Dr. Angela Barnett
Crystal Magic
Only those who are pure of heart may enter the kingdom of heaven.
The kingdom of heaven is the tone of home, the harmonic convergence. The resonance of the crystal cells of the body into all of the grids of earth including the
Christ grid the love grid the unconditional grid intelligence substance eternal life, principle mind.
We become one with source or all that God is by becoming one with all frequencies within the Cosmic Sun. That frequency signature of the Sun is OM. That is the name, just like my name is Of the Breath of Light. This meaning of OM includes moving every cell in your body into the plasma, the pre plasma, the gama, the x ray, ultra violet blue, the white light, the heliotalic pink pastel and the Zero Point of the Infinite Unknown to allow all possibilities to present themselves.
The final stage of the alignment awaits the pure of heart. When the heart and mind are full of the ENTIRE SPECTRUM OF THE SUN, a TRANSFORMANCE WILL HAPPEN.
It will be the pure of heart whom join the fourth dimensional reality as the crystal heart absorbs more and more frequencies of all spheres and aligns into all crystal hearts as one crystal heart, the heart grows in purity.
This is what will cause the body to first become a ghost like plasma body and then a few seconds later a light body and then the body will disappear because it will move into the place that is now invisible to those in this realm.
The more we practice hearing and seeing that which can not be heard or seen, the easier this transformation takes place. This is why I have been practicing creating music that has such high frequencies that they cannot be heard on CD's and they shreek with frequencies that cannot be held on the wave player. However,most of them still sound wonderful on the mp3 player.
Well, that was until the last Plasma Brain album that I made. The music was still pleasant on the CD player,but I'm sure I'm the only one who could hear it.
This is a problem at this time. I hear things and see things that others can not. So, I don't know how to translate my reality without listening to my audience complain about not hearing my music or not liking it. That is o.k. as long as you realize that it is not my fault that the third dimension will not create fourth dimensional technology. I will conform as long as I must.
When complete resonance of oneness is established, the crystal heart rings in purity.
This causes the new language, the frequency of oneness. multidimensional communication.
This purity of heart creates the cells of the heart, the head the entire crystal cell structure of the body to sing in resonance with the spirit body.
Mother Earth's Sun, deep inside of her Core Domain is also streaming energy upward through pillars into her Crust. This liquid light energy flows up as the stellar and Aqualene Energies flow inward. Mother Earth's Heart must align with our Crystal Heart in all five spheres to pull our Crystal Spheres into the Grand Harmony of the Music of the Spheres.
This Liquid Light cleansing of Mother Earth and our bodies is transforming us together to rise into our original Divine Tone of Home. We help raise our frequencies together with the help of the Sun's Energy Streams, through the Earth and through our Crystal Hearts. We spin our Merkaba from our Crystal Heart down into the Earth's Core. Go deep down inside where the Earth's Sun resides.
Collect this energy, Walk into the Earths Sun and absorb the Frequencies. Bring those frequencies into the Crystal Heart. Now ride the Merkaba to the 8th and collect the Sun's Energy. Ride up to the 14th and Collect all Etheric Frequencies and all Galactic Sun Frequencies. Bring them into Crystal Heart. Become one with all Suns Energies.
When we absorb the Frequencies of Mother Earth into our Crystal Cells, we awaken our Crystal Dust memory, - the Crystal Dust Memory of all that we really are.These records of our Eternal Being is stored in our Crystal Cells in our Spiritual Body.
Our Spiritual Body is in the Etheric Core of Mother Earth which is in at one ment with our Crystal Heart. We bring in the essence of our immortal body into our Crystal Heartto ignite our Immortal Being of Oneness.
When our spiritual Body is aligned into our Physical Body our memory will be restored.
Learn more about this weekly Frequency alignment to assist in and to actively become a participant in the grandest show in all of the Galaxies. There is nothing grander than becoming a STAR. As we allow the highest frequencies of consciousness- which are the breaths of angels and other higher entities to weave and braid and stream their light and sound through our Consciousness and into all of those who choose to participate.
When you listen and feel the Cosmic Energies streaming through your cells, awakening your Mind, and becoming more and more in tune with the Grand Light Energy that Frees us from the 3D Hologram.
The final stage of the alignment awaits the pure of heart. When the heart and mind are full of the ENTIRE SPECTRUM OF THE SUN, a TRANSFORMANCE WILL HAPPEN.
It will be the pure of heart whom join the fourth dimensional reality as the crystal heart absorbs more and more frequencies of all spheres and aligns
into all crystal hearts as one crystal heart, the heart grows in purity.
This is what will cause the body to first become a ghost like plasma body and then a few seconds later a light body and then the body will disappear because it will move into the place that is now invisible to those in this realm.
The more we practice hearing and seeing that which can not be heard or seen, the easier this transformation takes place. This is why I have been practicing creating music that has such high frequencies that they cannot be heard on CD's and they shreek with frequencies that cannot be held on the wave player. However,most of them still sound wonderful on the mp3 player.
Well, that was until the last Plasma Brain album that I made. The music was still pleasant on the CD player,but I'msure I'mthe only one who could hear it.
This is a problem at this time. I hear things and see things that others can not. So, I don't know how to translate my reality without listening to my audience complain about not hearing my music or not liking it. That is o.k. as long as you realize that it is not my fault that the third dimension will not create fourth dimensional technology. I will conform as long as I must.
The Frequencies of the Sun in OM-The Sound of the Sun
PARALLEL UNIVERSE ALBUM has several Suns within it
Mother Ship connects with all of the Suns and through SUN ALCYONE through the Pleiadian Cetacean Council.
The Parallel Earth Album has some of these connections within it.
The Sun Alcyone, who is the Fifth Dimensional Sun in the Pleiades exists within the frequencies on the Ultra Violet Blue Sun and the Parallel Universe.
I also recommend looking at the pictures on the violet orbs page, because that is the Orb of Sun Alcyone that was given to me to open my First Portal
I recommend using the VIOLET FLAME ALBUM while you focus on that connection with Sun Alcyone. These Frequencies connect you through the loop of the Violet String of Transformation in the Fourteenth Dimensional Transformational Heliotalic Light that intersects with the Gamma Waves of the Sun in order to activate the Violet Flame within the Soul and within the entire omni particle structure of the Body.
Each week of participation will spin the Consciousness faster and closer to the Highest Frequency on Earth which is required to pull us into our true Essence of Becoming Immortal and becoming a Star System.
As we listen and breath the FREQUENCIES that Stream our Consciousness into Oneness with the Breaths of the Elohim Angels, the Co-Creative Consciousness, the Cosmic Consciousness and Source Consciousness, we feel and experience the power, the love the etheric star dust, the angelic breaths, the crystal light streams, the dust of Solar Energy aligning and braiding consciousness into the grand network of Cosmic Consciousness.
The feeling is magical. There is a feeling sparkling dewdrops bursting through every crystal cell in the body and feeling of rays of sunlight energy streaming through the veins, crystal light awakening the third eye, the entire body structure realigns into the more etheric chemical structure that allows us to spin forward with Mother Earth. This is what happens to those who participate in the weekly Frequency.