Image source:

Like the Human zygote splitting and dividing into the cells that will eventually become a fetus, we understand that the very conscious planet we inhabit is also splitting so we can leave this dark, dense world behind—if we’re ready—and move forward in our ascension. Capt. Kyle spoke of this process in the recent Q&A we shared yesterday. Learn more about the realms Humanity is dealing with at the end of this post from Kerry K.

Michael Jaco spoke of “trancendence” in his recent talk in Sedona which was excellent, and on the latest episode of The Highwire, Del Bigtree also spoke of “trancendence” so perhaps it is the word or concept of the week.

This is a really eye-opening rundown on what the “vaccines that weren’t vaccines” did to the population, and even the effects on those who refused the jabs; those nasty spike proteins. “Turbo cancer” and beyond are examined in this comprehensive and fascinating edition of The Highwire.

Please consider sharing so people are informed enough to decide if they want to get any more shots. The statistics do not support them as a prophylactic measure for flu or anything else. Yes, Covid is probably here to stay because it has always been here. That’s what an immune system is for.  1 hr. 53 min.

In summary:

The Florida Department of Health has Boldly Recommended Against the COVID Booster for People Under 65 years old, Citing the Lack of Clinical Data. Dr. Joseph Ladapo Joins the Program To Discuss Why; The FDA Has Approved the COVD Booster With Virtually No Data. Jefferey Jaxen Breaks Down The Shocking Numbers They DO Have; A New ‘Fruit Film’ Lacks appeal; Oncologist, Dr. William Makis, Explores Potential, and Very Possible, Pathways by Which mRNA Vaccines Are Triggering ‘Turbo Cancers.’

Guests: Joseph A. Ladapo, M.D., Ph.D., William Makis, M.D.

Episode 338: TURBO TROUBLE

I was remiss yesterday in omitting the latest update from SG Anon;  File 61. In that file he affirms he was able to find details on the tribunals said to be underway in the Red Sea. Military Tribunals are a reality and have been conducted for some time now to deal with key cabal figures. Virtually every government was infiltrated and poisoned so to hear that tribunals have taken place in multiple nations should raise no eyebrows. He of course discusses other operations currently being executed on the world stage and his best educated guess as to what we might expect in the coming days. 29 min.

Alliance Tribunals in Red Sea | NATO Prepping UKR Invasion | Prighozin Alive in Africa | DEClas

There appear to have been some intricacies in the way the military has been apprehending and prosecuting/sentencing traitors. In the article we shared yesterday stating that Gen. Mark Milley had been reported arrested multiple times, it may have something to do with the fact that depending on the crimes and the degree of cooperation forthcoming from the cabal agent, certain public roles may have been assigned to support the “movie” to awaken the general civilian population.

For example, we heard some outrageous things coming from the mouth of Gen. Milley and I could only assume he was cooperating with the Alliance to reveal the “woke” military. [more on Gen. Mark Milley further down]. His inflammatory remarks were enough to ensure many sleeping members of the military itself as well as civilians would be suitably horrified at where the US Military appeared to be headed under such leadership and the question as to whether America could survive it.

As Q wrote, in question form, “what makes a movie good?” The answer is, great actors, of course.

Jan 04, 2018 12:54:28 AM EST
Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: aaefa5 No. 11115887

What makes a movie GOOD?

5y, 8m, 3w, 1d, 10h, 34m ago   8chan pol

When we first saw these characters below we exclaimed through our coughing and spluttering, “You have GOT to be kidding me.” Well, of course they are kidding. These are meant to be Biden administration appointees. The whole administration is a joke and there are plenty of actors willing to play these plum roles in support of their country.

We have seen some downright cringe-worthy appointments in the government in the form of men in dresses, flaming homosexuals, etc. including with a proclivity for stealing travellers’ luggage at the airport, like Sam Brinton. [above]

It’s hysterically funny and cannot fail to get the attention of at least a portion of the public who don’t know it’s all a theatrical production for their benefit. How could they not be appalled? How can they fail to be drawn in to the saga and demand to know what’s become of their government? How can they continue to support Biden and all the President’s men?

These larger than life scenes from a mad movie including Biden’s many tumbles and the horrific antics of his administration are winks to we, the awakened, that not all is as it seems and “the patriots are in control” so we can relax and “enjoy the show”.

Of course WE know that it isn’t even Biden any more. He was dealt the hand he earned a few years ago for his treasonous acts. The Biden stand-in isn’t even permitted in the White House and his “photo ops” are in a studio, for godssake.

Think that’s a stretch? Here is a summary of the Wikipedia listings for White House replicas, past and present:

Replicas of the White House are reproductions of the home of the president of the United States, the White House. Notable examples include:

Atlanta, Georgia: A 16,500-square-foot (1,530 m) model exists. It was built in 2001 by Atlanta home builder Fred Milani, an American citizen born in Iran.

McLean, Virginia: Not far from the actual White House, an anonymous refugee engineer from Vietnam built a 12,020-square-foot (1,117 m) White House replica as a tribute to his new country. In 2011 he put it up for sale after his two children moved out, citing empty nest syndrome.

Hangzhou, China: A replica of the White House has been built near Hangzhou, China.

Erbil, Iraq: A replica of the White House has been built in the capital city of the Kurdistan Region of Iraq.

Clermont, Florida: A 1/12″ scale replica of the White House resides at the Presidents Hall of Fame, one of Florida’s oldest remaining original roadside attractions (House of Presidents).

Carlsbad, California and Winter Haven, Florida: Two replicas of the White House are built in Lego bricks and in the Miniland section of Legoland California and Legoland Florida.

Klagenfurt, Austria: Replica at the Minimundus miniature park.

Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin: The “Top Secret” attraction is a replica of the White House built upside down. The entrance is located in the basement and inside there are replicas of the White House furnitures, the U.S. Constitution, etc.

Chornomyn Palace in Chornomyn village, Vinnytsia Oblast, Ukraine: building is a former landowner’s palace, nowadays local school is situated in its walls.

Springfield, Illinois: A 7/8 replica of the south portico of the White House is a prominent part of the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Museum.

Tyler Perry Studios: A filming location at a film studio complex.

Darien, Illinois: Built in 1903, the house is a one-tenth scale model of the White House that features room that were modeled after the East Room and the Oval Office. The house was named, Castle Eden, by the original owners.

Entebbe, Uganda: Built by Hamis Kiggundu.

Knowing that, how difficult would it be to film fake photo ops in a realistic-looking setting?

White House replica, Hillsborough, California for sale

You could live in a replica White House — complete with its own Oval Office — for US$38.9M

Getting back to Gen. Milley, however… there are now calls for him to be hanged for treason. Do you see how the narrative is developing?


Fury as Republican
Rep. Paul Gosar calls for Joint Chiefs Chairman Mark Milley to be ‘HUNG’ because he is a ‘traitor’ and ‘sodomy-promoting’

Gosar, who was censured and stripped of his committee seats in 2021 after posting a violent animated meme about Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez but then got them restored when Republicans took back control of the House, issued the attack in a newsletter titled ‘This Week with Gosar’ that he posted on his official House account.

I wonder how long it might take the snoozers/normies to accept what some might consider a barbaric fate for a great number of people who betrayed them and their country.

JUST BEFORE PRESS TIME WE GOT AN UPDATE… the military doesn’t pussy-foot around. There are plenty more tribunals to get to and time is fleeting.

Gen. Mark Milley Goes to GITMO

There is more high drama in Canada eliciting more snickers from the peanut gallery as we watch the unsuspecting Canucks get poked, prodded, and red-pilled so they will demand justice. Parliament is a laughing stock and the commies are getting a run for their money. Listen to the first 7 minutes or so of the video below for an excellent summary of what happened. The Turdeau “apology” had a very low volume but you can listen to that here if you wish. No matter what the topic is, these Nazis can always link everything to Russia. It’s uncanny. Whoever the script-writers are for this movie, they are far better than the ones out of work in Hollywood due to the “strike”. LOL. The Speaker wound up resigning after his faux pas so justice was done in one sense.

WARRIOR CREED – Canadian Parliament Standing Ovation to Nazi SS WW2 Officer After Zelensky Speech

What is this about? What is the world coming to? How does the military gain respect when these call signs are public? And no, we haven’t forgotten the graphic path the Ever Given made in the Suez Canal after the White Hats took remote control of it before they ran it aground. Yes, we’re all adults here but really?


I am trying to close this post and big things keep popping up. Look at Q drop #964 below.

Elon with a misspelling—extra [HIM]
—>Only (1) Drop & it’s YUGE! 👀

What constitutes the need for a F2F meeting v. secured call👀
You can’t imagine the magnitude of this.
Constitutional CRISIS.🧨
$700B –
These people are STUPID.
Art of the Deal.🧨

How much truth can you handle? This reveals a lot in less than 3 minutes. And how many more places like this are there, exactly, safely functioning under the protection of the long arm of the Crown?


The White Hats may have the fake news currently set for “mixed”, which is to say a variety of honest, left, right, lies, propaganda, omissions, etc., but as predicted, we are seeing a lot more truth in the legacy media than we once did. The example below from Sky News Australia discusses the agenda behind the digital currency and “climate crisis” nonsense the globalists have been pushing. THERE WILL BE NO CBDCs!!!

Regardless of how they sugar-coat their initiatives to make them sound “green”, “sustainable”, and good for Humanity, we know what they are really aiming for. This is a must listen from Cory Bernardi who is coaching the snoozers to reassess what they think they know or their possible current understanding of what they are seeing and hearing, as well as the mistakes made during the plandemic. 7 min.


Proof of the shift follows in this reluctant and limited acknowledgement from the Mayo Clinic that Hydroxychloroquine can be used to effectively treat Covid. That’s just great after they nearly killed our dear friend with Remdesivir until we smuggled in HCQ, Zinc, Vit C, Vit C, and other safe, effective remedies. I wonder if the tribunals for crimes against Humanity had anything to do with this reversal. Link to the article.

And another right at press time… Link to Telegram.

BREAKING Costa Rica judge orders Nuremberg Public Hearing November 9, 2023 for illegality of Covid-19 vaccines

Substack (
Judge Orders Nuremberg Public Hearing November 9, 2023 For Illegality Of Covid-19 Vaccines! Interest of Justice vs State of Costa Rica For Human Experimentation In Violation Of Nuremberg Code In Force
A Judge FINALLY Ordered Public Oral Hearing Ex Officio On Her Own Due To Importance Of Nuremberg Code Violations In CR! Dr. Yeadon

I mentioned this the other day.


That is why seeking, discerning, and assimilating the TRUTH changes our consciousness and hence, our world. What we “know” to be true matters. Facts and reality matter, which is why the Q drops were designed to get us to do our own research. That is why we must continue to pursue and state truth; to correct the record so that more and more people are awake and aware.

It’s a process. Persist and don’t give up. We are changing our reality. The Great Reset is coming—but not in the way the globalists have always defined and executed it. They will be eradicated and we will ascend into a new reality; the one we earned but could never attain because the predators and parasites interfered in our developing civilization. Their lies and trickery were very effective on naïve, loving, sentient souls—particularly those who had their minds wiped in reincarnation loops and could never benefit from previous lives.

Kerry K has done another outstanding video on the reality we are living with in this matrix and how to navigate it. She explains it so clearly I think we can all gain a more accurate sense of what we’re dealing with, where we are, why we are experiencing what we are, the nature of the threat from the dark, etc. The various densities involved in 3D and beyond are confusing to us and we appreciate the guidance and reasoning as to why we need have no fear. 15 min. She just uploaded a new one this morning for an ‘Ascension Report’ at 29 min.

I am going to close with another quote from an old, heavily yellowed book of my late mother’s from 1965 containing some of the work of the “beloved visionary” Kahlil Gibran. This bit jumped out at me when I turned the book over and the back cover was up.

They tell me: if you see a slave sleeping, do not wake him lest he be dreaming of freedom.

I tell them: if you see a slave sleeping, wake him and explain to him freedom.

I think we can see the parallel to our current condition. The Q Team, President Trump and his team, and the galactics and higher Beings saw the sleeping slaves and devised a gentle way to wake us without inducing a paralytic fear.

The psychopaths running the world have tread ever so lightly, taking decades to unfurl their agenda so we wouldn’t notice. They didn’t want us to wake up. They needed us to remain in our hypnotic trance as docile, cooperative batteries to generate everything they wanted.

The Alliance did indeed describe freedom to us. They painted many pictures of what our lives as sovereign beings should entail. We have learned much and are now shaking awake the other slaves; many of whom suffer from Stockholm Syndrome and don’t even realize they are slaves so will fight to maintain their tenuous grip on what is familiar to them, completely unaware it is all about to stripped from them.

It isn’t easy to drastically change a civilization in just a few years, but we will be successful. The snowball is rolling down a steep hill now and growing larger by the minute. By Christmas we will have the biggest snowman the world has ever seen—perhaps something like this one… armed and dangerous.

Closing for now, my friends. Do enjoy the show.  ~ BP

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