Exposition (Polygraph part 1)

(Untitled Artwork by Fred Bonneau)

« Polygraph » is intended as a portrait of human relationships turning to the sour, hinting at the necessity of constant genuineness. The composition lasts a little over 10 minutes and is composed of the following four sections :

  1. Exposition
  2. Confrontation
  3. Consideration
  4. Vindication

I have a particular fondness for that piece of music. One fine evening many years ago, the TV was on to Robert Lepage’s movie « Le Polygraphe » as I stumbled upon the main motif while trying some tapping patterns on my classical guitar. When time came to sequence the motif, the music reminded me of the movie and so I named the file « Polygraph. » The band was still looking for its name at the time, and I felt compelled to add this peculiar word to a growing list of potential names that were submitted weekly to the boys at rehearsals. An awful lot of names were suggested during that period, but « polygraph » was the first to which nobody voiced any objection, so we gratefully jumped on it, and the rest is history...

The introductory movement of the suite is entitled « Exposition » and aims to evoke a heated yet still somewhat civilized exchange, not reaching the point where the relationship degrades to lower and better left undescribed levels of disrespect.

The Discipline-era King Crimson influence is undeniable here, and to my ear the second variation sounds like something from Steve Reich’s « Drumming. »

The lyrics to this first part are now, if not complete, at least pretty much done, as I have a feeling that I will revisit and tweak some of them before they are granted the seal of definitiveness.

One says dark
One says light
Who's telling lies ?
Who's feeding the fight ?
Truth is on their side
Or so they proclaim
Both have their pride
And when they collide
It's no more a game

One says black
One says white
Their exchanges
Are far from forthright
Trying to corner
And manipulate
Shame dishonor
Demean the other
Or they will checkmate

One says day
One says night
Hurtful replies
Are no oversight
Clever and nasty
Words don't betray spite
Yet they carry
All their enmity
Both can feel the bite

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