March 24, 2010
Blossom:Good afternoon to you. Happy for you to do your thing and we’ll see howthe river flows!
Federation of Light (FoL):In which direction the river flows would be dependent upon which way thewind is blowing would it not?
Blossom:Never thought of that, and I am just trying to ‘look into’ the concept. And from whereI am standing, the river may be flowing one way and it is only going the otherbecause of the wind, not necessarily ‘flowing’ in the direction of the wind,but being forced in a direction from that which is its natural flow … I have afeeling this is all leading up to something profound!
FoL: Dearest human … BEING …human!! Has it not been spoken of numerously regarding allowing onesthoughts and actions to ‘go with the flow’? Is there not a saying ‘Let go andlet God?’ And yet … how often is there the struggle continuing forth betweenthe mind and the heart? How often is it that one’s declaration ofindependence fights against the inward battle to follow the fold? Throughoutages you have been blissfully unaware that there was anything to be aware of …therefore what you did not know did not hurt you … Or so you may have thought …And yet now, is it not so that as one is awakening to all the things that theydid not know and now do, that there seems to be confrontation within thesoulself, wondering that which is of Truth and that which is not? You arefinding the self having to investigate innumerable findings and discoveriesthat perhaps may clash with that which one has known as a solid fact since theywere indoctrinated with that fact at the earliest age. To be able to freeoneself from these facts … can sometimes bring the discovery of the ‘fiction’on any given subject, to a degree of potential outrage. To have stories thathave been ‘flawed’ with dishonour and make believe can leave the soul in a placeof not knowing anything at all, yet understanding that they know so much morethan they did before. Is it not being discovered that what has been treated as‘fairy story’ and ‘myth telling’ is far more recognisable as the Truth thanthose stories that were designated to stand as Truth in a world that is fraughtwith lies?
Blossom:I have to say, that when I look back to the beliefs I was raised on as acatholic, I can connect with very little of those Truths and at the time wasindeed punished … if I should dare to question … Oh if the nuns could see menow!!!!
In this New World will all these untruths vanish? Will the children of tomorrow KNOW only of‘what is’? I would imagine this would be the case as we are leaving all therubbish behind aren’t we?
FoL: Behind what?
Blossom: Behind US!
FoL: This is within the Divine plan. And we can see from the Light emitting from your planet thatthis is all very much in alignment with that plan. And yet may we ask of you aquestion?
Blossom:Certainly …
FoL:If it was to be that suddenly we disappeared from your life, if it were that we no longercommunicated with you, how would you feel about that?
Blossom:Oh… just drop that in why don’t you??? Is this a hypothetical question?
FoL: We are first looking for your answer.
Blossom: Ok … let me have a little think about it … Without doubt I would feel a sadness, for Ihave enjoyed the journey with you very much , although it’s had its moments!!And really, I simply cannot imagine not ‘talking’ to you anyway … in my head …via my heart. You will just always be there. The more I think about it … themore I realise that you can never go away … because you are so very much in myheart … so even if you were not here to write these words and communicate as wedo in this particular way , I would never feel like I had lost you … becausealthough unseen, you are felt … in the deepest part of my soul. Quiteinteresting, as the question you have just asked, has never crossed my mind,therefore I have never had to think about how I would feel if you were notthere …. And all this is leading to ….?
FoL: To pointing out to others that do not have this communication that you, Blossom, have withus, that we are very much as you have said, in EVERYONES hearts. We are part ofyou. We are a part of each other for we are all ONE. We have spoken of this somany times, but we are trying to assist you in grasping this ONENESS concept ina way that you have not yet mastered. That KNOWING that we are always therewhether ‘words’ are spoken or not, is the connection that we all have …which each other … for we are there within your very soul … AS YOU … partof YOU. Part of us, each particle of energy that WE are … is the same ‘make up’of energy that are in the particles that make up you. Do you see? That is howwe are all part of the same thing. That is why you feel the connectedness,because when we say we are OF you … WE ARE! WE ARE NOT SOMEONE/THING DIFFERENT.We are IN your heart because we are OF your heart … how then could we ever goaway? In the same way that those that have left your planet in their earthlyphysical form have not left YOU for they are part of you , and when youFEEL their energy around you and in your heart you are simply ‘picking up’ onthat part of YOUR energy that is also THEIR part of you. Are we making sense?
Blossom:Yes. It is helping me to get this ONENESS concept. For although I KNOW we are all from thesame energy, sometimes our separated fragments seem so very much THAT …Separated!! So then … Those that think you are a figment of my imagination ,those that refuse to wake up and smell the roses, how can they not FEELyour LOVE if you are a part of them? How can they be SO fast asleep, especiallyas we keep being told that WE ALL volunteered to be here at this time and WEALL were chosen? Well, my question to you is… if they are refusing to wake up,with all respect … what benefit are they to this whole Ascension process?Because surely whilst ‘putting out’ the energy of disbelief regarding yourexistence, why would they be chosen to help down here? Because they don’tseem to be helping much at all. Please know here I am not judging ... I am justcurious.
FoL: We completely accept your question and we would say that again you are coming fromthe earthy aspect of the question .
Blossom: Because … perhaps … I am on it!!!
FoL: And therefore not able to understand things in the Truth of which they are presented when notof earth. Our answer to you would be that those who are still sleeping aredoing so because they have been in stillness. It is a bit like an injectionwhich would make one become catatonic. Yes there is freedom of choice, butthere is also strength of mind. Many of you are awakening ‘out of this sleep’.
We are putting intoyour head the ‘fairy story’ of ‘sleeping beauty’ and all around in her kingdom,were drugged for a hundred years. This so called ‘fairy story’ is not so farfrom the Truth, in a way that we can explain in your terms. And it is only whenthe drug wears off fully that one is able to grasp the full picture of what hasactually taken place.
The awakening, dearest souls, is happening. The drug, so to speak, is wearing off, and one byone, souls are returning to their former selves … their former lives. They areremembering who they are and where they came from … as they awake out of thisdeepened slumber. And yet … it depends on the ‘constitution’ of the individualas to how quickly or slowly their emergence transpires.
Blossom: There’s that word again, it’s becoming a natural part of our vocabulary.
FoL: So you see , there can be no blame , there is no judgment on those who refuse towake , for it is instilled within them, and it is the drug that has taken itshold more firmly with some than others … if we may put it that way.
Blossom: Describe for me this drug in another way if you would be so kind?
FoL: A bottle neck.
Blossom: Yep thanks …that explains it all nicely!!! A bottle neck???? Please!!!!
FoL: We were presenting you with an image of many souls in a bottle and the long thin neckhad these souls squashed together trying to squeeze out of the top. You wereput in a bottle and the cork pressed firmly down. You were suppressed andsuffocated, and yet now you are rebelling. You have become the ‘bubbles’ thatwhen shaken, FORCE the cork from its anchor and explode with Light. More andmore of you are releasing yourselves from this stance, from this ‘deathly’ position.
Blossom: Rather a strong word for you?
FoL: And yet an appropriate one. For when you once again ‘come to life’ you will see that weare correct in our choosing of wording.
Blossom: I know it is time to go soon, but this ‘coming to life’ is one of those thingsthat feels so near and yet so far. I feel like I am on the brink of thediscovery of the NEW ME and the NEW WORLD … and yet every day seems justanother day on the brink!!!
FoL: And we say to you that one day … without any doubt in your hearts you will KNOW thatyou have moved into this NEW WORLD of which we speak and that the NEW YOU isnow comfortably awake and living life in the brightest of forms as it was sodesigned. This we promise … this we KNOW.
Blossom: Okey dokey. I’ll take your word for it… For they are words that I have grown totrust.
Mmm … let me now read this back … and discover what this one was all about …. It seems so longago that I started!! Looking forward to a good cup of tea!! Thank you… asalways … and that is not a flippant thank you … it is True and heartfelt.
FoL: As is our devotion to all upon your earth and to the cause!
Federation of Light by Blossom Goodchild - DEUTSCH - CHINESE - SPANISH – DUTCH – PORTUGUÊS