dispelled as positively as possible. This can go a considerable way toward easing you from your awakening phase into the next one, which consists of the actual mass contact. Under Heaven's guidance we are doing everything possible to make this first-contact mission as complete as it normally would be. Assisting us in an advisory capacity are the Agarthans, your Inner Earth cousins. They are keen to reunite with you and re-form a planetwide galactic society.The actual first contact operation still comprises two options: The first consists of a mass landing without government announcements and, hence, you are still unaware of our existence and intentions. We will, however, make our own series of broadcasts to prepare the way for our ships. As you can imagine, this option is the more difficult one. Over the years we have discovered a great many things about you that stress the importance of preparatory announcements by your governments. Also, there are sinister elements in your dark cabal that are abnormally fearful of us. They view us as interlopers in their grand scheme to turn your world into a realm of tyranny and hopelessness where they and their cohorts can rule supreme. They will use anything in their dirty bag of tricks to stop us. The second option is the one we update you on each week. The first is only an emergency back up in the event that the present course is unable to be achieved within the timetable given to us by Heaven.We have talked at length with our Earth allies and the Agarthans, and all agree that a series of preliminary governmental announcements are required. In due course our own galactic federation broadcasts will be made as part of the mass-landing operation. Our Earth allies have suggested that we participate in a few joint projects and this will be made known by the caretaker regimes. The idea is for your fears to be assuaged by our open cooperation with your governments. Your 'sci-fi' literature and mass entertainment programs are filled with deliberately false and scary images about us. These need to be countered by some well-executed and positive episodes of mutual cooperation with you. This can go far in encouraging trust and setting the stage for our mass arrival. During this time we intend to begin putting into operation some of our technology and this can become more widely used after the mass landings.After you are prepared for our arrival and understand why we have come, we can proceed with the mass landings. From our standpoint, these will be unusually extensive owing to the huge numbers of craft involved. We need to land counselors, one for each human on the planet, and technicians to install a series of devices, such as replicators for each household. You will require instruction on how to use, communicate with, and maintain this technology. In essence, its operation is quite simply, but it is nonetheless a very powerful, sentient interactive device. It does what many of you may consider to be miraculous. Hence, you can see that it is important for you to actively participate in the initial meetings between us. These can go a long way in preparing you for the first information we shall be giving you about your metamorphosis into fully conscious Galactic Humans. There is much to cover in a short space of time.The post-landing period is to last about four months, during which you can get to know and trust your assigned mentor. This individual knows all about you: your history and life path, what stage you are at, and who you are to become once the metamorphosis process is completed. Your transformation back into full consciousness involves a lot of complex, detailed change to your many energy systems. To this end, each person will have a Light chamber personally calibrated to their own requirements. It can mend and restore all the damage and 'unplugging' done to your RNA/DNA during the latter days of Atlantis. It will reconstitute and unify your 13-chakra system and bring it on line, and your lost physical, mental, and spiritual abilities will be restored. Heaven's mandate that you be restored to full consciousness in this way is quite unique in the annals of Federation history! You are indeed to become very special Beings of Light.Once you are fully conversant with all aspects of your restoration process, you can be shown your specially prepared residence in an Inner Earth crystal city. It will be identical to your then-current surface dwelling. Placed next to it is your personal Light chamber which will complete your change into a fully conscious galactic human. Your guidance team and assigned mentor are to watch over you very carefully during your time in the Light chamber. They will monitor your energy systems while a cascade of interdimensional Light converts your RNA/DNA and your body's chakra system into the 12-strand genetics and the 13 chakras that characterize a galactic human. During this time you are to go over your many 'past' lives and learn what your true objectives are for this one. At last the mystery of who you really are can be revealed!After your transformation in the Light chamber you will need a period of acculturation which we call full consciousness etiquette. You are now a fully sentient being, possessing quite unfamiliar powers that require a new sense of responsibility and mindfulness. In a sense, you are to go to 'school' to learn to control and use your new powers, including telepathy, clairvoyance, rejuvenation, and teleportation. For example, you can now 'hear' not only everybody's thoughts but also the Song of the Universe! You are now literally 'one' with everything and you need to learn how to fine-tune your abilities to avoid physical, mental, and emotional overload. You need to learn the cultural and social etiquette that will allow you to fit in easily with your galactic family and to know the great inner joy that is your heritage.Today, we talked about more aspects of what lies just ahead for you. We have prepared in great detail for all contingencies surrounding First Contact. We are confident that the time for all this is close. Know that something magnificent is just around the corner! We now take our leave. Know, dear Ones, in your Heart of Hearts that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)In addition, I include below four paragraphs from a previous similar message (as of 24.Mar 2009) referring to the special importance of planet Earth and to the changes that already have started, which are as follows:2ND MESSAGE: Greetings! We come before you once again! Your planet is preparing to move into the next stage of her return to full consciousness. This development is accompanied by a similar move by all the water planets in the solar system. Thus, Mars, Venus, and the remnants of Pax (the trans-Martian world) are beginning to show more noticeable activity. Your Sun is now aligning herself with the multidimensional energy streaming forth from the galactic core. Indeed, a vast new rhythm is taking hold. This new patterning is imprinting itself upon all elements in your solar system. This is causing Mars to increase her seismic activity and bring some of her abundant subterranean water up to the surface, especially at the poles. Venus is likewise demonstrating strange cooling effects in her lower atmosphere as well as increased levels of volcanism. Many of the asteroids that once formed Pax are moving around each other in quite odd ways. In the last few months, the Sun has displayed some very unusual behavior as she moves through her current sunspot cycle.All this activity is in anticipation of a tremendous amount of sacred instruction that is originating from the center of physicality. This great signal is affecting literally billions and billions of galaxies. Physicality is nearing a great shift that is destined to move a new Light throughout it. We have watched this taking form from data received from our Science and Engineering (S&E) fleets scattered throughout this galaxy. Similar reports have come from science fleets stationed in other nearby galaxies. We are on the edge of the great changes prophesied eons ago by Heaven. This excites us, and we come here at this time to tell you about what we are observing. These energies are a herald of a great Light that is to change us in the very near future. We ask that you understand two things about these energies: First, they do not represent anything calamitous; they are a positive force for change within our numerous realms. Second, they are going to transform you into something whole, wonderful, and good, as well as utterly transforming what you now know as your present reality.Physicality has gone through many stages of development since it was first created eons ago. In this sector, a number of interlinked realities have come together to form this galaxy. You know very little of its true nature and its real size. Long ago, the Creator tossed some special seeds into physicality. Within them was the blueprint for all that you now see when you look up into the night sky. This world that you call Mother Earth carries one such special seed within her, making your home planet a very special place. Humans across this galaxy live on worlds that are named in her honor. To gaze upon her is to look in awe at the entity chosen by the Creator to forge this galaxy. To be here is to be someone special. Yet we look around and see how, in your great ignorance, you constantly rape this sacred entity! Once you have morphed into a galactic human, you will be able to comprehend what you have done and will dearly wish to make amends to her.The transitional phase of your return to full consciousness began well over a year ago. The first part of this phase has now passed, bringing with it the huge amounts of chaos and confusion that you see around you. These things are intrinsic to the early stages of this transition. Now you are entering a new phase, and the moment quickly approaches for a great change in your affairs. Your world is full of rumors about this and we have carefully monitored everything as you world heads toward a supposed great precipice. The worse part seems yet to come as the first blows leave your society still largely intact. Change of this magnitude does not come easily. A great dark demon needs to be exorcised from your world. This horrendous demon is losing its stranglehold on this reality, and new things are just below the horizon, waiting to show themselves. We watch and now wait in joy for what is readying itself to appear.Moreover, I include below three paragraphs from another similar message (as of 17.Mar 2009) referring to our history and the contacts of the extraterrestrials with our governments, which are as follows:3RD MESSAGE: When the Anunnaki arrived here after the fall of Atlantis, your world was in a shambles. They used this opportunity to reshape your world and told you a fable about your origins. Time and again you discarded these lies, each time incurring the destructive wrath of these dark overlords. The Anunnaki persisted, until finally you succumbed to their fictitious creed around the time of the dawn of your recorded history. Since then you have been subservient to the Anunnaki's appointed minions. This period is now at an end. Ahead of you is a time to reassess everything and to prepare for our arrival. It is a very special divine moment, in which you can thank Mother Earth and begin to make up for the destruction unthinkingly perpetrated upon her without mercy or thanks for the gifts she gave you. It is the moment to end a death culture that has produced endless wars, mass hatred, and deep artificial schisms between you. For eons you doled out the same callous behavior toward each other that you visited upon Mother Earth.All of this has a divine timing. Within this framework our primary brief is first of all to be the divine, benevolent overseer; that is, to prevent global catastrophe such as nuclear war. We have been warning your governments repeatedly since the end of the Second World War not to consider this an option. Nevertheless, at certain moments in your recent history global conditions brought us close to a massive divine intervention. All governments receive briefings on these matters in which we are very clear about the dos and don'ts. We give our warning and we leave as we came. We carefully monitor your planet and these strange, spiteful entities you call government. Our relationship with these organizations is dubious at best, though some of them do have a more positive attitude toward us and have actually cooperated to the point of some degree of disclosure regarding 'UFOs.'While these regimes' direction generally aligns with the desires of the Illuminati, some have become friendlier over the past decade. This may be enlightened self-interest because of what is now happening globally. A quiet worldwide revolution is gaining a reputation as an unstoppable force, and many recognize an urgent need to address this, for example, by providing a higher degree of transparency for their citizens on a number of vital issues. Public pressure is also beginning to force a reassessment on their policy toward UFOs, and some grudging attempts at disclosure are taking place despite the skeptics' overall upper hand in this area. But, as with the dark, their grip is loosening. A new wave of officials in several nations can see the "writing on the wall" and are more willing to set some much-needed precedents for the disclosure process.Also, I include below one paragraph from another similar message (as of 10.Mar 2009) referring to the banks, (which supports what Pleiadians told me about the banks), which is as follows:4TH MESSAGE: The way banks presently operate is criminal. This is the reason for the decision that a more regulated system is necessary. Further, this system is to comprise a number of regional currencies that have equal status, but these are to be only temporary. A great global abundance is to begin manifesting along with the announcements and this will eventually eliminate the need for banks entirely. So, part one is to remove the old financial restrictions; part two spreads an increasing abundance. This leads to a slew of financial education programs that make everyone on this world wealthy and capable of handling all that wealth entails. You are moving into a world that goes beyond money and limited resources and are thus freed up to concentrate on Love, peace, and mutual understanding and appreciation. This is what sets the stage for a most wondrous first contact event!Finally, I include below five paragraphs from the more recent similar message (as of 14.April 2009), referring mainly to the way of facing the opposition that governments and others present to their divine plan which are as follows:5TH MESSAGE: Meanwhile, our Earth allies are ferreting out the last attempts being set up by the dark ones to defer the inevitable. The excessively byzantine nature of their operations never ceases to amaze us! Indeed, the level of stealth and deceit seems to increase in proportion to the soaring levels of consternation among the cabal leadership. This uncertainty is delaying the deliveries and causing some frustration among our delivery teams. But never doubt that when the moment finally arrives, this first phase of our Earth allies' plan is to be executed with lightning speed! Also on hold are the plans to replace a number of major governments on the planet with caretaker regimes. Those assigned to this particular task feel confident they are ready to go once the deliveries are completed. Until then, teams of top-echelon personnel stand ready to take over the cabinet posts and ranking administrative positions in these new regimes. None of these individuals is to be revealed until the time comes for this mass-action regime change to occur.All is now ready. The only thing gumming up the works is the rearguard activities of the remaining cabal diehards. All our combined personnel involved in this final push are working all out to get this last part done. We are restricted to operating with great circumspection as the cabalists are on the lookout to amplify any action on our part that they deem too 'direct,' and we have had to come up with an under-the-radar approach to boost the pace of our Earth allies' action teams. On another front, the deposits of the newly printed global currencies and their gold and silver backing grow by the day and are already at a level where the new global monetary system is ready to be implemented. Again, it is the continuing delays that make it difficult to go forward with our joint plans. Meanwhile, your world teeters on the edge of further, deepening financial crises, with the next wave of 'difficulties' set to appear in the late spring. But be assured we have done much to minimize the fallout from this. We are focusing on having the first part of our plans manifested before then. Know that we feel deeply for the burdens you bear at this time!In our opinion it is unfortunate that this first contact has taken so long to come about. Your struggles are legendary among us. For starters, you are in the midst of challenging transformations to all your energy systems, and to undergo these changes during such trying global circumstances is also not usual during a first contact. For our part, sitting on the sidelines and monitoring is not a normal role for us. Heaven tells us, and we heartily concur, that you are special. Long ago, many things happened that left you much reduced in mind and body, and disconnected from Spirit. This point in time is all about returning you to your previous state of Being, and our purpose is to use this first contact to complete this operation. To this end, we assembled a very large fleet, filled with the beings who are to mentor and train you when the moment arrives. Until then, we are to assist our Earth allies and advise them on what they need to prepare for, as the changes are to happen in a rapid-fire sequence that requires the correct responses.In this reality you meet your Inner Earth cousins and begin a grand reunion with them that is to constitute the core of your new star nation. When we come, we bring with us knowledge of many things, including a history of your world mostly unknown to you. This new history details a quite different origin for humanity, designating you as extraterrestrials, as your geneticists know full well. You can be described as a unique and indeed 'abnormal' Earth primate! You simply do not fit. Genetically, you are closer to cetaceans than chimps and orangutans. When you know more about your origins, all this will make a lot of sense to you. Until then, be patient. But it is as well to prepare for a number of your central teachings to come crashing down around your ears!Your new reality is being born in a storm of anguish and panic unleashed by your dark masters. These cold and heartless men and women are not to be looked up to; rather, they are more properly to be viewed as the foolish, misled descendants of the first earth minions of the Anunnaki. They still hope that their erstwhile off-world masters will come to their rescue, but this is not to be. What is to happen is their ignoble surrender and your jubilant victory. The 'catchers of men' have themselves been caught, and now their fate is sealed. You are destined to witness miracles and wonder as the time for the return of your full faculties approaches. Your spiritual and space families are ready to embrace you and welcome you back to full participation in the affairs of the galaxy
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