Newsflash—it’s no longer only Canada riding the rigs to freedom. The Canadian truckers were the catalyst to unite the world and this is now world news.

Look what is happening in Holland.


That was awesome. The horns never stop. So many placards zip-tied to fences and benches and flags waving—some of them distress flags.

It’s been a fascinating process over the past five or six years to watch President Trump and the Earth Alliance via the Q Movement wake up Humanity to the existential threat and get them to take action and it’s so gratifying that the research, analysis, and chronicling I’ve been doing for nearly 11 years on this blog is seeing the anticipated results after all this time.

A little review…

As a result of the Military Intelligence back channel communications via the Q Team on Internet message boards with those who would listen, Americans grasped the subtle, almost imperceptible infiltration of their government and the erosion of their freedoms and throughout that process, thanks to social media many others in nations across the world also saw the truth and what had happened in their own back yard.

Efforts to vilify the Q Team and Donald Trump failed. It was laughable, really. Why did the Canadian media lie about Trump and try to turn Canadians against him? Figure it out. The media always shows us who their enemies are. Their enemies are our friends. “Think mirror.”

Trump told the truth and it resonated loud and clear with thinking people. In this 2016 campaign video below that still gives me chills, candidate Trump told what had happened in the past, what was currently unfolding, and what the future would hold. The corrupt shadow government hated him for it. The People loved him for it. Love rules. Every time.

This debate might be considered the beginning of the end for the deep state psychopaths. As Q said, “They never thought she would lose.” If you will recall… five long years ago in this war… fortunately enough American people voted for Trump and enough voting machines were spitting out real votes rather than switching them to Clinton that we had a win that would change the history of Earth forever and help to liberate Humanity.

As a result of that brilliant strategy, the American People regained their civic and national pride, realized they are equipped to fight without their guns, and decided they are willing and deserving to take back their country and their freedom.

That set the tone for Humanity and the initial small pockets of patriots have exploded into massive movements of hundreds of thousands engaging in whatever way they can to confront the enemy and reverse the damage—or at least hold it at bay temporarily while the control structures are dismantled and replaced.

Canada was watching, and it’s now their turn. I pointed out several months ago that “Watch CA” was probably referring to Canada, being the cesspool that it has become.

Dec 12, 2018 7:08:08 PM EST

Anonymous ID: 1bd9f2 No. 4281387 

Will voter fraud in CA ever be brought to light?
WATCH CA” was deliberate.

Was there voter fraud in Canada? Do you think the “fringe minority” currently in the streets voted for Trudeau?

Watch this video on Telegram of the drone footage from many cities of truckers and people who did NOT go to Ottawa. Ottawa is the bull’s eye but the other towns and cities mirror that effort on a smaller scale. Unbelievable and exhilarating! Go Canada!

And then watch this one. Wow. Just wow. Can you imagine what the US convoy will look like? Link to Telegram.

Number One tells me that in London, Ontario the store shelves were bereft of baking supplies because so many people prepared food for the truckers when they rolled through there on the 401 on Thursday.


The call went out to Truckers last night to return to the Ottawa core. Misleading comms went out telling the truckers there were special areas designated for them to park and the organizers are saying disregard that and return to the rest immediately. You must all stick together and don’t allow yourselves to be cut from the herd. Remain together for safety and maximum impact. Link to Telegram.

February marks the month for love and love of country, and our species takes centre stage. We can’t experience fear and love simultaneously—it’s one or the other—and Humanity has chosen.

On Fox news this morning they used two terms that we Patriots know well. “Tippy top” and “calm before the storm”, suggesting it’s almost time for “it” to go down. Link to Telegram.

Unfortunately I got a “504” when I tried to access to check on those again but you can try it.

We heard that Bell Canada was having issues in Ottawa. That might not be what it seemed, either. The crew linked the Truckers’ Freedom Convoy to “The Event”. Interesting observation. And what if the Earth Alliance is using this gridlock and the comms issues to their advantage and making mass arrests in the capital? Just, what if? Link to Telegram.

Now Bell is apparently having issues in Ottawa?
They really are trying anything and everything to stop the disrupt Truckers Convoy!

Rogers, too.

Rogers Communications
Are doing anything to stop Cellular Wifi Communications in Ottawa!

Do you suppose the special forces, etc. might use the convoy distraction to swoop in undetected?

Meanwhile back in the USSA…

This news is interesting as we heard the prisons are full of mind-controlled people the psychopaths programmed to do whatever would suit them when the time came. We also heard they were planning to release many violent inmates as weaponized tools to wreak havoc. Perhaps this move is to prevent that from happening? I doubt if it’s what it seems. The timing is too coincidental and there are no coincidences.

Federal prisons remain locked down from coast to coast after deadly fight in Texas

Phil G discussed the newly installed military traffic lights in Las Vegas and is confident that martial law will be declared at some point in this process of liberation. His Q&A last night gets into that a little. He is on vacation in Mexico but still did his livestream. That’s dedication.

The regime changes all over the world are happening more rapidly now. Out with the old, in with the new.

Military Coup in Guinea Bissau: President Emballo arrested by the military.
ECOWAS Communiqué.

This would be the 5th African country to fall under military rule in 6 months

 Coup d’état en Guinée Bissau : Le président Emballo a été arrêté par les militaires.
Communiqué de la CEDEAO.

Ce serait le 5ème pays Africain à tomber sous la coupe des militaires en 6 mois

Simon Parkes shows us the “tie comms” from BoJo at his blog. Green is usually connected to the new Quantum Financial System lurking stage right for the perfect moment to be announced to Humanity. It can also stand in for a “green light”. What do you think?

In tonight’s live broadcast Prime Minister Johnson wore the Green Tie!!!

This was during his conference with Ukrainian deep state puppet Zelensky.

What could it mean?

Green for go, hurry up Russia and invade Ukraine?

Or green for go, I’m getting out of this job as British Prime Minister?

Or something else?

And we have dog comms AND Queen comms simultaneously. Will they finally tell the world the lizard queen is dead?

Royal Family: The Queen has a new dog despite rumours she wouldn’t get any more pets

The masses have some tough truths to swallow and difficult days lie ahead for many. When Q told us “these people are sick” and “these people are stupid” they told it true. Anything electronic—be it emails, photos, etc. is forever. It’s stored, and it’s accessible. The Wayback Machine is child’s play compared to the technology the NSA and Space Force possess. Don’t waste your money on BleachBit. Link to Telegram for this story.

nsa employee used spycraft to steal 16 MILLION “dick pics” from private phones and computers….. she didn’t get them from a website, she was using top secret tech to lift pictures people were sending… the nsa masturbates to all your selfies…

And if they don’t, they sell it to someone who does. Perverts.

The appalling truth is that the world has been run by evil, satanic pedovores and their bribed and blackmailed minions. The level of evil is immeasurable and unimaginable for ordinary Humans. Unspeakable things have been done to millions of us.

We’ve all had our hearts broken a million times over as our lives unfolded at the hands of the monsters running the world. Our skies have been sprayed with toxic chemicals, contaminants and pathogens, our bodies poisoned with drugs they told us would make us feel better; we’ve been cut, burned and poisoned at the hands of doctors who claimed it was to make us well, stripped of our civil rights and privacy for the sake of safety from terrorists, and most recently locked down, masked up, ostracized and separated from our families in the name of our health. We’ve lost our loved ones to diseases the New World Order created and watched our beloved suffer until death—often destitute. We also know many died alone because we were forbidden to see them during this engineered plandemic.

We now see light at the end of the tunnel. Finally—FINALLY! Humanity is getting it. They are finally having their eyes pried open and see the reality we have been trying to show them for decades. They couldn’t conceive of an evil so foul, so cruel, so unfeeling; Beings so soul-less.

They were so mesmerized by the hypnotic trance induced by the media they didn’t want to leave it. They didn’t realize their very existence was threatened and slated for eradication. It’s a bitter pill to swallow.

The”dark winter” that was predicted hasn’t been what the psychopaths wanted, but it has yielded events that created a lot of raw emotion. You must watch this 2 minute video that had a trucker in tears. This is an indicator of just what this movement means, folks. It’s so much more than a convoy of trucks showing the corrupt government they’re pissed. So much more. Again, it’s about the children. Link to Telegram.

There will be drama in Ottawa, of course, but not everything is what it seems. The more drama there is, the more eyes on and the greater the chances of the unaware becoming influenced and informed. We want everyone to be safe and don’t want ANY violence at all. We can resolve this peacefully and effectively if cool heads prevail and our hearts beat for peace and unity.

The powers that were have tried to keep the evidence of the Great Awakening quiet but have not succeeded. There is nothing they can do to cover up the truth any more.

@news.rebel BREAKING: Look west. A group of truckers parked across the Canada-US border between Alberta and Montana have been given a police SWAT team ultimatum to move. They just voted to refuse. We have two reporters on site.

Surrounded and forced to make a difficult decision. Motion has passed, they are staying. Stay tuned. More at

Remarkable things are reported every day from Canada’s capital.

I saw some video footage of what appeared to be Ottawa police taking boxes of hot food to the truckers.

Billy Joyce did a video update that is mostly a montage of video he collected and very little narrative from him—mostly segues. Billy is in Nova Scotia and is one of the best “red pillers” we have. He has the organizers of the truckers here telling us that the alleged freezing of the GoFundMe account was pure lies on the part of the Canadian corporate media. Didn’t happen.


Queen Romana is presiding in Canada and on Telegram she says…

I have ordered the Kingdom of Canada’s Military and Special Forces to keep the Peaceful Truckers Convoy Safe and to arrest and charge under domestic terrorism anyone who intentionally creates chaos and destruction…

I remind you all, the penalty is death for domestic terrorism/ starting Civil War – upon conviction – in the Kingdom of Canada.

And carried out within 24 hours of Conviction.

It won’t matter if you are a teenager, young adult, middle age or a Senior…

I AM aware of the alledged payout of $45 million to certain groups to create chaos and blame the Peaceful Truckers for it.

But then again, isn’t their (Payor) Bank Accounts Frozen?

Here’s a typical tactic by the controllers to influence people. When cruising social media, THINK before you buy into this stuff. Research… or ignore. The same message goes out automatically on multiple platforms, multiple times, and they hope no one will notice. We’re on it. Link to Telegram.

It’s growing… Italy and Mexico have now joined the Truckers alliance. Link to Telegram.

Check out this report on Queen Romana and her role in the convoy on Before It’s News.

Queen Romana Didulo Of The Kingdom Of Canada Comes Rolling Into Ottawa February 3rd, To Give Speech And Hoist Kingdom Of Canada Flag!! Ottawa Trucker’s Convoy Just Got A Whole Lot More Interesting!!

It’s increasingly clear that at this point you have to pick a lane. There is no more time for fence-sitting. Either you’re with the People or you’re against us. It’s that simple.

This is great. Apparently when the mayor of Ottawa called towing companies to tag and remove trucks they said they couldn’t oblige because they all have Covid.  ;0)   Video on Telegram.

All the tow truck companies in Ottawa have “covid”… At least that’s what they’re saying when called.

You can follow the action in Ottawa via this live streaming on the Ottawalks channel as he walks the streets of the city to show us what’s happening and who is there. Ah… the sounds of the city. Who is imposing the lockdown now? The truckers are in control. “The Patriots are in control.”

And for those who bought into the medical terrorism and tyranny… read this. We won’t say, “We told you so.” It was a case of bye-bye influenza and hello Covid. The overall death statistics by nation never changed notably over those 5 years prior to 2020. They were just reallocated. Link to Telegram.

Direct from UK Lawyer Anna De Buiscuit

Breaking news. share on all platforms: FDA document admits “Covid” PCR test was developed without isolated samples for test calibration, effectively admitting it’s testing something else.

A document just released by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) openly admits that the infamous PCR test for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) was developed not with actual samples, but rather with what appears to be genetic material from a common cold virus.

In the FDA document, it is clearly stated that ordinary seasonal flu genetic material was used as the testing marker in the PCR test kits because the authorities knew that many people would test “positive” for it, thus allowing them to use these results to create the “Covid” narrative.
It is somewhat of a lengthy read, but have a look for yourself and see the deception in plain sight. There is no legitimate test out there that accurately identifies the presence of SARS-CoV-2. From the document:

“Since no quantified virus isolates of the 2019-nCoV were available for CDC use at the time the test was developed and this study conducted, assays designed for detection of the 2019-nCoV RNA were tested with characterized stocks of in vitro transcribed full length RNA (N gene; GenBank accession: MN908947.2) of known titer (RNA copies/µL) spiked into a diluent consisting of a suspension of human A549 cells and viral transport medium (VTM) to mimic clinical specimen.”

Another revelation in the document is the admission by the FDA that test results are “pooled” together to produce numbers that are inaccurate. The FDA is quite literally manufacturing data to support a false narrative.

We are now at a crossroads worldwide. The time is upon us to decide if we are going to allow this type of medical fascism to persist, and impact upon the futures of our children. Or if we are finally going to say no to tyrannical government policy.


A lot of people aren’t buying into the fear and propaganda any longer and are taking their governments to task. The crew points this out.

Austrian Constitutional Court Puts Gov’t on Notice: ‘Prove Pandemic Is Not a Scam or END Restrictions’

Our demands are having a positive effect and the dominoes are falling. When you read “going into their third year” [below] it should poke you in the eye and make you ask—how could we be so stupid? How did I not see it?

The entire world shut down for two years over a fabricated cold virus promulgated by the fake news media and validated by a test that cannot detect that virus. The psychopaths convinced everyone their immune system was suddenly useless. Logic vanished and after two years of the psychological abuse some are so fearful and brainwashed they want to continue to do all the things that never worked.

They didn’t tell us the virus can cause our IQ level to plummet. When you trust the media to tell you what to think for so many years, I suppose you might lose the ability to do so. Some are recovering, however.


PM Marin: Finland to lift all Covid restrictions in February

The Covid Narrative Falls Apart in South Africa

Canadian province of Québec scraps tax on Covid unvaccinated

Wow!!!!Sky News has been massively covering the Child sex abuse report today. Saying it’s bigger than we’ve been told and that the police have been covering a lot of the abuse up. Then I’m going through various online newspapers, and many are either reporting arrests of paedophile rings and individuals or cases that are being investigated.

Good news continues to flow. The face of the legacy media is changing. Rachel Madcow (another farm guy pretending to be a woman) is stepping down. Thank heaven for small mercies. How can they expect us to have any respect for the media when everything about them is fake; their sex, their employer, the information they present as facts…  Clowns in America [CIA] is done.I like the way this whole thing is unfolding. There is so much irony.

I don’t think I need to point out that as Q Military Intelligence predicted, these psychopaths can no longer walk down the street. The hunters become the hunted, and don’t think for a moment that we don’t have the ability to find out where the Trudy puppet really is. He has zero power. This is a puppet show.


Jan 31, 2020 12:22:57 PM EST
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: ef52a4 No. 7978436
What happens when people learn the TRUTH?
What happens when people WAKE UP?
They will not be able to WALK DOWN THE STREET.
For a snort or a chortle, you might want to take in the fake news awards made available by brilliant Canadian journalist in Japan, James Corbett.

The 5th Annual Fake News Awards!

Signing off for now. Remember to check the comments below each post for valuable information shared by the crew.  ~ BP

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  • wonderful!! it is time <3
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