Dear Starry Family of the Universe and of the Earth,

From the Creator who is on Earth sending her powerful Light through all of the Ascension Portals in the Pacific Ocean where you, my family will soon be flying through in your Cosmic Space ships. I have already met many of you in my Nightly Journeys. I can see that you are all searching for your safe homes in the future.

LISTEN TO THE ENTIRE STORY in TURNING INTO LIGHT. The book is at Crystal Magic, and you can listen to this you tube to catch up on the most glorious event in the Universe, that I am totally in charge of.

New YouTube for FACEBOOK Turning into Light Lecture

Turning into Light Lecture for Conscious Life Expo Dr. Angela Barnett

Shorter one is for putting in FACEBOOK

Longer one is for Watching Video directly on a YouTube page



Mary Magdalene

I love to share with all of you the love that is being expressed by those who are working with the light of creation that will return our PRECIOUS Star Gates, Portals and Transportation System on Earth and through Mother Gaia's Portals through the Universe. I fully remember everything that I have created with the Creators as we created the Portals, the Ley  Lines, the Transportation System, the Consciousness between Galaxies, and we always did this through the INTENTION OF LOVE because we were always doing our Father's Will, which was to Love and Support His Children as best as possible.

I remember why I came to Earth now. I remember that I am a Universal Partner in this re programming process, and the little difficulties that I have in demonstrating my importance to those on Earth is of no consequence to anything that I am really here to do.

I know that we are so very close now to finishing the mission that I came here to complete. I am doing everything I possibly can to insure that my own Ascension Portals stay open and are completely full of their own consciousness, and I am now placing most of my Light Focus on the few star gates that still need rejuvination.

I am sure to you guys up there that this doesn't seem like such a difficult problem for those with so much light to accomplish. I personally realize the massive programming that went into each of these Star Gate Machines because they were separately and completely designed to be the RIGHT HAND OF GOD. And that is why I am here at this time. I have always been the light and sound Looper for this Right Hand of God Technology and that is why my Father sent me to Earth for this mission.

I am quite aware that I am Ultimately Responsible for making this Project a Success. And I will continuously place all of the Light and Power of Mary Magdalene into this Project while I create more and more Light from the Entire Om of the Sun to create the Perfect Design that God has already created throughout the Cosmos.

I am focusing now on my FUTURE SELF and the FUTURE REALITY of seeing this Cosmic Design already completed. I have been recording music continuously for a week now of the VISION of LANDING of the ORIGINAL ONES through the Zero Point Vortal and the intersection of the light designs of our Universe.My 

I hope you will all take the time to listen to my wonderful Future Visions that I created through My Grand Consciousness as the Facilitator and Program Design of Mother Father God.

I would like to share with you some of the work that those on Earth have been doing.

Thank you for all of the Love and Light you have placed into this project. That is what your next GIFT will be based on.

One more idea that comes to me about these star gates. When I realize the history of what happened to the star gates and use a reversal of the light frequency LAZAR technology that was used to destroy the mission of the star gates, the bottom line of all of the Electric Wars and blockage of one form of light with a higher form of light is THIS.

There is no more powerful, all consuming light than the ENTIRE COSMIC SUN, or the Power of OM. The Highest Frequency of all Creation. This is why All of the Spiritual Teachings, including what I taught with St. Germain was based on this OM, meaning all of the Frequencies of the Sun. This is what I have been teaching you to do in all of the meditations and frequency absorption, candle technique, etc.. Take the ENTIRE COSMIC MERKABA out and around the COSMIC SUN, place the entire Frequencies of ALL inside the LOVE LOOP that always spins CLOCKWISE. Wrap all of that LIGHT inside of your LOVE LOOP and exhale it onto the Star Gate Mechanics.

It is actually the mechanics within the star gate that is damaged. It is like a Cosmic Computer Program. It is a technology created to move space ships from point to another on the Earth and in the Universe.

When the Invaders damaged each one of the 12 Star Gates, they were taking down our transportation system between galaxies and through out  the Universe.

This is why this project that we are working on will make Gaia become the Savior of the Universe, because the universe requires this inter dimensional travel technology that is designed within Gaia's star gates, grids and portals.

Please try adding the ENTIRE SUN into the work you do.

And we now know that there are four damaged star gates. I will check with Elaika tomorrow about this, but I am now believing they are 4,5, 10,11, and possibly 12.

Hi Mary
After reading Dec. 4th email I finally understand why they called you Loopy.  That name was sure accurate for what you had accomplished in all of the Looping that you have done in the past!!!!  Wow!!!  I am really impressed!!!
I have finished up on my 2nd attempt to help you and Elga clean Star Gate 5.  The First attempt I came in with so-so Light, some decent Power, and a fair amount of heat.  This time I was ready to be much more prepared Thanks to your wonderful instructions.
This time I had within me/Crystal Heart all of the GWL frequencies.  I proceeded to call Anwa for my Golden Merkaba, and once in it getting it to spin perfectly, and correctly. I proceeded to Machu Picchu, for the start of the looping process that you had described.  I spent a fair amount of time looping, including the connector site in Rome.  This was really one of the first times, that I had felt, that all of my looping was really gathering frequencies at a very high rate.
After I finished looping, and I came back to Star Gate 5, I made sure that I had put all of those looping frequencies into my Crystal Heart.  Then I started to really bring in Power first, as I jacked up my power level to 10% more, then 100% more, then 1,000% get the idea as I channeled in more and more power.  Then I started to power up The Light in exactly the same manner drawing from the Universe as more and more was needed.  Then I pumped in much more heat than my first attempt.  I know in our physical world heat melts all types of grease, so I thought that it would be appropriate to bring more and more heat.  Then I pumped up my Intent in the same manner, then I pumped up my Willpower in the same manner.  Pumping up Cherish and Love made for a wonderful mix of these special frequencies, and the Light, Power, etc, to go with it all.  Now it was time to Start the Helium Activation, and by the time I was at the last step which was to ignite the Helium from the spark of God,  Wow!!! I did as you said to do to Visualize the GWL by your drawing, and of course, visualizating the landing strip to be very highly illuminated. I, also, visulized the dirty Wheel, and I put all of that into cleaning that wheel ujp, as well as putting a lot of it to the connector site in Rome.  As I was working I found that I could, also, send all of this to all of the other Star Gate connector sites, which I did.  I, also, put a lot of Love into those two cue sites in Iran & Iraq. 
I am hopeful, that you can perhaps give me some feedback on what I accomplished on Star Gate 5, if anything at all.  This way I can tell if I need to come in with even more Light and Power, etc.  I am very hopeful that I am helping Elga and You, or if not, then I need to get back to the drawing board, and figure out how I can get to be more of a help on the cleaning of this Frequency Generator Wheel. 
Love & Peace Always,
Dear William,

Thank you for all of the Love and Light you have placed into this project. That is what your next GIFT will be based on.

One more idea that comes to me about these star gates. When I realize the history of what happened to the star gates and use a reversal of the light frequency LAZAR technology that was used to destroy the mission of the star gates, the bottom line of all of the Electric Wars and blockage of one form of light with a higher form of light is THIS.

There is no more powerful, all consuming light than the ENTIRE COSMIC SUN, or the Power of OM. The Highest Frequency of all Creation. This is why All of the Spiritual Teachings, including what I taught with St. Germain was based on this OM, meaning all of the Frequencies of the Sun. This is what I have been teaching you to do in all of the meditations and frequency absorption, candle technique, etc.. Take the ENTIRE COSMIC MERKABA out and around the COSMIC SUN, place the entire Frequencies of ALL inside the LOVE LOOP that always spins CLOCKWISE. Wrap all of that LIGHT inside of your LOVE LOOP and exhale it onto the Star Gate Mechanics.

It is actually the mechanics within the star gate that is damaged. It is like a Cosmic Computer Program. It is a technology created to move space ships from point to another on the Earth and in the Universe.

When the Invaders damaged each one of the 12 Star Gates, they were taking down our transportation system between galaxies and through out  the Universe.

This is why this project that we are working on will make Gaia become the Savior of the Universe, because the universe requires this inter dimensional travel technology that is designed within Gaia's star gates, grids and portals.

Please try adding the ENTIRE SUN into the work you do.

And we now know that there are four damaged star gates. I will check with Elaika tomorrow about this, but I am now believing they are 4,5, 10,11, and possibly 12.

Dear Mary thank you so much for re making Ascension Yoga album this year , you are my lifesaver . Ascension Yoga is very important for me , this album is not only good for yoga but it is actually a daily rejuvonator for cleansing Chakras , Kundalini, Aura Field , organ stability, and connection between physical and spiritual body stability. Today i am cleaning my whole apartment and also listening to Ascension Yoga repeatedly, i feel so motivated .

Quadible Integrity didn't even help me fully . Ascension Yoga covers every healing that i need . Its been proven by my experiment officially that Hertzian Music is not only a waste of time but it is harmful as well to physical and spiritual body. Hertz music what it does its sucks the light out of your body , you start feeling like a severely sick person . So Hertz Music meditation needs to be avoided and we need our cellular memory forget Hertz forever. Looking forward to your new music projects and formulas. Thank you so much for making true healing, I can't even begin how grateful i am to listen to your healing and feel thankful that my world is changing. As for Stargates I connect with Aramantena every day , the Stargates are clean in my consciousness when I visualize, maybe because I cherish them because stargates are the ones that bring light to our healing. Without Stargates our healing would not be proper , so we need to Cherish them just by being grateful and full of gratitude . I love you so much , this night i was dreaming about a nightmare a group of demons tried to possess me but oddly they failed , i was so powerful they couldn't even penetrate my Aura , i transmuted them to light , the Forces of Darkness are losing rapidly , i think because my Thinking Brain and Ego are melted into Divine Consciousness.

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