Exploring 13 Archetypes of the Divine Feminine

Working with Archetypes to Transform Your Inner World

One of the core principles of our work is that women become more powerful, liberated and whole by accessing their full potential within themselves. The gateway we offer for doing this deep inner work is through archetypes - cross-cultural images that embody different aspects of the Divine Feminine.
We will work with 13 main archetypes, listed below, followed by the qualities or benefits they help activate when we can live out that energy fully.
The Great Mother: Feed the Feminine First
    • Personal Transformation:
    • Discover how to source yourself from an overflowing, nurturing well that will feed your life and all your projects.
    • Create daily practices to connect to your feminine nature and sustain it.
    • Connect more deeply with your body through a deeper exploration of menstrual and lunar cycles – and how we can align with them for greater grace & ease of manifestation.
    • Learn to get comfortable with the unknown and allow the new and unexpected to emerge.
  • The Compassionate One: Cultivate Self-Acceptance
    • Personal Transformation:
      • Learn how to lead from a compassionate heart and still get things done!
      • Recognize ways that you undermine yourself, damaging our own power in the world.
      • Awaken practices of forgiveness and self-acceptance and open to an increased sense of worthiness.
      • Release yourself from the bonds of perfection, judgment and criticism, so that you can be free to offer your gifts more fully in the world.
    The Mystic: Develop Your Intuition
    • Personal Transformation:
      • Hone the skill of attuning to your inner guidance for external life issues.
      • Develop the skill of deep Inner Listening and tune your inner ear to hear at different levels of subtle communication.
      • Practice reading the symbolic world and how to “know” from deep inside what direction to take, which decision to make, or the solution to a proble
  • The Liberator: Free Yourself from Limitation
    • Personal Transformation:
      • Identify your self-imposed limitations, beliefs and behaviors that stop you from stepping-into your radiant fullness.
      • Participate in a freedom ceremony to liberate yourself from those limitations and obstacles that are blocking your evolution.
      • Get comfortable with cutting away the “dead wood” in your life-including habits, relationships, or ways of being that are not aligned with your greatest expression.
      • Develop practices to de-clutter your life every week so that you can become the most effective leader.
    The Sovereign: Deepen your Magnetic Power
    • Personal Transformation:
      • Align your inner masculine and inner feminine to create a potent alchemical force of creation and manifestation in the world.
      • Generate a clear sense of what it is that you REALLY want to create that is connected to your true purpose.
      • Learn the keys to creating effective, magnetic intentions.
      • Learn to manifest through personal magnetism, taking the struggle and strife out of it once and for all!
  • The Wild Woman: Free Your Instinctual Passion
    • Personal Transformation:
      • Wild women don’t sit at the table and play nice! Give yourself permissionto get of the box! Learn when to break the rules and when to play by your own rules.
      • Get into your body, shake it all out, cry, laugh, growl and let your energy run in creative leaps and bounds. You will be surprised how much this can fuel your life and your leadership!
      • Let go of being so concerned with what anyone else thinks of you - embrace being bold and unconventional. Color outside the lines. Release energy so that your projects and life can be vitalized, impassioned, and freed up.
      • Make way for the unpredictable to enter in.
    The Initiator: Wise Use of Power
    • Personal Transformation:
      • Claim the feminine super power of speaking your truth in a clear, direct, clean and clarifying way.
      • Feel what it is like to be in your fierce feminine, speaking up when it would be more comfortable to stay silent. Find your courage to speak up in support of other women so no woman ever has to stand alone
      • Practice being able to call others into authentic being through your astute clarity- use this skill to free yourself and others to be more potent, powerful and embodied.
      • Hone your ability to see your project and life with a clear discerning eye for any adjustments that may need to be made.
    The Wise Woman: Listen to your Heart Wisdom
    • Personal Transformation:
      • Access your mentorship ability and develop your skills to guide, love, appreciate and support others in their journey.
      • Learn how to navigate your doubting mind by accessing the center of your heart knowing.
      • Embrace the wisdom of laughter as a way to shift your consciousness out of places of rigidity.
      • Step back and see the big picture, let go of what is not important, simplify and become more coherent. Be able to distill what is most important and essential in the moment, your life and your projects.
Join us, and we will lift you into your greater than imagined life!
Join us for a transformational personal journey in service to the most important shifts in our world!
Self Empowerment Academy: http://www.facebook.com/SEmAcad 
Master Your Destiny - Light Age Healing: http://www.facebook.com/groups/mydes 
FAMILY OF LIGHT: http://www.facebook.com/groups/keywealth 
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