Friends … our devoted allies who have undertaken such a monumental position in the story of the planet weall know as earth ... Soon now, VERY soon shall we be reunited?

MAY 27, 2010

Blossom: Well good morning my friends of Great Light! Today in Australia as you may or may not know is a beautifulsunny winter day and I have to say lately I am feeling on top of the world! Asis our way I will let you dictate that which you feel will be of benefit to usat this time … Chocks away!

Federation of Light (FoL): We too welcome you from a place that is of great warmth and Love, for ourcorrespondence has been taking place over quite a period of time in yourearthly moments. You were suggesting earlier in your thoughts that we presentto you today something that is completely new, something that is as yet unknownwere you not?

Blossom: Clearly you know of my thoughts. Let’s hope you only pick up on ones concerning you … or Imight feel the need to stop thinking all together.

FoL: And would you smile if we said this would be very beneficial for those of your earth to do? To completelysurrender to the nothingness that IS.

Blossom: Well I sort of felt that coming as I wrote my words so, yes, I am grinning. But you know, downhere, there is so much to think about. There is always clutter within the mind,but I think many of us are training ourselves to think only of positive Lovingthoughts as best we can these days.

FoL: Indeed this is so. For we are able to ‘track’ this from an energy presentation all around your globe. Yousee, for many of you, you are feeling exasperated, you wonder when anythingthat will really show the world what is going on will take place. There aremany that are aware of so many things and many that are aware of nothing so itseems. You want those who are asleep to wake up. You want those who donot understand the depths of which your world has been ‘taken over’ to suddenlyunderstand everything. We say to you that which you already know. All is asshould be, We encourage you to keep on in the manner that you are alltravelling for it is taking you down the correct path . A path that leads home.

Blossom: Whenever you say ‘home’ my heart does acrobats. I guess it’s like travelling to see someone youLove on the other side of the world and yet you have to experience the physicaljourney first before you can give them a hug. It’s that sort of anticipationthat many of us our feeling. Yet sometimes for us it seems all the planes havestopped flying, the trains have come to a halt and the buses remain as always …late! I KNOW we are transforming … I can feel it … There is much excitement inthat many say this year is the year when First Contact will be made etc . Couldyou just chat for a bit on what you foresee taking place within the next sixmonths or so, and … yes, with all respect to you ,we know you do not share ourtime … yet we know you know of it … what can we expect to ‘feel and see’in the coming days?

FoL: Already in your skies you are experiencing Lights and travelling craft that without doubt are not fromyour local airports! You are aware that many more are awakening to theirsoulself’s agreement and these numbers are a great deal more than you realise.This is of much joy to The Federation for indeed it expresses to us that ALLthat is being done to assist your planet is of use and we are not failing inour task. This task as you know has been in plan for eons and now that theend/beginning is finally occurring there is so much excitement aboard ourships. We have planned a fly over that will astound. It will be of muchgreater magnitude than your world has yet seen. And yes we are picking up onyour thoughts at this moment … There is no date to be given.

Blossom: PHEW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

FoL: Yet we will categorically state that when this takes place there will be much celebrationupon your earth planet and in you earthly skies. On top of which mushcelebration shall take place within other planets and realms for it shall markthe beginning of what is to come. And from there on there will be NO STOPPNGUS! It would not be wise to reveal a time, but let us say that the presentationof these events will allow the changes that many require to step up wildly.

Blossom: Do you mean widely?

FoL: We mean as we first said. For once we begin showering you with our Love and insights into that which weare capable of performing it will be of great pleasure to remain outdoors towatch the show that will not cease. For once we begin we will remain with youto see our earth brothers and sisters through to the New World as we havepromised.

We feel many of you do not know or as yet are unable to feel the extent to which we have Love for you.You, each and everyone are the bravest warriors for taking up the role that youhave upon the earth planet at this time. For we are aware that only thestrongest ... as we have said before ... could be chosen.

We ask as we have done many times for you to be vigilant with your meditations. For through this method wecan transmit ‘orders’ through to you that can be acted upon when all is inalignment.

Blossom: I feel some may question the word ‘orders’, although I know where you are coming from. Are youable to clarify as many may perhaps not feel comfortable with being given‘orders’?

FoL: Indeed we accept what you are saying and we appreciate your need to settle and clarify. When you were notof this earth … when you volunteered and were accepted … you were aware whatwas required of you. You signed up … if you like … for certain duties that youwould perform when your world entered its phase of transformation. Each oneagreed with all Love in their hearts to carry these duties out in order toassist the Ascension process. We think of these times with great endearment foreach one was willing to ‘take on board’ as much as they could possibly handle.Therefore, when we speak of transmitting orders we simply mean that we are‘reminding’ you of the tasks which you offered to perform. They are not ordersthat you MUST follow. They are orders that you WANT to follow because they arepart if not one of the main reasons why you came to your planet at this time.

Many of you express feelings of ‘knowing you came here to do something, but you have not yet found what it is.’You have feelings of frustration … the wait seems to be too long. Yet we say itis not far away, and we mean of this in your earthly terms. Then shall youawake in a way deeper than ever imagined. Then shall you praise that which youare for being part of this wonderful scheme. You shall find all manner ofthings falling into place. You will laugh at the ease in which youraccomplishments are achieved.



Blossom: I guess it’s so hard to imagine that of which you speak. We can’t really know what you mean.But I do know that when we are in the right ‘heart space’ there is anexcitement that any day now we shall all be like giggling children when what weKNOW is KNOWN to those who don’t yet KNOW it. And the fact that they will thenKNOW it too shall make us laugh even more. Imagine that … a world FULL ofpeople laughing. Earth would be like a helium balloon and would rise up quickerthan you could say ‘Ascension’!

FoL: And yet whilst you were writing those words, do you feel this could become a reality …this world ofyours laughing?

Blossom: In the moment of writing it yes … but now that you’ve asked I was brought back to reality andthought of the state of affairs in the world as it is today and that image ofthe world floating up like a balloon into the blue skies and beyond seemsnothing more than what it is at this time … my imagination.

FoL: You are aware are you not that you are writing in ‘your’ words that which ‘we’ are prompting you towrite?

Blossom: Yes I am … you little cheeky chappies you!

FoL: Yet by you doing so we are able to lead into that which we wish to mention. Your imagination is yourfuture reality. This you know. Yet we feel the desire to impress that theseimaginary images that you are all creating in your thoughts would benefitgreatly if you KNEW them to be reality. When you think of something that istangible in your world ... say the eating of an orange … when you visualisethat … your taste buds can produce saliva just by the thought of peelingthat fruit ...

Blossom: Excuse me a moment whilst I wipe the dribble from my chin!!! Whah! … I make myself laughsometimes!!

FoL: How we find your humour amusing also. Let us continue … the reality of your thought is SO REAL that itcan produce saliva as if the eating of the orange is actually taking place.Therefore the suggestion we offer is to visualise respective uplifting imagesand take them a step further so that you actually FEEL them to be TRUE. As thethought of the orange produces the saliva … allow the thoughts of the liftingof your planet to produce the heart place to tingle with power. FEEL IT AS YOURREALITY. The more you can accomplish this, the quicker shall you rise. Thequicker you rise the faster your neighbours shall awake. The faster yourneighbour awakes the sooner the better for ALL THAT IS.

Friends … our devoted allies who have undertaken such a monumental position in the story of the planet weall know as earth ... Soon now, VERY soon shall we be reunited?

Blossom: Soon meaning??

FoL: Service Of Other Nations.

Blossom:Touché! And on that note … I feel it is time for us to close. It alwaysamazes me … inevitably our discourse is exactly an hour … and yet you have notime where you are.

FoL:No time indeed … only the space from one moment to the next which is forever in LOVE. We will be in touchquite soon.

Blossom: Mmm ... unusual thing to say … I’ll be ready when you are. Blessings on behalf of us all downhere … who patiently await orders!

In love and thanks.

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