source material: How to Teach Ascension Classes by Joshua David Stone, Ph.D.

"To all Healers, Silencers, Transmuters, Channels, 

Light Wielders, Rainbow Warriors, Sword of Truth Carriers...."

This will work wonders when repeated regularly.  You may wish to print this up.

Please, share your experiences.

In Faith-Wisdom!

Peace & Blessings 
Esta Lior 

§ Fifty-Point Cosmic Cleansing Meditation ~ Joshua David Stone

Close your eyes.  Let us begin by all taking a deep breath.  Exhale.
The meditation we are about to do is quite deep.  It will foster an enormous ascension
acceleration, so completely relax and be like a sponge, letting the masters do their 
divine handiwork.

We call forth the entire Planetary and Cosmic Hierarchy for help in implementing this meditation
for the entire group.

We call forth a planetary and cosmic axiatonal alignment.

We call forth Lord Michael to establish a golden dome of protection for all present.

We call to Vywamus and the archangels to bring forth their golden hands as a net to cleanse all negative energies in our energy field individually and collectively.

We call from Melchizedek, the Mahatma and Metatron the anchoring of the Platinum Net to cleanse the energy fields of each person even more deeply.

We now call forth to the Lord of Arcturus and the Arcturians for the anchoring of the prana wind clearing device both individually and in our group body.

See this prana wind clearing device as a fan anchored at the solar plexus, blowing and clearing all unwanted energies out of the etheric body.

Feel the prana wind clearing device now being lifted out of your field by the Lord of Arcturus and the beloved Arcturians.

We now call forth from Djwhal Khul, the seven chohans, Lord Maitreya, Allah Gobi, Lord Buddha and the cosmic masters to anchor the core-fear removal program.

See this as a latticework of light anchored into the four-body system, highlighting any negative energies or blockages in your energy fields.

We now call for the removal of all fear programming and blocks from every person in this room so they may achieve their ascension at the highest possible level.

See this fear programming as black roots intertwined in your energy fields, now being pulled out like a vacuum cleaner through your crown chakra by the masters.

Planetary and Cosmic Hierarchy, please now remove all separative thinking from the four-body system.

Please also now remove all judgemental programming from the four-body system.

Please remove all lack of forgiveness from the four-body system.

Feel these negative aspects again being pulled out of your energy fields and through the crown chakra like unwanted weeds being removed from a beautiful garden.

Planetary and Cosmic Hierarchy, please remove all impatience and negative anger.

Please remove all negative selfishness, self-centeredness, and narcissism.

Please remove any negative thought forms, feelings and emotions and imbalanced archetypes from the four-body system.

Please remove all superiority and inferiority thinking created by the negative ego.

Please remove all aspects of guilt and shame consciousness created by the negative ego.

Please remove all negative-ego and fear-based programming in a generalized sense.

Please cleanse and remove all harmful extraterrestrial implants and negative elementals.

We call forth the cleansing and removal of all unwanted astral entities.

We call to Melchizedek, the Mahatma, and Metatron for the cosmic viral vacuum to remove any clinical or subclinical viruses currently existing in any of our energy fields.

Please also remove all negative bacteria with the cosmic bacterial vacuum program.

We call to the archangels and the elohim to remove all disease energy from the physical, etheric, astral and mental vehicles.

We call forth each person's personal inner-plane healing angels to now heal and repair any irritations, spots and/or leaks in the aura.

We call forth to Melchizedek, the Mahatma, Metatron, Archangel Michael and the archangels for the removal of all improper soul-fragments.

We also ask for the retrieval of all the soul fragments from the universe that belong to us in divine order.

We call forth each person's etheric healing team, and we now request that the etheric body be repaired and brought back to its perfect blueprint.

We call forth the anchoring now of each person's perfect divine monadic blueprint body and/or mayavarupa body, to be used from this moment forward to accelerate healing and spiritual growth on all levels during the rest of this lifetime.

We call forth a complete cleansing and clearing of our genetic line and ancestral lineage.

We call forth the Lord of Arcturus to now bring forth the golden cylinder to remove and vacuum up any and all remaining negative energy in our collective energy fields.

We call forth a clearing and cleansing of all past lives and future lives.

We call forth now the integration and cleansing of our 144 soul extensions from our monad and mighty I Am Presence.

We now call forth a clearing and cleansing of all karma.

(As you know, we need to balance 51 percent of our karma to take the beginning phase of our planetary ascension.)

We ask for the greatest possible cleansing of our karma now.

We call forth Melchizedek, Mahatma, and Metatron to anchor a matchstick worth of cosmic fire to very gently burn away all astral, mental and etheric dross and gray clouds from our fields.

We now request a complete clearing and cleansing of our entire monad and mighty I Am Presence itself.

We now call forth the greatest cleansing process ever known from Melchizedek, Mahatma, Metatron, Lord Michael, the archangels, the Elohim Councils and from God.

We now call forth the ultimate cosmic cleansing and clearing all the way back to our original covenant with God at our original spiritual creation.

We will take a few moments of silence to receive this blessing and grace.

We now call forth from all the cosmic and planetary masters gathered here a downpouring and light shower of core love and the Christ/Buddha/Melchizedek attributes to replace all that has been removed and cleansed, by the grace of God and the Cosmic and Planetary Hierarchy.

We call on Archangel Sandalphon, Pan, and the Earth Mother to help us become properly integrated and grounded back into our physical bodies.

We call forth our personal inner-plane healing angels to perfectly balance our chakras and four-body system.

When you are ready, open your eyes and enjoy the sense of well-being and crystal clarity in your energy fields.

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