Facts About Life as a 4th Dimensional Human - Document Transcript

1. A REBORN, TRANSFORMED EARTH - A NEW LIFE The Facts about Life as a 4th Dimensional Human http://www.examiner.com/exopolitics-in-seattle/andromeda-council-11... facts-about-life-as-a-4th-dimensional-human www.andromedacouncil.com

2. 3D - 3rd dimension 4D - 4th dimension 5D - 5th dimension11.11.11 - WHAT IS ITS REAL SIGNIFICANCE?ANSWER: The official beginning of 4th dimensional energy will affect Earths solar systemon 11.11.11 as it encounters the galactic equatorial plane region - as a universe & galactic wideharmonic frequency - will open and affect this whole area of space.The saturation of this higher frequency vibration will continue through all of 2012, reaching full strengthduring the time frame of December 2012, through March 2013 when the final rotation of the 90 degreeshift of Earths crust happens with the present day East/West orientation of the continents moving intotheir new North/South orientation.

These changes are expected to settle down throughout remaining 2013, and will begin the completion thof this cycle by the end of October, winding down in December 2013. With 4 dimensional life officiallybeginning in January 2014.During this time every living thing from the largest to the smallest will be offered the opportunity tochange, to evolve, into 4th dimensional life.ABOUT 4TH DIMENSION HUMAN LIVES - thRegarding our lives as 4 dimensional people.

What kind of food will we as 4D Earth peopleneed to eat?ANSWER: First of all, 4D adults will not NEED to eat food. Their bodies can produce enough selfsustaining energy on their own. Food can be eaten to simply enjoy food, most of which is fruit that hasas an integral part of its molecular makeup digestible protein. This kind of fruit is eaten on manyother worlds.

What about sleep what kind of sleep will 4D humans need? thANSWER: Since your 4 dimensional human body recharges quickly you will only need about 3 hourssleep, and yes, it will be a normal deep sleep.With all of these changes in us, what about Earth humans who have a more challenging timeadjusting to their new lives as 4D humans?Should an Earth family choosing to stay on Earth becoming 4D humans, but are having a somewhatdifficult time adjusting to their new 4D capabilities, there will be ‘sponsor’ families on board the primaryAndromeda Council biosphere, and all of the Andromeda Council biospheres, who will providesponsorship help, assistance for those who want it . who can help these families more easily adjust.There will be single, individual sponsors for single adults & children as well.

Well, what will happen to young babies, 6 months old, 1, 2, 3 years old, the youngest ofchildren what will happen to the children during the transformation process will they remaintheir relative young age, or transform into something else?ANSWER: Remember, whether this transformation is about adults or children, it is still a smooth,seamless, painless transition. For children who are here on Earth, they will continue life literallytransforming into now 4D children so that they can continue to develop and grow.

Well, what will happen to the oldest of people the ones 79, 80, 81, 82 & older; and the peopleregardless of age the ones on their “death” beds, on the verge of dying?ANSWER:a.) these healthy older people will retain the knowledge & wisdom of their age, and they will transforminto having new 4D bodies. For those people who are aware of their original spiritual birth essencefrom when they were first born ‘1000s’ of years ago, they will be able to choose their original - look,face, body they were born with.

They will most likely appear to be in their mid-30s.For those who are not aware of their original spiritual birth essence - the default transformation willlikely have them automatically appear to be about 60 years old in Earth appearance, albeit a veryyouthful, ‘glowing’, healthy looking 60 years old. This transformation process, peoples choices - thesewill truly be all about each person’s level of - spiritual consciousness & awareness of their birth origin.

3. b.) those people on their “death beds” can have a choice. They can choose to either have their currentbodies and physical look rejuvenated back to a healthy, glowing, approximately 60 year old self; or ifthey are aware of their original spirit birth essence body & physical look, they can request atransformation into their original body form. thc.) if they die, if their 3D human body dies before the complete shift into the 4 dimension, their original thsoul essence leaves their body, they go to a temporary - ‘transit station’, of 4 dimensional vibration, outin space, and they can choose to: begin a new life, being born as a baby, on a completely different 3D th thplanet; they can choose to go back to Earth in the near future now a 4 dimensional planet, in their 4 thdimensional human form, or they can choose to go to another 4 dimensional planet.

If our current bodies are transforming into new 4D bodies, and you have said that 3D Earthdiseases will be eradicated, what about those of us with bad eyes or bad teeth, varioussyndromes, muscular dystrophy, ALS, cerebral palsy, people with mental illness, or those of uswho are back from the various Gulf Wars and Afghanistan with missing hands, fingers, arms,legs? What about all of us?ANSWER: From the Chief Medical Officer of the Andromeda Council biosphere, she says, "Manypeople have asked this kind of question.

Yes. The transformation of your 3D body into a 4D body willeradicate the existing illnesses and dis-eases, and your bodies including birth defects, varioussyndromes, your loss of limbs, bad or missing teeth, malfunctioning hearing or defective eyes, and oldage. These will all be remedied. Again, remember, you are being transformed. You will have a full,complete, healthy body.

"What about work?ANSWER: Yes. People will choose and follow a career path that is suited to his/her own strongest,unique gifts and abilities. At around 8,000 years of life, some people retire earlier like at 6,000 years,people start to retire from “full time” work. They decide to pursue new different interests that fascinatethem. Please understand, there is also much greater freedom in the learning and working process in4D life, as compared to 3D life. Again, these years are given in Earth terms so that you can havesome current frame of reference.

What about 4D work how, what are people paid?ANSWER: However, here is where there is a big change. The people on virtually all worlds thriving andliving in this density of life throughout the universe have their basic needs taken care of. Money doesnot exist. People do not get paid money. The economic system Earth will have is expected to evolveto a model based on the pure trade of goods and services, an exchange process. In your simple termstoday you would know this as “barter ”.

It is expected it will take about 10-12 years of current Earth timefor your present, broken economic system based on money to evolve to this new system based ontrade. It is expected that many of your most forward thinking people, futurists, will come together on aformal advisory board to discuss the key aspects of this new system.

What about Education?ANSWER: It formally starts at age 3, again, this is an Earth time comparative reference.The parentsbring the child to the grand parents. The first lesson the child has is to learn to appreciate & live with allof nature. This is ‘pre-school’, if you will, the child will have 2 years of this kind of training. The childwill then begin more formal training of their natural mental abilities, they will be telepathic at birth. Theywill be taught to understand the language of symbols, have language training, then history, geography,biology, astronomy - then star mapping, mathematics, engineering, astrophysics, and for certain adeptchildren - training their natural ‘healing’ abilities, this is about energetic sensing &atunement/adjustment.

This all happens from ‘primary school’ all through ‘high school’, to use currentEarth references. By the time people are between the ages of 13-15 years of Earth time, earlyteenagers, people know intuitively what their natural gifts are what they are destined to do. Then,depending on which natural strengths or abilities each person has they will then go on to aspecialized university. So, how much education? In Earth terms: fifty (50) years of combined grammar & high school.Another 50 years of university, minimum. For people who want to be highly specialized, like at amasters & doctoral level, potentially between another 50-100 years depending on the person’sspecialization, totaling 150-200 years of formal education. As an example, Zoltar, the commander ofthe primary Andromeda Council biosphere where many of the council meetings are held, his educationwas very technical, he has 300 years of education.

4. What about marriage?ANSWER: We expect the norm will be that people will get married at the Earth equivalent of about 20-25 years old. This is typical on other 4D planets. This would translate into the ages of 1,000 - 1,500 of4D time. Some people can decide to get married later. Some people can decide not to get married.What about sex will it be still enjoyed the same way?ANSWER: Yes. Men & women will still have the same physical reproductive organs. All of the partson men & women will all be in the right places.

And Earth people will still be able to enjoy sex the samenatural ways as you do now. But, not for the purpose of creating a baby.Well, what about the process to create a baby isn’t it similar to our current method of physicalsexual procreation? thANSWER: No. As a 4 dimensional person, the process to create a new life form, a baby, is thefollowing: the man and the woman first face each other to get into ‘sync’ with each other, they theneach open all of their chakras each using the total energies of their unique life force projected through rdtheir charkas, each person connecting with the other all the way up to the 3 eye chakra.

Each person extends his/her arms outstretched to the other person, his/her life force flowing from each,palms open facing the other person with a space provided between the palms with the intent to bringa new child into their lives. They will need to continually focus to create and bring to completion theformation of this new life. They will see crystal like, light blue energy sparks, much like those you seefrom your “sparklers”, falling’ down like ‘snow flakes’ taking the form of a bright bluish ball of light,coalescing into the form of a newborn baby, but it looks more like a child of 6 month years old of Earthtime.

As this occurs the parents will need to move their hands downward, still open in a ‘cupped’position facing upward to hold the formation of their new child’s body. Of course, the birth of a child isone of the most beautiful creations imagined. The total time once people sync-up with each other,continuing the focus to create the baby is: 20-25 minutes. They have to keep focused until the baby isfully created and formed.

Babies must have food at birth to absorb the energies of food to sustain them. This goes on for about:10 years, much like when 3D human babies stop breast-feeding. After this period each child will beable to generate enough self-sustaining energy without the need to eat food. Just like an adult. thWhat will be the primary natural gifts & abilities of 4 dimensional Earth humans?ANSWER:4D Earth people will be natural telepaths even at birth.telepathy - is the ability for people to communicate with one another, one person’s mind - to -another person’s mind, simply using the natural strength of each persons mind. Spoken words usingyour vocal cords are possible, but will not be necessary.

Please consider, Earth people today only thutilize about one tenth (1/10 ) of their total mind capacity. A 4D Earth human will be utilizing virtually allof his or her total mind capacity, 100% of it, during normal day-to-day activities. Yes, the power of the thmind is very strong in the 4 dimension.Other natural 4D human traits include:levitation - each person’s ability to float, to virtually ‘walk on air’, you will not need to touch the ground.telekinesis - is the ability to lift objects and move them around with your mind.teleportation - you can literally transport yourselves on your own, without technology.

You will literally“think” of where we want to go, and you go there. Instantaneously. As 4D humans this ability is prettymuch limited to transport from one spot on Earth, to another.What about enhanced 4D human vision and hearing?ANSWER: Absolutely! Your seeing and hearing becomes very acute, both of these become farranging in terms of miles. And you will have the ability to ‘zero in’ a particular object, or hear aparticular sound, from miles away simply by focusing. Both familiar & unfamiliar, you will be able tozero in on any object or sound that you want to.

5. What will be the more advanced natural gifts & abilities of more gifted 4D humans?ANSWER:teleportation - skills from the prior teleportation definition, and in addition, you will also be able toteleport yourselves long distance, from Earth to another planet in Earth’s solar system.transformation - you will be able to change your physical appearance, your look, color, height, sexeverything about your appearance. You can change your form at will, not any need any technology todo it simply by using your advanced 4D mind.Andromeda Council medical teams will make numerous people available to train Earth humans how tobecome familiar & comfortable with their new natural abilities if they would like assistance. thAre there any distinct differences between people living a 4 dimensional life and people thliving a 5 dimensional life?

thANSWER: Yes, the 5 dimension, many people have asked about this. Keep in mind each dimension, theach density, has 12 octaves. In octaves 1-6 of the 5 dimension people have all of the above listedtraits, and they function each on their own as an individual unique consciousness. Just like any oneperson. thAbout half way through the 6 octave people attain the ability to join a group consciousness that has aparticular specific area of interest, if they want to. Each person can do this at will and merge into a ‘soulgroup’, work together for a while, and then separate again when he or she wants to.

Sort of like todaywhen humans work together on a ‘work project’ for the life cycle of the project, and then separate againonce the goals of the project have been accomplished. A similar analogy can be drawn here as well.An example may be - a group of people who want to get together because they have an interest in plantlife on different worlds. Together they can travel to another world to study that world’s plants.

This isonly one example. There are countless.A big difference, a key difference, in 5D people is that they do not require ships or technology to travelfrom one galaxy to another they can create & perpetuate their own protective shielding withouttechnology, travel, split apart when needed, and come back together. When they want to. p.4


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  • Wonderful news about 4D life! 

    I love Tolec too!     

  • It's hard to go into details with these things, because contactees tend to have different stories to give. Why is a mystery for me, so I rather stay away from the details and wait for the first-hand experience.

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