You are not lost. You are merely walking through the veils of mist that have clouded yourvision for so long. We say to you this: Once through these veils, once theyhave cleared, then never again shall you doubt. Never again shall you fall intothe wells of darkness that have destroyed so much of your reality.

BE OF GREAT STRENGTH … For this ... you have in your souls.

BE OF GREAT LIGHT … For this ... you are in your souls.

BE OF LOVE … For this ... IS your soul.

July 23, 2010

Blossom: It’s me again! It feels quite a while since we were in contact. Life simply whizzes by.Everything is changing and yet somehow it all seems to stay the same. Iunderstand that we need to remember who we are in order to create our NewWorld. I have trouble doing that, therefore I have trouble visualising a worldthat is only of Love. Can you perhaps assist me and others who may feel thesame on this matter?

Federation of Light (FoL):We welcome you into this communication with us. We correspond with you in this way, yet we would say that there are many other interactive measures that we aretaking with many in order to resume connections with those upon your planet.Your planet ... that not so long ago ... not as long as those of you upon itimagine at least ... was a thriving community of pleasure and abundant LOVE.Collect your thoughts for a moment and take yourselves back to a place whereyour rivers were pure crystal water , where your oceans were gleamingwith life, where all around you was of the deepest fervour and with eachsoul that resided alongside you there was an acceptance, an honour of gratitudefor that soul. There was a silent acknowledgment that each one was respected bythe other ... for each one was part of the other. There was the excitement ofliving in each new moment. There was LOVE ALL AROUND YOUR LIFE ... ALL AROUND.

Blossom: You see, that is where I tend to fall back a bit. I KNOW that we are to BE in LOVE. And yet Idon’t always FEEL this way, in fact rather than getting better at it Isometimes FEEL I am failing miserably. Each of us continues on the best we canI am sure and yet, oh I don’t know, there is still this ‘hankeringfor’ , this ‘yearning for’ … something better. I know this may sound selfish …you see? … How can I BE LOVE if I am still FEELING the desire for somethingbetter. Will I ever be content with ‘my lot’ on a regular basis? It alwaysseems so brief!! I TRUST you are FEELING what I am trying to explain. For I donot wish to appear to be moaning, just trying to get to where ever it is I amgoing … but the road seems very long at times.

FoL: The road is never ending dear Blossom. For even when you get to where you were going there shall appearbefore you another adventure. There will always be somewhere else to go to, forLIFE is eternal . It cannot remain still ... for then it would have no purpose.And Life SEEKS movement. Every breath life takes is movement into the nextmoment of movement. So although you feel ‘static’ at times, that is indeed animpossibility. When you FEEL stuck … in a rut… as you would say ... you aremerely moving at a rate that does not excite you ... yet you are moving.

Blossom: Yet, with all respect, isn’t this supposed to be the time when things are really speeding up,when everything is presenting itself to us in a new Light? Maybe it’s just me,but what’s new?

FoL:The very next moment is new. It has never happened before.

Blossom: Yes, I guess it’s me really and the space I am in. I’ll change that right now. Ok … Tickety Boo!!MOVING ON! How may we be of more service? Yet you see I know the answers.To be an example of Love. To visualise and focus only on Love. To meditate. Youhave already told us all these things. I feel today I could begoing round in circles so I’ll zip my mouth and let you take over. What wouldyou like to express today Lovely Lights?

FoL: We would like to express to you our thanks. We would care to add that we continue to evaluate all thatis being done by you on your planet and the difference it is making even thoughyou may not realise it in its fullness. But you are doing what you came to do.You are BEING who you are ... simply by breathing. And with each intake andouttake of that breath ... you are opening yourselves up to the New World the New Way of Being ... for with each breath you are a step closer to whatis to come.

We KNOW Blossom of your heart's feeling to greet us in your skies. It sometimes feels to you like anongoing fairy story does it not?

Blossom: Yep! Every night I look up to the stars and say ‘hello’ or ‘goodnight’ or ‘one day?’. And I guessit’s that which seems to go on and on … every night. It’s not a ‘come and saveus’ … it’s almost a pain in the heart wanting to see you. Wanting to get theball rolling, so to speak. I think what I am trying to say weirdly enough isthat … I MISS YOU!!! That’s it!! That’s what this FEELING is. I’ve neverthought about it like that until NOW. Finally I can put words to theFEELING!! YIPPEE! I MISS YOU.I MISS YOU. I MISS YOOOOOOOUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!

Fol: And yet we have never gone away and yes we understand what you are FEELING. That is why so muchexcitement builds as we draw ever closer to are reunion. It would be pointlesswould it not for us to be so close to you and then simply disappear? We arewith you for a purpose. As we have said before , as we have promised, we willfulfil our mission and our mission is to bring you into the NEW WORLD . Oncethe connection is renewed with those upon your earth, once we reconnect andallow friendships to be rekindled, then shall we always be in your sights.These are times that we have all been waiting for.

Blossom: And yet, we are all still waiting …

FoL: We stress to you that you KNEW of this wait. It is just that now you are in it you have forgotten manythings that were explained. This process of movement into the NEW WORLD intoTHE GOLDEN AGE was gone through with a fine tooth comb. Each one of you agreedto it and furthermore … your role within it. You were so excited. YOU COULDN’TWAIT! And now here you are again … YOU CAN’T WAIT! Yet in the same way that youDID come down here to see yourselves and the earth planet through into this newtime, you WILL move through into this NEW AGE that you are here to achieve. YOUWILL SEE US IN YOUR SKIES AND FROM THAT MOMENT ON YOUR LIVES WILL TAKE FLIGHT.

Blossom: Perhaps it is that unexplained frustration, that KNOWING what is ahead and yet as this stage wedon’t know it, yet our souls recall it and that’s why we FEEL so … LOST?

FoL: You are not lost. You are merely walking through the veils of mist that have clouded your vision for solong. We say to you this: Once through these veils, once they have cleared,then never again shall you doubt. Never again shall you fall into the wells ofdarkness that have destroyed so much of your reality.

BE OF GREAT STRENGTH … For this ... you have in your souls.

BE OF GREAT LIGHT … For this ... you are in your souls.

BE OF LOVE … For this ... IS your soul.

Most precious BEINGS upon your precious PLANET EARTH … Lift your swords. Sometimes you feel so downcast thatyou forget that you can recharge them with SPIRIT LIGHT. Call unto yourselves …YOURSELF! Bring upon YOU your HIGHER KNOWING, your HIGHEST understanding. YOUcannot abandon yourself. YOU cannot leave YOU. YOU are always there foryourself. To be there for yourself. To assist yourself and to carry yourselfthrough. Be kind to yourself. Be Loving to yourself. BE YOURSELF.There is nothing else required of you.

Many of you are tired. You have travelled far and are in need of rest. Keep on keeping on. For when youarrive in this New place there is no need for tiredness. Many things that nowseem a necessity to the body shall be gone, for your body shall be anew also.It is valuable to visualise yourself as only your Light. Just Light. Removingthe foibles that have taken their toll. The time is upon you … NOW … to recogniseyourselves. To BE YOUR LIGHT … and by doing so … you shall LIGHTEN UP YOURWORLD. It is as easy as that!

Blossom: I know all that you say makes so much sense. It is a TRUTH for me as it resonates so well. I thinkwe all just feel a little helpless/hopeless sometimes.

FoL: There is no need for hope. There is only KNOWING. And somewhere inside each one of you ... whetherit be buried deep within or whether it is bursting forth ... is the knowledgeof the wonderful BEINGS that you are ... and the KNOWING that you are sovery special ... and that is why you are here at this time to work with us andbring about this DIVINE PLAN that is unfolding before your very eyes.

Blossom: I think so much more will make sense when the director of this little movie shouts ‘ACTION!’.

FoL: In a movie where there are no extras, for each one has an important part to play. KNOW THIS AS TRUTH.Do not just read these words saying ‘yes, we have heard it all before’. Readthese words in your new position ... from the place where your heart can FEELthem. Let these words sink in. Absorb them, so that your soul recognises themas teachings that you were instructed by before you arrived on this planet.Revise! Recall! Remember!

We are your friends. We are your family. We are ONE and the SAME. This is so, and one day it shall beknown. Lighten your BEINGS dearest ones. Shine your Light out to ALL. Forthose that receive that warmth shall recognise themselves within it and do thesame.

Blossom: Thank you. As always. Signing off for now. In Loveand thanks.

Original site:

Federation of Light by Blossom Goodchild -FRANÇAIS - DEUTSCH - CHINESE - SPANISH – DUTCH – PORTUGUÊS

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