Greetings! From heart to heart in this moment we speak, I am Kejraj.

Why would anyone want to engage in dark rituals, and create extremely low vibrational events? This is a question that I’ve heard many ask, in particular the newly informed people relating to the cabal’s games and history.

There are many answers to such questions. However, in this case imagine you’ve been told that you belong to a bloodline of entities who believe that they are separate from Source(Divine Creator), and are in service to some dark ‘masters’ who believe that they have conquered the light.

Now, the more chaos and fear you are able to generate, the more pleased those otherworldly dark ‘masters’ are with you, and may offer you a place among them in due time. This is what their minions on Earth are told.

It is these agents of the dark, running rampant on Earth for thousands of years, who have set their intentions on opening portals to other dimensions, and inviting their overlords and their followers to come through. They will be using the energies of the solar eclipse and attempt this again, as they did in 2017.

These entities on Earth want to perceive the evil they believe in, with their physical eyes, because they are unable to see it with their third eye. And bring that new level of darkness on Earth, thus shifting the vibrational frequency of the planet. This is what they are attempting to do with the Hadron Collider at CERN.

As the Earth and humanity take their place in the Fifth Dimensional plane, the Third Dimension, a playground of the duality games, is gradually dissolving. This leaves the dark’s players without a field and no lower vibrational energies to feast on.

What they are attempting will be unsuccessful. For one, it is against Universal law. Two, it’s simply not tolerated by the Higher Councils of Light. While the Galactic Federation always monitors the situation on Earth, and has intervened countless of times in similar and other types of events relating to the process.

Destructive is their nature, of these agents who give orders to the so called scientists at CERN, misled and lost souls, in hopes of opening portals, and allowing dark spirits to enter the Third Dimensional plane of Earth, for they know what is transpiring at this time is bringing their end, and of all that which they have invented to enslave humanity.

You are in the final chapter of humanity’s story in the matrix. This is not the end for you as a Collective. Chaos will expand as the dense energies are being transmuted, you will see more manipulation and the dark’s puppets growing more desperate, so we ask you to not give into the fear, know that you have legions of angels on your side, some in crafts and others in wings (lightbodies). These are the signs that you are much closer to transitioning into a new realm, of true freedom and abundance for all.

Open your heart, and allow light love to flow from within you into the world, for your heart center is a portal itself. You are spiritual beings, with unimaginable power.

All the light to You!

April 8th 2024 Transcending Timelines

Greetings to You! From heart to heart in this moment we speak, I am Kejraj.

You are readying for another timeline jump, that is offered with the energies of this eclipse of April 8th, 2024. A grand opportunity is before you for attuning yourself more to the frequencies of the Fifth Dimension.

All events unfolding in your unique reality during and following the eclipse, are a reflection of your own vibrational frequency. And you can change that in an instant.

A solar eclipse amplifies the energies coming in and the energies you already hold, offering the best time for swift change, on a personal as well as collective level. This is bringing an acceleration in the further awakening of humanity.

This is a time for releasing more of that which no longer serves the path you have chosen. You will see things resurface and brought to your awareness for healing, for realizing the lessons in those experiences, and rising, as you release more of the old ideas, thought forms, and habits.

The amplified light with this eclipse allows a deeper purging of old energies which have remained in your DNA and different parts of your being. Pay attention to the energies and triggers that may come up during this time.

You may choose to review past events in your life, with the intention of gaining a deeper understanding, without dwelling in those energies for too long. Then return to the now and see how far you’ve come, how much you have grown on this journey.

You are to undergo through an immense upgrade during the days leading to and after the eclipse. A merging with higher aspects of yourself, with a greater expansion within the heart and the mind.

We would ask that you spend fifteen to twenty minutes in meditation, in solitude, again, in the days leading to and after the eclipse, simply tuning into the light within, and relaxing there, as you breathe from the area of your Heart Center. This will assist in realigning you and opening yourself up to the galactic energies of healing and greater awareness.

In the outer realms you may see what appears as more of the same, we assure you it is not as such.

The dark has lost their stronghold, for if it were still in control, things would be very different, much worse, on Earth at this time. The agents of the dark will continue to use their main weapon, which is the media, for generating more fear and chaos. It is mainly through movies and the media that they program their desired timelines into the consciousness of the Collective, in hopes of using the Collective’s energies to make manifest their low vibrational realities.

This is why it’s important to be in a state of love and joy. Observe the outer events from a neutral stand point, and understand that it is just another phase of the process that is passing.

The Third Dimensional structures which are collapsing now, is due to the change in the Collective’s energy, realizing the insignificance of these organizations and layouts of the old systems.

You will see events unfold which may convince many that the dark is becoming stronger, this is another part of the illusion. You must not give into that fear. For as you are shifting towards a Fifth Dimensional consciousness, what is understood as power, changes in every way. The first being you realizing your sovereignty. Which most of you reading this have done so.

While the dark continues its games in the Matrix plane, it still cannot maintain the power it once had. For resistance will continue to grow by those who remain in the Third and lower Fourth Dimensional consciousness. And those who have chosen the path towards the Fifth Dimension are no longer in that vibrational frequency, as those who are still hoping for the old world conditions and way of life to remain.

We ask that you take care of your physical vessel as well, for it is going through much change. Eat and drink (water) when you feel the need for nourishment, spend time in nature, and most importantly meditate, and give yourself time to rest. Your are transitioning from a carbon to crystalline based body form, with the further activation of your DNA. In turn this will bring forth your Fifth Dimensional abilities, for quicker manifestation, more synchronicity, always conscious of your thoughts and actions, and deeper alignment with your Soul Self, becoming more of who you are in essence as you transcend the timelines of duality.

This is the time to allow more of your divinity to spring forth from within your heart. Open yourself up to the love that you are. Speak from the heart, with gentleness and humility. Share what you can in guidance and in abundance when invited to do so. You are standing at the door step of the new reality of love and oneness, for you have chosen and realized this within your own being.

All the light to You!

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