FEMA (the Federal Emergency Management Agency), who is still playing the zany and kooky children's game 'New World Order' even though most of the pieces are lost, has decided to conduct a test of the Emergency Broadcast System. Notice the date chosen for this most inauspicious of tests; 11- ‘9-11’
by Greg Giles
Just two days before the day of 11/11/11, a day in which a sun burst of glorious higher dimensional transmutative energies are to shine down upon humanity, FEMA (the Federal Emergency Management Agency), who is still playing the zany and kooky children's game 'New World Order' even though most of the pieces are lost, has decided to conduct a test of the Emergency Broadcast System. Notice the date chosen for this most inauspicious of tests; 11- ‘9-11’.
For those of you who value your personal vibrational frequency and understand its relevance in regards to ascension into a higher dimensional existence, I recommend avoiding your television sets as this test is performed, as it is my belief these ear splitting noises will lower your hard earned vibrational frequency. A little background may be essential to understand my viewpoint.
You are blanketed warmly on your living room sofa enjoying your favorite television program when suddenly your senses are bombarded by an earsplitting collection of sharp screeches, squeals and buzzes. You suffer through the headache inducing interruption as you read the familiar words on the television screen; ‘This is a test of the Emergency Broadcast System’. You remove your hands from your ears as the program you were watching returns, shaking off the inconvenient intrusion into your living room. But what is the meaning of this emergency test? Could this test be performed in some other way, without being so damaging to your ears?
I do not make it a habit to feed into fear mongering, however after careful consideration and a little fact checking I feel it is important to share what I believe to be a rational and logical opinion on this weekly noise grenade. The FCC claims this test is for the purpose of allowing the FCC and broadcasters to verify that EBS ‘tone’ transmitters and decoders were functioning properly in the case that the president needed to address the American public in the advent of a national emergency. (Note the word ‘tone’, which is simply a sneakier way to say frequency).
As is known to many, humanity is currently experiencing a raise in our personal and planetary vibrational frequency which will very soon culminate in our ascension into a higher dimensional reality. This fact is certainly well known by the dark masters of this world who have demonstrated time and again their commitment to thwarting this natural ascension process and imprisoning as many as possible in their crumbling 3rd dimensional prison planet. Many techniques have been implemented by these now desperate self imposed rulers, including the deployment of advanced technologies that sabotage a human’s ascension blueprint by obstructing the increase in personal and planetary frequency. This increase in frequency is the key to personal and planetary ascension. Could this weekly test be nothing more than another attack on your bodily frequency? Is it such a stretch of the imagination to believe this ear splitting collection of frequencies is directly and negatively affecting your being? To quote one of my father’s favorite expressions, ‘It sure doesn’t help Kiddo”. It would seem this ‘test’ is yet another convenient coincidence for the dark cabal, whose innocent weekly test just happens to aid their treacherous anti ascension campaign, a battle they have vowed to win, but have already lost.
After a little fact checking, it took only minutes to find that the Emergency Broadcast System, easily recognized by the choice of pyramid logo (Hmm… it’s funny how many organizations choose this logo), has never once been used for a national emergency in its nearly fifty year history. Not once. Not even during the 911 ‘attacks’ on New York City. Yet the tests of this system have been carried out faithfully on a weekly basis since 1963. These ‘tests’ are also always performed when it is known that the viewing audience will be large. The tests are never conducted late at night or during the overnight hours when far less viewers would be so severely inconvenienced.
On Wednesday, 11-9-11, FEMA will be at it again, playing with all the buzzes and bells of their little toy and maybe even dialing a few phone numbers once in a while. Just to be on the safe side, I would suggest immediately muting the television, or better still, turn your television set off completely before these ear splitting frequencies reach your senses.
The test was yesterday and like all tests I put the tv on mute and nothing happened. Who dreams up this kind of dis information? Like our space family wouldn't intervene! I am more inclined to believe that the aliens were going to land at 11:11 on 11-11-11 and Scotty would beam us up!
That's sooooo wrong. There is nothing they can do to stop this planet from change, they're just desperate. Love and light to all :)
Hmmn I guess I was in the right place at the right time I never knew it happened I must have been taking my nap before cooking supper upstairs my hubby is addicted to the boobtube but he isn't likely going to ascend anyway he is completely OUTA THE LOOP so to speak.
ah..ok.. lol... thanks silvestar.. well that explains why I heard zilch over this side of the pond.. :))
.. mind you.. I feel pretty great.. much lighter these past few days.. I wnder what 11.11.11 shall bring ..we shall see.. in less than 24 hours :)
Cant even remember when ny tv was turned on the last time, and can only recomend that. Not only for 9-11 but for good ;-)
I personally listened to it (not seeing this message before), and even talked back to the feedback (noisewaves), as if there could be the possibility that they might have listened to house holds within their frequency. I mentioned that verbally as I was talking to a family member during the "test". It stopped immediately after I said that, I wouldn't be surprised if they were in fact listening to what people will say. I of course am skeptical because I know our government has done faulty actions through history for their own benefits. So who knows what they are up to. Just keep looking within yourself and be true to who you are. Don't let them intimidate you. I am onto them one way or another, and until they personally come out with an indifferent reasoning for their actions, or a compromise to the citizens, I won't stop thinking openly and expressing myself as to how I perceive the world. It does make a difference. lol :) <3 Free to the World, You rule the Air :) Namaste
well.. interesting stuff indeed.. I am nowhere near a television but I'll have a peek later on.. after I've stuffed my ear drums with cotton wool.. just in case you are right.. I also wonder if its a world wide thing because live in Berlin, Germany.. anyhoo.. Love to you :))
very intresting