June 26, 2014 by The Golden Light Channel
Source: Joan Ocean
As with all extraterrestrial news, please research this material for yourself and reach your own conclusions. Historically, when this type of spiritual and educational extraterrestrial information is revealed, you often find Internet disclaimers attempting to deny it.
Romania (another time capsule there)In the summer of 2003, in an unexplored area of the Bucegi Mountains in Romania anarcheology team from the top secret section of the Romanian Intelligence Service made a discovery that could change life as we know it, on Earth. A Pentagon Satellite used for geodetic espionage detected a great hemispherical hall within the mountains. The empty space inside this mountain had no correlation with the outside, and looked like it was carved from the inside by intelligent beings. It was definitely not a cave. The satellite scan of the mountain revealed two major energy blocks. These barriers are made of artificial energy. The first one is like an energetic wall, blocking access to a tunnel, while the second one is shaped like a dome and located at the opposite end of the tunnel, near the center of the mountain. The investigative team were able to penetrate the mountain and reach the first gallery, which looks like a subway tunnel. Its walls are perfectly polished. At the end of the tunnel there is a massive stone gate, which is protected by an invisible energetic barrier. Three members of the first special intervention team approached the energetic barrier. One person reached out to touch it and immediately died of cardiac arrest. During another visit, one of the team members who approached the barrier in a respectful and trusting manner was suddenly able to walk right through it unharmed. He felt a ‘compatibility’ between the energy barrier and himself, a mutual sympathy. With the energy barrier deactivated, now the team could enter a huge room which they later named the ‘Grand Gallery’. Without any light source, the Grand Gallery was perfectly lit. The hemispherical shield at the end of the room began to vibrate, emitting a higher frequency vibration. The walls seemed synthetic well as organic. They could not be scratched, bent, burned, cut or damaged. It had the color of oil with reflections of green and blue. After continuing inside the Gallery for approximately 280 feet, they entered a side room. Ahead they could see a blue sparkly light that was the reflection of another protective field of energy. |
Time travel can be observational in nature, which means entering a parallel domain for observation only. And many people in classified projects in various countries are already accomplished at this. But their time travel is mostly passive. It is not equivalent to time travel via consciousness where you are able to interact vertically with timelines and alter the future, thereby altering the past as well. This is a process the Hawaiian dolphins here have demonstrated to us. They have been able to physically move into a vertical timeline and be inserted into the precise space and time on Earth where the optimal intervention point has been determined, for their humanitarian assistance to us. They call it “arrival on Earth via windows in time.” (Page 161-165, Dolphins into the Future by Joan Ocean, 1997)
The efficient and uplifting experience of time travel is not as depicted in Hollywood movies. The purpose of what we call ‘time travel’ (while acknowledging there is no such thing as ‘time’) is a teaching that reminds us we are naturally multidimensional light beings or photo morphs (as the Humpback whales call it) who have the ability to enter many more domains then the limited 3-dimensional one we experience each day. Once we break out of the belief that we are limited, we can access many more splendid worlds as our friends the Star people do. It is part of our evolution into higher, more joyful realms of light and love.
The WingMakers, our future selves, made the decision to assist us now because there are people on Earth who are ready to consider the reality of benevolent, advanced races who can time travel and who are reaching out for contact with us to let us view our ‘future’ and to interact with them in a positive and spiritual way. This is the key to freedom. The WingMakers are graciously offering this contact, encouraging people to share their friendship and philosophy with everyone.
Thank you for your interest in this subject.
Sending this to you with Aloha,
Joan Ocean
For more from Joan Ocean