Blossom: Good evening to you. Is it ok to have a chat? … Now is a good time for me.
FoL: Welcome to you sister of ours.
Blossom: Now that’s an unusual way to address me.
FoL: And yet it is appropriate and of our choosing. We are most excited with the outcome of the*healing which took place with you just a few of your days ago. Blockages wereremoved on a level that will leave you astounded at the degree in which we cannow work with each other. Where would you care to begin?
Blossom:Oh! Um … Well, I think I prefer to leave it with you. You say you can read our energy soI’d rather leave it in your capable hands.
FoL: So be it. We graciously accept. Consider if you will, all those who have arrived at a placewithin their being that serves well. Consider the notion that in a very shortwhile, and we mean this on your earthly terms … your world as it is now shallno longer be. You ask of what changes are to occur? We wish to instill into thecore of your Beings that you have been preparing for this change for longenough and your Beings have adjusted to a level that much now is ready tobegin. There is an attitude amongst the Higherarchy that *dispels a feeling ofupliftment amongst the various ranks of ‘our community’. There is an areaaboard many ships that has those who have been waiting …. just like you … to beof utmost excitement. All is being brought out from its storage units andchecked and double checked to ensure that nothing can be misused ormisinterpreted .
Blossom: Could you explain what is exactly in these storage units … I am imagining it is somethingfar more important than your winter clothes!!
FoL: Within blocks of vast containers there are preservatives that enable certain treasures fromplanes of a Higher vibration to be kept in their perfect format. These‘preservatives’ allow us to maintain energies from other vibrations and presentthem in their Truest form. It is a delicate operation to bring thesevaluable assets into the openness of even one of our motherships. So preciousare they in their form of glory.
Blossom: I keep feeling that I am not talking to an energy that is actually on the shipright now …
FoL: This is so. We come from a level of understanding that is above those who are in a position ofgreat importance upon these vessels that are to deliver to you The Light of theNew World.
Blossom: So, are you saying … those on the ship actually have the Light to give us?
FoL: Yes that is correct. Let us explain a little more for your minds to be able to accept thatwhich we are offering in words this night.
For eons of your timeit has been known by many that there are indeed Light ships in your skies. Itis nothing new. And yet, it is only now in this day and age … that we canreveal Higher Truths … due to the upliftment of the vibration ofyour planet. The great plan is supremely on target and all is dwelling in itsrightful place, in order for everything to come together in the Divinity ofthat which is proposed.
There are many more now on your earth that have awoken to their own Divinity, which has broughtforth this great change that is occurring at this very moment and shallcontinue to do so. It is so very exciting for us to KNOW that we are on thebrink of revealing the secrets that have had to be kept from you … purelybecause your world was not ready to receive it.
This Light of which we speak …. THIS DIVINE GRACE …. Again we stumble with the inadequacy ofwords … has travelled with the ‘Keepers of the Light’ in safety beyondmeasure … until such a time that it can be presented to you.
Blossom: I can FEEL this pounding in my heart at the moment … and yet, it seems we are havingtrouble expressing that which you wish to say.
FoL: We shall persevere. It is merely the new vibration in which we are working that issettling down with both parties.
This Light … this treasure … is a gift to your world from a place that is not of substance. It isa purifying energy that when released into your atmosphere shall begin aphotosynthesis of a nature as yet unknown to you. When this happens there willbe noticeable changes that cannot be dismissed or denied.
Blossom:May I ask in what way do you mean?
FoL: In a way that will send your senses reeling. For it will be obvious to you in a flash thatall these knowings you have had regarding your New World will be happening andtranspiring right in front of you. These new‘sprinklings’ shall make headlines on your TV screens. Such new phenomena shallarise and cause much interest all over your globe.
Blossom: Sprinklings?????
FoL: We thought you may question our choice of words.
Blossom: And your answer being??
FoL: We shall very gently be ‘sprinkling’ particles of this Divine Light energy a little at a timeto your planet and allow it to do its work. It is that for a time ... it ispossible for only small amounts to be diffused otherwise it could cause alittle mayhem due to its immense power. The integration must take placegradually. Your physical bodies too shall notice a difference with this newenergy. There will be a Lighter feeling within the actual physical body.
Blossom: Marvelous … will my scales have proof of this …. I can’t think of anything moremagical!!!
FoL: It will begin with a FEELING from within that will contain Lightness throughout the Being. Asif one is experiencing at times as if they are walking on air.
Blossom: This is fab news. Because as you are bringing this information through I can FEEL atouch of this Lightness you are speaking of. And let me say … it feels good!!
FoL: Let us then say … it is wise to keep grounded also . For one could become a littletoo deeply involved in the feeling … that the earthly matters get left behind …and yet we say this is not yet the correct time for that to happen. Therehas to remain the balance. That is one of the reasons many of you Light Beingsare here. To bring in and anchor this new Light energy that we have so verydelicately been looking after.
Blossom: Now you sound like you are on/from the ship.
FoL: It is a little perplexing for you is it not?
Blossom: Well, yes! One minute your on it, the next you’re not … I therefore ask you with thedeepest respect … who EXACTLY are you?
FoL: And we would reply … we are the Bringers of Peace. We are not of your world. We are not ofform. We that are communicating with you in this present moment are only ofLight. Therefore we can be on /off as we see fitting.
We have spoken to you before regarding overseers of the overseers.
We are an embodiment of Light that is most happy to be working with this great plan andmaking sure that all is in place. We are the ones who make decisions regardingany quick changes that may have to be put in place. And yes … we read yourthoughts … we are the ones who made the most serious decision to abort themission that was promised on the date of your Oct 14th. This as you are wellaware was not something for those in ‘lesser ranks’ to decide. It came from theHighest council and we can say that we chose well to do what we did. Theoutcome … had we gone ahead as planned would have been a miserable onefor a vast number of those residing on your planet. When the time is appropriatewe shall offer more information on that matter for we feel it is important thatit is understood what actually took place. And yet we would ask you to bepatient. For come the time when we choose to open up the realities of what wewere confronted with, it will seem in perfect *coergence and be more fullyunderstood.
Blossom: Could you just talk a little more about this Light? I had never really thought of anew vibration, a new energy being transported in a ship. I had always imaginedit would just sort of stream down from above!!
FoL: How can we assist in explaining to you what it actually is?
Blossom: Perseverance I guess.
FoL: And yet, we would again stress that not all things of ‘our’ enlightenment can be expressedby us in a way that you are able to even visualize.
Blossom: Keep trying …
FoL: The Keepers of the Light would be likened to what are known in your world as the KnightsTemplar. The Keepers of the Light are not of a regular disposition. They are ofthe Highest embodiment and they have been entrusted to protect this form ofLight that is destined to bring in the New world into its existence.
Blossom: That’s a pretty heavy duty task. How were these Keepers chosen and how many are there?
FoL: 12. For it is of the divine number. How were they chosen? They were a distinguished band thatpresented themselves to the Highest council. The choosing of such a band ofLight was undertaken through a series of what you would term as tests, and yetagain, this is only a word that is appropriate for explanation purposes. Thetests as such were undergone by The Keepers before they were in a position topresent themselves. Not unlike in your world when young spirits aretrained in a certain monastery to be of service when they are older. It is avery similar situation, and yet not in the same fashion, but this is theclosest we can come to help you understand.
Blossom: So …this Light then, travels on board under the greatest most sacred protection,until it is time to do what it is meant to do?
FoL: This is correct. You see dear one … It is not as ‘you may imagine’ a vast container inwhich this Light is stored. These containers harbour the … shall we say …condensed version. It is a never ending source that is contained within.
Blossom: When you say The keepers protect it …. Who from??
FoL: From itself.
Blossom: Which means?
FoL: This force of Light is of itself only. It knows only of itself ... Nothing else. It is‘contained’ therefore in a way that is kept under control. For as we have said, if it were to be presented in its fullness … all at once … your planetwould be close to … the word we would use would be … disintegrating.
Blossom: So how do The Keepers protect it from itself?
FoL: By keeping it safe. The containers/chambers this source of Light resides in … is of anadvanced technology that allows its compressed form to remain comfortablewithin.
These chambers are scanned and monitored in order to keep the treasure within, in its mostappropriate state at any given time.
We seem to have digressed from that which we started out by speaking of. And yet it is of ourintention now to disclose such things that until now have remained out of yourknowledge base. Although we would say some are aware of this … and somewill recall from their memory banks this information that is already known tothem. For as we say…. Many of you are here to help anchor this Light as itsprinkles through.
Blossom: Well, I am feeling as if we are coming to the end of our session for now.
FoL: Indeed this is correct. We would not wish to over indulge. For we are learning of the energyit involves upon your human form. It is not the same for us, yet we chose to bevigilant on your behalf.
Blossom: Jolly Good! As long as you’ve got it all under control. I’ve really enjoyed tonight.Thank you for imparting that information. Good stuff what!!!
FoL:We bid you Adieu …
Blossom: I would very much like to have an explanation soon as to why this “adieu’ thing hasbeen happening lately. It never did before particularly … that I can recall. …and that definitely is to me a sign that my mate White Cloud is about.
FoL: All in good time dearest lady. All in good time.
Blossom: Fair enough. I can handle that. Goodnight to you. Sweet dreams!!
FoL: Our realities! Until next time … We send our blessings to all .
Blossom’s Notes:
*I wasvery blessed to receive a healing from a wonderful Light worker who wasvisiting Noosa last weekend.Whte cloud had asked her to do so, and yet when shevisited , I said I was feeling so well now and didn't’ feel in need of ahealing , so we had a cuppa and a chat instead. However … when I beganmeditation that evening, straight away I heard ‘you need to have the healing’.I called her the next day and she too had got through later in the day ‘itwould be wise for Blossom to have the healing’. Who are we to argue? So Ihad it. And clearly it was necessary. Many thanks to a very special soul indeed!
*Dispels … I thought this an odd word to use. The dictionary says … as if by scattering. So I suppose it fits.
*Coergence. For the life of me I cannot find out what this word means … and yet it comes up in a few sentences when I Google it. Ifanyone can assist … many thanks. And let’s hope it makes sense in thesentence!!!