Dr. Angela Barnett

I received reports from three people today who are having a similar experience, which means there will be more of you faced with it in the near future.


I received reports from three people today who are having a similar experience, which means there will be more of you faced with it in the near future.

If you are not having any of the Ascension Symptoms, this means you need to start working with someone who can teach you how to become activated. The activation begins with activating the DNA. If you don't have symptoms of the DNA activating, you need to seek a new formula. I am Dr. Barnett. I am the DNA DOCTOR. I create the Formula of DNA activation needed for you specific Eternal Life Plan. I spend months and years with my patients after they purchase their ETERNAL LIFE ALBUM which includes the frequency alignments needed to heal all of the Seals that are blocking the braiding of the DNA. I work specifically on the morphogenetic connection of the individual with their entire 144 incarnational family on each dimension, because this is needed for the true Mass Ascension. We are actually reconnecting our consciousness with our Multi Dimensional Selves throughout the Angelic Race Line.

When patients begin their ETERNAL LIFE DNA activations, they usually have a very pleasant enlightening experience of immediately seeing into multiple reality fields that they couldn't see before. There are many positive aspects to DNA activation. There is an immediate expansion of consciousness that allows one to begin seeing things in a different way, in a broader perspective. They begin expanding consciousness every day, and sometimes every minute. The body also begins changing because each time there is another Frozen Seal melted, there are etheric blood crystals bursting through the old blood based on the h2o water chemical structure. The new blood crystals are based on the h2o2HE3 spritiual chemical structure of water based particles. This begins the transformation of the body from the inside, which reflects in the health of the body.

However, when the transformation begins, there are side effects in the body. There are little aches and pains that have no reason. There are back aches, head aches, stomach aches. These are all related to the actualy chemical structure of the body changing. There are back aches caused by the realignment of the template of the body into the new 22.5 degree shift that is needed to morph into alignment with Inner Earth.

There also many parts of the DNA activation that are frightening because each time a frozen seal is melted, another pandora box of cellular memory is released. These ideas in the pandora boxes might include fear, hate, jealousy, heart ache, and millions of other IDEAS that have been trapped in the old THINKING BRAIN during this life time and in the deep cellular memory for millions of life times.

One must transmute all of the old memory before
a new reality can be manifest.

The new reality can be the reality of Eternal Life if one learns how to completely clear the memory of every cell in the body and transmute them with light to remove all of the old memories.

After that I provide other methods (meditations and journeys) -- OVER THE RAINBOW SET, MANIFESTAION MERKABA SET, CANDLE TECHNIQUE, to train and activate the Mid Brain to transfer the thinking patterns from the Thinking Brain into the Mind of God.

At this point the patient will need to expand their listening from only using the ETERNAL LIFE ALBUM to utilizing the ETERNAL LIFE WATERS SETS to fully activate the Spiritual Waters of the Plasma Body, and to learn to activate the Synaptic Cleffs to Fire a New Reality.

I recommend the entire Dolphin Therapy Kit-- Heavenly Dolphins, Magic dolphins and Cosmic Dolphins to keep the Joy and Harmony present during the Ascension Process.

I recommend the 12 DNA Activation, Merkaba Manifestation, and the Complete Perfect DNA Infusion to provide more etheric tuning and clearing of the Seals. These remove the mutations and errors in the Chakras and the Flow Centers in the Body. The Ecstazee Album was created to Melt those Seals between the DNA.

Most recently, I will be providing an album called the ADVANCED DNA ACTIVATION CD that contains the GOD LANGUANGE sung to Christmas Melodies. I created this one for those who would like to continue their work with the God Language-- in order to activate the memory of the TELEPATHIC COMMUNCATION PATTERNS WITH ALL DIMENSIONS.

PLUS- it is a gorgeous CD that can be presented as a Christmas Gift to those that you wish to TUNE IN to the Mind of God and the Frequencies of Mass Ascension. Those people that you love so much, but they would never listen to New Age type music. The songs on this album are sung to Christmas Melodies, so it will be easier to share as background music at a Christmas party. And these songs contain much more than just the God Language, they contain all of the other activations as well.

When the DNA is activating, the seals that are melting are the seals associated with the DNA strand that is activating, and the memories of the old cellular memories that are coming to the surface to be transmutted with light energy.

The reason that there would be FEAR BASED dreams and DEATH BASED dreams are because that would mean there is activation going on in the DNA that has those problems associated with them.

For instance, the Death Seal is actually a seal placed on the sixth subharmonic strand of the first second and third DNA. If the seals are melting away in those areas, there would be dreams about death surfacing that seem very real because they are in your cellular memory. We all have memories of death in our cellular memory.

Let's look at each of the DNA STRANDS to see what is in the pandora box of each one.

The first DNA is connected to Eating, the second is connected to Sex, the third is connected to Social Beliefs-- that means just about everything-- everything that you believe is true in your culture-- the fourth is heart related-- Love issues of all sorts-- with your mother, your friends, old loves, even your past pets, even though the sixth subharmonics of the 1,2,3 are the death seals, the true Eternal Life DNA is the 5th.

So, if you are having problems with education, religion, all social beliefs in the culture, in the media, all of your foundational beliefs-- your 3rd DNA strand is having the seals melted between it and the 4th dna. If you are having problems with FEAR it is also the Control Element of the Third DNA. However, the activation of the 4th DNA also brings up the issues of Love as it relates to Death.

When you face these ideas in your dreams, you are being given the opportunity to take a huge step forward in your ascension.

I was faced with a dream a few months ago where I was able to control the fear and change the dream.
The dream was that I was being attacked by thousands of warriors. I was a Princess. There were all of these warriors fighting me to take my throne away. I chose to set my sword down and walk out of the room.

When I did that I was crowned Queen of the Fifth Dimension. And then I looked back and saw that the fight was going on in the FOURTH DIMENSION. I didn't want to be Queen of the Fourth Dimension.

I would like to share my answers to these questions

I get to the point of transing out and call in my Lotus Blossom, then I'm starteled out of it with a dose of fear of going to sleep. I think it's fear associated with my near death experience. I just can't seem to release it. It takes me 2-3 hours to get over it. I work on it every day.
I go to sleep while listening to my Eternal Life album and it seems that my dreams each night are fear based and I thought this was odd.

Dear C

When you are going through the process of DNA ACTIVATION, what happens is this:

The Frozen Seals that were placed between the DNA to keep them from activating are melting.

When those Seals Melt, everything that was stored in the cellular memory in that DNA area will be released.

Being released does not mean it goes away. Released means it comes to your attention. It was hidden from you before and now it is coming to your attention.

the reason it is coming to your attention is because the DNA is activating.

When you have dreams, you are also seeing the results of the DNA activating on all dimensional levels. You are seeing all of the fear that needs to be transmutted out of all of your 144 selves on each dimension.

This Ascension Process is a process of CLEANING AND CLEARING. Some of us have been doing this for ten or fifteen years already. The old fears and other ideas that are held within our cellular memory are numerous. They just keep coming and coming until we are completely clean and clear of all of these memories.

This is the reason why I have provided the Music and the Candle. Both for the process of helping to fill the body with so much light that the Fears and other ideas can be melted away much more easily than if you did not have these tools.

This is why the Guardians explained to us this process and how it would be terrifying to many people and many people would not survive.

This is what I am doing on this website. Making this knowledge available and trying my best to prepare you for these problems BEFORE they happen.

That doesn't mean they won't happen. they have to happen. That is how the old cellular memory gets cleared out.

We can only move to a new reality when the old one has been completely removed from our cellular memory--that is the rule.

As I said in the last newsletter, the FEAR CENTER IS THE AMYGDALA GLAND.

Please look at the diagram of the brain. SEE the brown area- called hertzian in the brain.

Now, go through the process of drawing the diagram of the candle and the merkaba and the body standing in the stem.

You will discover that the stem is hertzian. It is also where the fear is carried until it is transmutted into the full spectrum of light.

We must use the candle to melt that amygdala gland and move into the Mid Brain to remove our selves from the Fear and other ideas that will surface.

And you must stay in that candle focus until you can face those fears head on while you are awake.

Otherwise you will be facing them in your dreams.

There is nothing wrong with facing them in your dreams, except most of us haven't developed the control of our dreams yet.

When we do develop the control of our dreams, we could definitely conquer fear in the dream.

I was faced with a dream a few months ago where I was able to control the fear and change the dream.

The dream was that I was being attacked by thousands of warriors. I was a Princess. There were all of these warriors fighting me to take my throne away. I chose to set my sword down and walk out of the room.

When I did that I was crowned Queen of the Fifth Dimension. And then I looked back and saw that the fight was going on in the FOURTH DIMENSION. I didn't want to be Queen of the Fourth Dimension.

So, taking control of a dream can be as easy as walking out of the room. Not because you are afraid, but because you are in control and you want to go to a different reality than the one where the Fear is.

I recommend listening to HEAVENLY DOLPHIN THERAPY KIT as the best remedy for fear on the short term. It will make you feel happy and comfortable and protected, and very joyful. The DOLPHIN MAGIC CD is also very helpful.

I get to the point of transing out and call in my Lotus Blossom, then I'm starteled out of it with a dose of fear of going to sleep. I think it's fear associated with my near death experience. I just can't seem to release it. It takes me 2-3 hours to get over it. I work on it every day.

I go to sleep while listening to my Eternal Life album and it seems that my dreams each night are fear based and I thought this was odd.


When you are going through the process of DNA ACTIVATION, what happens is this:

The Frozen Seals that were placed between the DNA to keep them from activating are melting.

When those Seals Melt, everything that was stored in the cellular memory in that DNA area will be released.

Being released does not mean it goes away. Released means it comes to your attention. It was hidden from you before and now it is coming to your attention.

the reason it is coming to your attention is because the DNA is activating.

When you have dreams, you are also seeing the results of the DNA activating on all dimensional levels. You are seeing all of the fear that needs to be transmutted out of all of your 144 selves on each dimension.

This Ascension Process is a process of CLEANING AND CLEARING. Some of us have been doing this for ten or fifteen years already. The old fears and other ideas that are held within our cellular memory are numerous. They just keep coming and coming until we are completely clean and clear of all of these memories.

This is the reason why I have provided the Music and the Candle. Both for the process of helping to fill the body with so much light that the Fears and other ideas can be melted away much more easily than if you did not have these tools.

This is why the Guardians explained to us this process and how it would be terrifying to many people and many people would not survive.

This is what I am doing on this website. Making this knowledge available and trying my best to prepare you for these problems BEFORE they happen.

That doesn't mean they won't happen. they have to happen. That is how the old cellular memory gets cleared out.

We can only move to a new reality when the old one has been completely removed from our cellular memory--that is the rule.

As I said in the last newsletter, the FEAR CENTER IS THE AMYGDALA GLAND.

Please look at the diagram of the brain. SEE the brown area- called hertzian in the brain.

Now, go through the process of drawing the diagram of the candle and the merkaba and the body standing in the stem.

You will discover that the stem is hertzian. It is also where the fear is carried until it is transmutted into the full spectrum of light.

We must use the candle to melt that amygdala gland and move into the Mid Brain to remove our selves from the Fear and other ideas that will surface.

And you must stay in that candle focus until you can face those fears head on while you are awake.

Otherwise you will be facing them in your dreams.

There is nothing wrong with facing them in your dreams, except most of us haven't developed the control of our dreams yet.

When we do develop the control of our dreams, we could definitely conquer fear in the dream.

I was faced with a dream a few months ago where I was able to control the fear and change the dream.

The dream was that I was being attacked by thousands of warriors. I was a Princess. There were all of these warriors fighting me to take my throne away. I chose to set my sword down and walk out of the room.

When I did that I was crowned Queen of the Fifth Dimension. And then I looked back and saw that the fight was going on in the FOURTH DIMENSION. I didn't want to be Queen of the Fourth Dimension.

So, taking control of a dream can be as easy as walking out of the room. Not because you are afraid, but because you are in control and you want to go to a different reality than the one where the Fear is.

At this point the patient will need to expand their listening from only using the ETERNAL LIFE ALBUM to utilizing the ETERNAL LIFE WATERS SETS to fully activate the Spiritual Waters of the Plasma Body, and to learn to activate the Synaptic Cleffs to Fire a New Reality.

I recommend the entire Dolphin Therapy Kit-- Heavenly Dolphins, Magic dolphins and Cosmic Dolphins to keep the Joy and Harmony present during the Ascension Process.

I recommend the 12 DNA Activation, Merkaba Manifestation, and the Complete Perfect DNA Infusion to provide more etheric tuning and clearing of the Seals. These remove the mutations and errors in the Chakras and the Flow Centers in the Body. The Ecstazee Album was created to Melt those Seals between the DNA.

Most recently, I will be providing an album called the ADVANCED DNA ACTIVATION CD that contains the GOD LANGUAGE sung to Christmas Melodies. I created this one for those who would like to continue their work with the God Language-- in order to activate the memory of the TELEPATHIC COMMUNICATION PATTERNS WITH ALL DIMENSIONS.

PLUS- it is a gorgeous CD that can be presented as a Christmas Gift to those that you wish to TUNE IN to the Mind of God and the Frequencies of Mass Ascension. Those people that you love so much, but they would never listen to New Age type music. The songs on this album are sung to Christmas Melodies, so it will be easier to share as background music at a Christmas party. And these songs contain much more than just the God Language, they contain all of the other activations as well.

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