
This is Lord Sananda speaking. Welcome once again as we connect with each other for the Cosmic Oneness. It is our pleasure to be here with each of you, and it is my pleasure to be the Spokes-Being for the Christ Consciousness opening up the energy for Divine Mother-Father God. 

I ask each of you now to take a deep breath, and within this deep breath I want you to fully feel the capacity of Love that is centering within your Heart Center. Last week was very active with Valentine’s Day bringing forth the frequency across the planet. We would like to continue those energies and allow them to flow unto everyone. 

Those of you that are participating in the work provided by Michael and Christine had a deeper heart connection with the class on Wednesday evening. Let’s bring in that frequency of Light within our Heart and feel the essences of Magenta Ray that blends with the Solar Plexus and the Thymus. Some of you may be going through some rough moments emotionally and mentally; tonight; we hope to balance those energies out for you. It’s important that we try not to hold on to those frequencies that come up when you do this work within the higher vibrations. The body can be affected quite differently; so we are going to just ask everyone to take a moment as we ring the bowl and get deep with in the Cellular areas of the Solar Plexus, the Heart, and the Thymus. Let’s especially work with the Solar Plexus where these frequencies can hold on with the inner power issues. Please note that these inner power issues are from all your other lifetimes, good and bad, so we want to bring all of them into Wholeness. 

Let’s do that now ~ to call upon the Unified Whole as the energies have already been opened up with the group. We ask for the frequency of Light if anyone is feeling anything that is not quite in connection with synchronization, and there are discordant elements occurring, we ask you now to state to the Unified Whole what you would like to be put into Wholeness ~ feel that frequency now. 

Let us all now embrace the Soul’s Essence that we are together individually. First I want everyone to bring that into the Thymus and allow that activation to come in fully at this moment. Allow him or her (your Higher Self) to fully participate in these moments. Feel the essence within your Heart expanding as the balance occurs between the male and the female that you are; the unification that is being made the focal point is the active whole in this moment and all moments forward. We ask that element to be out into Wholeness with the Unified Whole. 

Thank you, it feels better; every one feels more settled within their Highest Essence, within their Physical Body. So let’s take a moment now and breathe deeper into the frequency into your cellular structure and allow this Light energy that we are bringing forth for you in the Magenta. Feeling that flowing through your entire structure, feeling it into your Physical , Emotional, Mental , and Etheric especially the Etheric where these elements can be held. You are just one ball of Magenta and let’s bring up anything that is still not in complete alignment with the frequency of Light that we are bringing in our physical body. 

(((Crystal Bowl Ringing))) 

Keep breathing deeply now; feel the Frequency of Light of Magenta, that 5th Dimensional Ray, to fully incorporate into all parts of your Being for you to really feel that connection of Unification that is so much part of this ray. Let us just relax this evening; we want everyone to allow the energetics that we are bringing forth to fully filter within your body, to filter within your mind, to filter in your Heart as the Unification is occurring within your psychological body, within your physical body, within your Heart Essence. This is truly the Divinity that will assist you in allowing all these elements to be fully inter-connected because they truly are. 

If you feel like there has been a disconnection that has occurred, now is the moment for you to ask for that to be put into Wholeness so that you can feel the connection totally. Many of you are experiencing new pathways; the old pathways are being removed and this is a good thing. But within that, yes, there can be the fear, the uncertainty - not sure of where you are going, but it is important for you to continue to walk across that bridge. 

So tonight, we are going to ask for the assistance of Quan Yin with the Bridge to the New Age with the Pink Orange Ray to fully come within your Solar Plexus. This is when you are fully walking into that new wave of existence. This is what many of you are experiencing on many different levels. So we ask of you to embrace the Pink Orange Ray fully within this area to allow you to expand much deeper than you have previously. 

Expansion is our word this evening and embracement of the new you; we can only do this through the ability to bring in the vibrations of the highest frequency of the 144th dimensional level. This is because this is where your Soul is activating the Essence of Oneness within. We want each and every one of you to feel that on a physical basis. So tonight is your night to just allow the expansion to occur; tonight is the night for you to fully receive these elements within you and not have any questions and not try to understand it. Just to feel. As you are feeling the effects within you, will start to accept it more fully if you allow yourself to surrender unto this moment and allow these beautiful Rays to increase within your body feel. Feel this as if you are laying on the beach, and the Rays of God are permeating right from the Sun into your body. This is what you are here to do; you are just here to relax and receive. That is what I ask from you this evening, and have your highest intention of what you would like to incorporate within you. 

It is my pleasure to be here with you as Lord Sananda, the Spokes-Being for the Christ Consciousness of the Cosmic Oneness Frequency. 



I AM that I AM that I AM 

I AM that I AM that I AM 

I AM the Cosmic Great Central Sun of the Divine Mother and Divine Father God imparting to you in this moment the frequency of Light that is the quality you need fully within your Being.

I extend unto each of you in this moment your own personal attunement, your own frequency to come fully through this voice, through our Essence unto each of you. Let us take a moment as we ask Meleriessee to run the bowl I want each of you to take a breath and to extend to us an emotion or an element that you are dealing with right now that you need assistance with, because within this frequency each of you will receive the attunement that is necessary as is we are speaking to you personally on an individual basis. So we come in this group consciousness, but in truth it will be a special moment for you to receive the magic that you so desire within your personal experience in these moments to assist you in the process that is occurring for you. 

Take a deep breath and allow this frequency to come unto you now as you share with us what it is you desire first and foremost. 

(((Crystal Bowl Ringing))) 

Feel the fluidness of the Light Rays of Frequency we impart to you now. These are frequencies of many different colors: Red, Blues, Greens,Oranges, Yellows, Golden hues, Indigo, Violet, and deep colors moving into a vibrancy of higher colors allowing the colors to mix within each other. Allow the Crystalline frequency to blend within them, Pearlescent, Platinum, no colors as they all swirl within you right now. There are aspects that are there for each of you; these aspects are representative of what you need to increase within your Being. Feel these aspects fully occurring for you in this moment, because there is a frequency of Light that you may need from each of them or just from one or several. 

It is our feeling of the group consciousness that is occurring at this time that many of you are feeling uncertain about your pathway and it may not even be about the pathway, it may be about a specific circumstance; or it may be having to do with relationships; it may be having to do with worry about your life concerning finances, about wanting your body being more physically fit, wanting to release all elements that do not serve your highest purpose. These are many of the frequencies that we are intuiting in this moment as it comes into the group consciousness of this circle that we are bringing forth. Each of the frequencies that we are sending you do not have to pertain to anything that we have spoken about. We just want to bring forth the elements that we are feeling in these moments. So what we need to do is bring forth the Heart Centeredness that each of you experienced last week in many different factors and allow yourself to understand that it is just beautiful to receive the Divine Light that you are into your physical being which houses many elements. It houses emotions that passes as thoughts that also houses your Soul’s Presence of all the eons and eons of moments that you have experienced as a Soul in your travels when you first broke away from the embryo Being that You Are. 

It is a time of great change and within this time, there can be many elements that do appear, and there are many others that will be created through the diligence of your work. Right now we say unto you feel that Magenta that Lord Sananda has so beautifully brought forth, because this is the totality of your Soul’s Essence within the Physical body, of the Unification that needs to occur. As we breathe deeply with the Magenta into the Solar Plexus, it has a mind of its own. It knows that it just does not belong in that area. So it’s like a running river going down stream and then going up-stream as it moves towards the Heart center as it is filling up all areas within the Heart and then within the Thymus. As the Thymus now blends within the Heart Center, it brings forth the Essence of your Higher Self to be activated within the Heart, which is the Male and Female Divine within you. It is a time for great reflections in these moments; each of you are being challenged in your own pathway which you deem to experience within your life as that is the expression that is necessary in these moments. Let us now express to you the frequency of Light that we have been imparting upon you in these last few moments. 

Breathe deeply; Breathe deeply and allow these colors to come within you; allow the Ray of many Rays to be accelerated within your Being as it assists you in what you are experiencing within the physical. Each of you is becoming a Multi-Dimensional Beings. We must be very, very patient with the physical body in this moment. As the physical body is changing to a higher frequency, it is just like any other cell renewal process. Within that physicality, it has worked its way into this process and yet it has not fully activated through the highest essence. It wants to; it just does not know how to go about it because of the previous moments. The integration of these frequencies unto the Solar Plexus, in the Heart and Thymus are quite different. 

So now we are just going to ask you to breathe very lightly and allow trickles of these frequencies to come into you. We must go slowly at first; allow yourself to bring forth the elements within the physical body that truly wants to accept your new pathway, your new life, your new experiences. 

Breathe deeply and feel these essences coming through you now, as it is very challenging in these moments for us to explain, as there truly is no explanation of the frequency of Light that is coming through to you and the very high dimensional rate of Light. 

So let us breathe as we bring forth the attunement for each of you. 

We, the Divine Mother Divine Father God, fully ask for this time of Beingness. The people will awaken and they will open themselves up unto themselves. They will see the expression that they are within them in the Highest Soul’s Essence with the capability of fully acknowledging it within the physical body. Our excitement cannot be curtailed any longer, because each of you are arriving at a new destination - a new stage in that destination as these frequencies of Light fully charges you with the ability to understand more fully than you did before. Your thought processes are going to change as your Heart is changing. The deepness within you will have a different meaning than ever before. You shall be able to expand yourself unto many levels of existence. 

Breathe deeply as we bring through this Essence in this moment. 


What we have extended unto you in these moments are many frequencies within the One frequency. So we say unto you do listen again as you will be able to receive more levels within the physical body that can accumulate it within you. Your Heart is changing and within this Essence of your Heart there are elements that are going to be quite different from they have been previously and this can be on a moment-by-moment basis. So allow yourself to have the structure of your life, the lifestyle you want to incorporate. Think about what that life structure may be. You may not even know at this time. So we ask each of you to be able to connect with more fully with your Higher Self in answer to all these elements that may come up for you. 

Feel the fluids of the Light of many different levels coming to your Being, circling around you, and allowing yourself to see the multi-dimensional reality that is yours. There is no pathway as this One that is being created. So it is your commanding of your own destiny, you’re the driver of the vehicle, you’re the ruler for this pathway, and what you experience can be quite different from many others. Bringing these frequencies unto the Physical Essence as you are doing in this moment is something that has never been done before. The frequency of Light that has been coming upon the planet, the frequency within each of your physical being with the connection of your Higher Selves to be more fully activated within your physical existence has been unachievable up to this point. 

Allow yourself to feel it now; allow yourself to ground this essence. First feel it in your Solar Plexus, your Heart, and your Thymus. In the Thymus you should feel a little fluctuation almost like butterflies as the Higher Self is so happy to be a part of this Experience with you. Breathe deeply, breathe deeply as you allow these essences to be in your physical existence. This is the beauty of your pathway at this time; this is the way you create the new roads that you are driving down. They are uncharted but they are full of Light, they are full of existences creation within your Being that is so much a part of your existence now. We ask of you now to embrace these elements; embrace what you are receiving because it is going to allow you to move to a new level. It may just be a tiny little portion of a difference than what it was before, but it will move through that process. Feel these essences within your Being. Feel yourself being activated as your Higher Self is guiding this frequency; as your Higher Self is receiving the frequency that is necessary. Whatever is that you have needed in this moment, will be acquired because you are allowing it to be. 

Breathe deeply, breathe deeply and allow your Higher Self to fully come within the physical body as it has never had before. Feel him or her active through your organs, muscles, tendons, spinal column, and the Coccyx bone. Allow the grounding through your Coccyx to fully be activated within you. It is your time to fully receive and you are being prepared. But right now, it is a time for you to embrace this frequency of Light that is your personal attunement. Allow us to just take a deep breath. 


Receive this portion of the Light that You Are. We bring it to you in increments so as not to overload you as we know that many of you have been overloaded with much and sometimes the frequency of Light, can have a physical reaction in many different forms. So as we bring in the Essences that is penetrating through your entire Being, just allow yourself to receive the beauty that you are, because there is more to come as the deeper we get into the Cellular level. Breathe through these timelines as they all connect within each other. You will see a deepness within your Soul, and you will see a connection with others that you never thought possible. This is going to be growing deeply as we move towards these energetics that are so powerful that are coming to the Earthplane to assist you individually and globally. 

Let us just embrace individually what is occurring at this moment as you are incorporating these frequencies of Light that you will be sharing with others. It may not be in words, may be just a look of someone standing near you, someone who you don’t know. The wonderments of the Universe are always in place. This is the beautiful experience that is happening to each of you in this frequency of Light that is being integrated and embraced by Gaia. Breathe in deeply. 

We, the Divine Mother and Divine Father God bring unto you these elements to assist you in this process to allow your being to fully incorporate all that you are destined to bring forth within. 

And say unto yourself the words: 


We, the Divine Mother and Divine Father God, are greatly honored to bring forth these newer frequencies that are coming in much quicker than we ever thought possible. So it is our Divine pleasure to always share this with you as our Heart is your Heart, you the children of this Earth and of our frequency. 

We Are That We Are, We Are One of this frequency of the I AM Presence in All That We Are in Oneness, the Creative Source, the Unified Whole as we are all part of one embryo to be fully activated in this moment. So Mote Is Be In The Light. 

I AM that I AM that I AM 

I AM that I AM that I AM 

I AM the Cosmic Great Central Sun of the Divine Mother and Father God at Your Service. 

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 

Greetings, this is Lord Sananda once again. Many surprises coming forth - this is integration upon integrations. This is something that can be utilized in this moment forward in all time frequencies. You will receive what you need to receive and believe me this is a recording that you may want to utilize at future times as you are going through the transitions, elements will appear. 

This started the process of being a multi-dimensional Being. You have never have incorporated these frequencies upon the Earth into the physical body, and you are the Wayshowers. It is our pleasure to be able to acknowledge this with in you, within us as you are truly are heroes upon this Earth as we walk with you and share with you, you are opening the pathways of many to be able to be on the New Earth. 

All my Blessings and Love for each of you. I AM Lord Sananda, Spokes-Being for the Cosmic Oneness. 



To download this recording, please see Audio Recordings: 

Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden 

Vibratory Masters & Mentors for the New Earth, Terra Christa
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