What words of wisdom would you care to impart this day?

Words of Love as always to those of you that have embarked upon the new road of your journey. With each step there are ‘feelings’ of excitement andwonder.

Blossom: Good morning to you. As I ‘rise and shine’ on this new day I am hoping that we maybe able to get in touch which I feel always assists the planet to rise andshine also! What words of wisdom would you care to impart this day?

Federation of Light (FoL):Words of Love as always to those of you that have embarked upon the newroad of your journey. With each step there are ‘feelings’ of excitement andwonder.

Blosssom: Eh … why am I getting an image of a frying pan … pray tell?

FoL: Were you not just of the day last gone questioning your ability to do what you do?

Blossom: Yes ... But I felt I had reason.

FoL: And we say that you decided to take the decision to allow yourself to feel that way. Hasnot your friend White Cloud displayed this image … beating oneself over thehead with a frying pan? Whereas from our perspective on a matter, we feelsecure in our findings … no matter what they may be…. For we are secure withinthe knowledge of ourselves that all is well regardless of how things may‘appear’ to be.

We have spoken many times of this very thing. Of the fact that how something may present itself on‘your side of the fence’ … is in essence, very different from how it ison ours. What you may see sometimes as a disaster … in the overall picture … issimply a step towards a better outcome further down the track.

Is it not that it is known of the phoenix rising from the ashes? … That from those very asheswhich are all that is left of the old … new life begins to form? This to us isfreshness. A new beginning … and yet from the aspect of those upon your planet,such a natural disaster would be considered very detrimental would it not?

Blossom: I see what you are saying and I know White Cloud has always spoken of ‘us’ not beingable to see things from the bigger perspective. I guess when we allow doubtsinto our Being it can serve only in a way of helping us to recognise thatdoubting is pointless … and yet this questioning of ourselves … of what we doperhaps … it is just a part of being human.

FoL: Correction … WAS a part of being human. A self created destructive button that hastranspired over many years. It is necessary for it now to be removed. For itserves little purpose. If you were to see one from their True Lightness … as wedo … you would laugh and joke at the issue of which we are now speaking. Fromwhere we are positioned we see little point in bringing down the self …simply because a momentary glitch in the vibratory frequency allowed a nanosecond of self doubt … which then is picked up by ANY nearby negativity inorder to feed itself. Therefore allowing that minute glitch in the matrix …

Blossom: Where have I heard that before Neo?

FoL... to escalate out of all proportion. It is negativiity’s job to serve this way!


FoL: Indeed. For everything is part of a service to the whole … even though it is oftenpresented in disguise .

Blossom: But what is the point of that? I mean … Truly … life would be a lot easier if everythingwas presented … as is … without all these disguises .

FoL: And yet is it not that from the very things that have appeared ‘difficult’ the biggest growthhas occurred? Therefore its ‘service’ is of great value.

Blossom: Point taken. You had mentioned in another session that ‘in our earthly terms, very soon ourworld would appear very different from how it is now’. Someoneasked if you would kindly explain that? For instance would there be sicknessand death etc?

FoL: That will very much depend.

Blossom: On?

FoL: The pure thought of those that find themselves in the New World.

Blossom: Yet you said ‘our world’ …

FoL: And we meant it. For you do not yet understand that the New World is your world. It is theascending vibration of yourselves and your planet that is changing EVERYTHINGand transforming it into this NEW WORLD … and yet it cannot be that it does not‘come’ from the world that you are in now , because this NEW WORLD is of yourold one.

You are all ascending at your own pace. There cannot be a single atom that is not part ofthis great plan. And yet … it may seem at times that there are those who arenot a part of what is taking place. Or it may be that in your eyes that this isso. And yet again… do not assume that because something does not ‘look ‘as ifit is involved, that it is not. Very much the opposite. Take a tree. It juststays in the same place. You cannot see it growing taller for it is notpossible with your earthly eyes. And yet through the hundreds of years of itsascension … from that of a seedling … to the mighty tower of strength that ithas grown into …. It had to move upwards. Because … now in its height … it isas plain as the nose on your face that this took place. It cannot be denied.And yet … did you see that movement? NO. Yet it , without doubt, wastaking place before your very eyes even though you did not see it. Everysecond of it changing was invisible to you. Very much the same as that which isoccurring within yourselves and the planet. Just because you cannot see it …does not mean it is not happening. And it shall be … that as one would say ‘howdid that tree get to be so tall’ … that the same questioning of how one came tobe so Light shall occur. And within that ‘Lightness’ shall be the world inwhich you dwell. Which … shall be ‘very different from the one you are livingin now.’

Within the Higher Vibration there cannot be issues of war and hate and greed and allmatter of ‘that’ vibration. It cannot enter in. It shall be left behind.

For those who ‘feel’ they are sick … they shall be sick if they so choose, but it will not be in theNew Vibration … for sickness is not part of it.

Blossom: Mmm. Ok … Let me ask you this then … I know of souls on this earthly vibration who arevery sick indeed … they are also the most beautiful example of Light … so itwould be obvious to me that the New Vibration of purer Light would be for them.Yet how can they ‘enter in’ if they have such sick bodies?

FoL: Because their sickness will ‘fall away’. In the same way that all things that are not of pureLove shall do also. Again the lack of expression through words cannot explainthat which we need to explain. Sickness isindeed a reality for those that are experiencing that given sickness. And yetit is not a reality … it is an illusion.

Blossom: With all respect … very easy for you to say. I know what you say is a Truth. I even knowof some very sick people who know this as a Truth … and yet KNOWING thisdoesn’t make that illness disappear.

FoL: For in the density of this illusionary world, the creation of ongoing illnesses is part ofthe key to their growth. Every illness is chosen for the time one has with it.

Blossom: I do understand. And yet for those that suffer so immensely, I am sure they woulddisagree. Is it not that on another level of the soulself such illnesses wereagreed upon to either serve the self (in disguise), or others?

FoL: This is so … That is the simplified version. Oh! … to allow each one of you a glimpseof the greater picture. The overall understanding that we KNOW allows us to‘get it’. We are trying with all the Love that we are to help you do the same.And yet as we have so often said … from your perspective this cannot be so. Youcannot see the full picture, and therefore you cannot understand matters suchas the reasoning behind illness and many other concerns.

Blossom: As you know I wouldn’t dream of being rude … my question does not come from that place… but if that is the case … if we can’t ‘get it’ from where we are … why areyou bothering? Why do you keep saying ‘until you ‘get it’?' … Because if wecan’t ‘get it’ , due to our position … how come you are asking us to?

FoL: We do not find this … as you would express … rude? We find it perfectly understandable thatyou should ask such an appropriate question.

As you are aware … our purpose in this communication through you … which in turn reaches many … isto propose to you ..

Blossom: Sorry ... I toyed with saying ‘but I’m already spoken for’… and that broke the train ofthought … sorry … couldn’t help myself … BE SERIOUS BLOSSOM!!! Where were we? .

FoL: Enjoying every moment of our discourse … you were not chosen for your seriousness! ... Ourpurpose is to propose to you the prospect of the NEW WOLD. You already KNOW OFTHIS within your innermost thoughts. We are merely AWAKENING those thoughts inorder for you to bring them forth into your reality..

Blossom:Which is an illusion … right?

FoL: Your reality at this time is an illusion because you have conjured up a world that is so.

Blossom: So are you saying that the New Vibration into which we are moving is not going to be likethat? It is not going to be an illusion, but it is going to be REAL?

FoL: YES, very much so. In the sense that there cannot be an illusion within the heights of thisNew place. For it is of a Light that can only shine that of which is … Light. Andyou are all Light. Therefore that is REAL.

Blossom: But will we appear as human?

FoL: For as long as you feel the need.

Blossom:Oh thanks… that’s really helpful!! The thing is … that is sounding to me very much likethat of a soul that leaves it’s earthly body (as we call ‘death’), andkeeps its human appearance until it understands that it no longer needsit.

FoL:And your point?

Blossom:Is where we go after we die, going to be the same sort of experience of that which we arecalling the New World?

FoL: Yes …and No.

Blossom: Again… very helpful!

FoL: You see … as each of you experience a lifetime upon your earth plane … you are all on thesame planet ... within … to a certain degree… the same vibration… and yetwould you not say that the experience each one of you is having … is verydifferent from each other? You are individuals. That is your Divineness.Therefore you are experiencing the same thing… the same world but from theperspective of YOUR self. And so it shall be that in this New place … In itsGLORY, you shall be the expression of YOUR TRUE LIGHT. Yet … how you chose tobe that expression … shall be up to each individual. So if it is that one’schoice is to remain in human form until such time that one chooses otherwise,then this is how it shall be for that individual. In the same breath we wouldsay that should one choose to dwell only in the form of their Light, then thistoo shall/can be.

Blossom: But just to clarify …. This New World isn’t the same place as where a soul goes to afterleaving the earth plane?

FoL: This is correct. That matter must be left for another time. For we feel now we haveused up our given quota of your energy.

Blossom: That’s fine. I desperately need to get my breakfast anyway!

FoL: We can only try to understand that feeling of hunger that is experienced by human beings.We have no need to break a fast for we have no need of sustenance in the mannerthat is necessary to sustain your physicality … for we have none.

To all those who join together in this new way of understanding yourselves and the whole, we bidyou a fond farewell until our next discourse.

Blossom: And FROM all those that join together in this new way of understanding … we send ourLove and thanks to you for your graciousness in this whole affair! Golden Raysbeaming right back at ya!

Federation of Light by Blossom Goodchild

http://flingerman.blogspot.com- DEUTSCH

http://federationlight.blogspot.com- PORTUGUÊS

http://flinspanish.blogspot.com - SPANISH

http://flindutch.blogspot.com - DUTCH

Originals and translations of Galactic Messagesavailable on http://peacelovelove.blogspot.com/
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