what is a spirit,
for five thousand years human in the western society western civilisation has had a belife in the god and evil, as satan and god, as demon and angel,
the religion of jews was the first one to belife in the word of the supposed god, the words of angels thw words of the holy spirit,
this produced writings that has had an inpact on worlds civilisation more then no one can imagen,
the false words of god, the fals image of god, as the god of spirit, the god jahve,
this was not the first spiritgod humans has been sheaten to belife in,
humans have had spiritual experienses
of gods and different spiritual gods and creaters for thousand and thousand of years before our belife in the biblic myth of creation,
the supposed first humans adam and eva
that in kronolocic counting should had bin the firsta humans for a bit over six thousand years ago,
the teaxhings oof human evil human sinn human unpurens has been the false teachings of this psycotic false experiensees and false images of god for five thousand years,
bye the false teachings of development of evil sinn, bye adam and eva for six thousand years ago, byte the eating of an appel,,
this ledd to the false pureness ritual of blood sacrifice, the lyning of jesus or muhammed as messias was developed in the false rising of angelic religions the same as the creation of the religions of jews, but no new ones as the cretion of christianity for two thousand years ago, bye the false rising of the false messia jesus,
jesus as messias to the world is a false religion created to fool human kind, to the suffery of this world to day,
jesus can not be messias, becose there has never been any adam or eve any falling in sinn any evil in human kind, the blood ritual that was a lie to human was not developed in the religion of jews, long before the religion of jews the false holy spirit that has created all three religions of angels, created the religions of polyteism in the middel easth,
the religion of ugaritic origin was the religion of the people of kaanan that was falsly acussed to be evil, bye the same false psycotic experiense
that has created our three false angelic religions,
for the people in the middel easth long before angelic and demonic experiensses, long before to
days false teachings of good and evil,
god and satan, long before to days false experiensees of false truth,
bye the false psycotic experienses
of demons and angels that is a false experoiense in our threereligions of false god,
the holy spirit was a felse teaching
as the spirit of gods not as to day the spirit of god,
then it gave humans experiensees of gods and goddesses, not like the later origin of the religion of jews, there the same false experiense gave it self the name of the spirit of god,
the ugaritic people had their own writing long before thye writing of jews,
in those writing it can bee seen that the same god the false godly experiense of jahve was belived in in a polyteitic truth in a polyteistic religions as truth long before the false story of creation bye to day as the biblic myth of creation,
in the belife of ugaritic origin, it can be seen that the belived god of evil baal, as the old worlds belive to be satan bye christian belife, was worshipped along whit the monoteitic false god image of to day,
so this is meening that before to days religions of god, this false god was worshipped along whit christian belife blived evil satam as father and son,
in an other myth of creation,
to day our false writing of god has developed suffery in this world that few can imagen,
the teachings of christian belife
is teaching that every belife is evil
but chiritianity, it points towards every human as evil if they dont worshipp as christian belivers, the bibel is pointing at every spiritual contact every spiritual experiense as evil, and every human as evil, if they belive in other things other experienses but the bibel, all belife and all non belivers is satans is the word teaching the word of bibel,
the experiense of a spiritual satan in the religion of christians and its different opposite groups of belivers
in the religion is as usual as the sight of angels,
belivers experiens this satan and demons as much as angels and god,
and then the experiense of the false messias jesus is as commen in all branches of the christian three,
all brances that as often stand againts each other and point at each others as developments from satan,
as false teachings and satanic creations,
the sum is that in the experiense of good experiensees of angelic sights, false godly good spiritual experienses,
the beliver is never understanding its falling for a lie,
they point at every good experiense bye teachings from the bibel as satanic, in every branch of christian belife in every branch that experiense both satan and god, there is a practise of exorcism,
what is thye fact that humans experiense then self get exorcised from, what is the evil spirit,
christian belivers experiense evil as much as god,
and they pint at every good experiense of spiritual matter as evil and satan,
and towards their own belivers of the same bibel as satanic developed branches,
as exampel, mormons jehovas vittnesses catolic church the newer brancess of the holy spirits devewlopments, the word of life, ans so on are all pointing at eacht others angelic experiensees as satan, and they exorcise satan and demons in all of them,
and in all of the others brancess of the same religius three of christianity,
all different parts of thish religion is created bye the false god holy spirit and the false sights and experiensees of good angelic experienses,
all brancess point at each other and alla other spiritual experienses as satans, point at all humans as satans, but not their own belivers in the branch, they point att alla religions as creations of satan,
every day in different parts of this religion, belivers experiens satan and god, angel and demon, and the experiense of exorcism is a belife and a belived and experiensees true experiense in all of this religion,
this is and has the same structure of lie as the former religion of jews and the later false religion of muslims,
both those religions can bee put locicly apart like i done whit christianity,
both religions claim to experiense god, and claim to be the only truth as chiritianity,
in both thye structure is the same experienses in different parts and different branches of satan and god of demons and angels,,
in both religions there is a practise of exorcism, humans experiens this, and belive in their experienses as true, like they all belive in their good angelic sights as truth,
in every angelic or satanic experiense of spiritual belived to be contact, in every psycotik experiense, there is a manipulation of the cemical human body of emotions,
who has a free will, all belicvers experiense a emotional truth they would die for,
ands what is thye differens to all other experiense of spiritual kind of false goodness,
everyone is a manipulation from inside of an psycotic experiense that manipulate human cemical body of emotions, manipulate senses and brain, manipulate body and human life,
thish kinds of false experiensees has been our truth for hundreds of thousand of years,
and it is a chancing truth, its developing to be more good as longer as human develop,
this kinds of experienses teached as hate and fear as truth before love as truth,
ï will proof what thish kinds of teachings has done to human kind to fysical cemical emotional development, the development of suffery the development of unfree will,
den 16 februari 2010
in the old testament is teachings of the same sort as in the old polyteistic religions of belife, created bye the same energys that has created our systems of belife to day,
he religions of angels,
the old testament proof the teachings of projektive ways to handel difficulties negativly, it proofs the teachings of fear and hate as the same teachings was in the polyteistic religions,
teachings that fear and hate as projektions againts all differensees in tought in emotions in belifes in all kinds of differenses,
was the only way to heaven,
so in fact the teachings of every kind of rasism againts differensees as teachings of hate againts differenses was the only way to heaven,
then the structure of false spiritual religions, both polyteistic and later on monoteistic was that obidiens in teachings of fear for differenses and hate againts differenses was the only way to heaven, in fact this menth that killing and hating robbery slavery was the way to heaven,
not love like it become later on whit jesus and muhammed later on when this
false godly images,
chanced way to lie to human kind,
in this process that took place many thousand of years human became learned to fear and hate,
thish is a cemical unballance in the fysical emotional cemical body,
wgit the false teachings of shame and guilt children of to day develop to crminals asocial behaviors addiktions and so on,
becose inharritaged unballance in emotional cemistry,
our young ones develop behaviors and dominans as unconcress developments of self defense,
againts this false emotions of unballance cemistry,
againts the inharitaged cemical unballance emotions,
human ways of negative projektions againts each others, is teachings
from the false godly spirituality of unknowledge,
untrue toghts whitout understanding,
this is the development of unfree will
unfree toghts unfree emotion towards human kind,
the human true autonom development has been tampered, human has been falsly missled from its own development of free tougth free emotion free will,
becose of the belife that this teaching is god,
we have inbraced thish false systems
of tought of emotions into our fysical
in to our fysical development,
thish is the development of unknowledge and suffery,
the development of an unfree will,
all of our begative emotions and negative structures of tought as truth has its development in this,
the development of uncouncess suffery,
human development should have been a development in a free tought free emotion free will,
becose of inbracing false systems of thinking false systems of emotions all our problems whit developed non understanding devrelopment of fears and hate of differenses in thinkings
whit fear and hate betwen us, is developed from this,
so is also all sicknesses becose of the fysical negative cemistry,
and so also al our addiktions,