I am here to take away your burden. I am here to say to thee to let go of the struggle, let go of everything that is not love, so I can fill you with my essence and strength. Channeled by Genoveva Coyle
Greetings my dearest ones! I am Yahweh, your Father, and I am here with thee today, as always, to bring you the strength and the power that you are in need of in this now moment.
There are many things, disturbing events that are happening in your personal and in the collective’s life. A never ending of things that you would rather not be confronted with any longer, things that you would rather not see. You are tired and exhausted regardless how much sleep and rest you are getting daily. You are yearning for peace, for that everlasting peace and joy.
I am here to take away your burden, I am here to say to thee to let go of the struggle of doing everything the right way, for what is the right or wrong way anyway? I see them the same way for they are both teaching you greatly. You are growing beautifully either way; whether you suffer and cry, whether you belittle yourself and shrink down when things don’t go your way, or whether you believe you should have known better.
I am here to remind you that all you ever need to do is to let go of anything and everything that is not love, so I can fill you with my essence and strength.
Any thought that makes you feel that you are sinking, that makes you feel heavier than before needs to be allowed to flow and to be transmuted. You don’t have to always know the meaning and the reasons for the passing events. You don’t have to stop and analyze the thoughts, for the mind has a sneaky way of giving you more of the same and you need learn to say “no” to it.
Remove yourself from your mind and go back into your flowing and loving heart, especially when what you hear in your thoughts is not uplifting and loving! You can hear Me better while in your hearts. You will remember your knowing in an instant and will be taken gracefully to what to say and do next.
Your human body can and will function nicely having the heart as a command center, cooperating with the mind and the brain, yet gently leading you where you need to focus in your journey.
You say you need to know ahead of time why and what will happen, and you want to be prepared. You believe you need to understand so that you can act or react in a certain way to a certain situation.
But since you are here to replace the old while living already in the new world, you become easily confused and sometimes discouraged with this process of building the Nova Earth.
This is why the only thing to do is to let go of anything that takes your peace and excitement away, and if it seems too big and too heavy, then give it to Me!
Let go of the need to do everything on your own, to fix and fight the old systems and the world’s battles. Let go of separation, and let go of fighting anything with your fist or with your mind, for this is not needed and it is not a requirement for the successful accomplishment of your divine plan in this new world we are creating.
When you let go of the dense energies and cloudiness, you bring in the peace and serenity. You create the space for new ideas and new uplifting thoughts so that you can create new, yes, beautiful foundations and magnificent establishments of love from pure love. You can forge that new golden pathway while dreaming with the Mother and following Her infinite beauty and wisdom with your heart.
This is the only way, My dearest and brave ones! Return into the peaceful flowing of your heart. Ride your Mother’s Tsunami of Love with ease and grace, with joy, anticipation and laughter, while holding My hand tight!
I am with thee always! Farewell for now.
By Permission.
© 2017 Council of Love, Inc.
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