Bill Meridian's Mars-Vesta cycle (applied to the Dow Jones Industrial Average [DJIA] stock market index) is currently 71% profitable for 28 cycles of the mechanical buy-sell method he describes. The cycle goes like this: Buy the DJIA when Mars is at the "Waning Trine" position relative to Vesta, and then sell the DJIA at the next "Waxing Square" of Mars with Vesta. Note that the orbit of the asteroid Vesta is 3.6 years, and the orbit of planet Mars is 1.9 years. This defines Mars to be much faster than Vesta.
Below is the Bill Meridian article on the 3.9 year Mars-Vesta cycle, with the statistics of this cycle relative to the DJIA.
We can add on three more cycles of the Mars-Vesta cycle. These three cycles are described below; the cycle had losses in two Mars-Vesta cycles (but had a 52% gain in one cycle).
11/13/2000 - Buy - DJIA 10,595
03/03/2003 - Sell - DJIA 7,890 (Loss of 25.5%)
05/25/2007 - Buy - DJIA 13,441
06/04/2011 - Sell - DJIA 12,247 (Loss of 8.8 %)
08/28/2015 - Buy - DJIA 17, 414
09/29/2019 - Sell - DJIA 26,852 (Gain 0f 52%)
Thus, we can conclude that while the Mars-Vesta cycle is 71% profitable, it will feature some cycles with losses. But that aside, it is a profitable astrology cycle to consider if one is involved with the art of investing.
Next cycles:
11/20/2023 - Buy - DJIA ?
09/18/2026 - Sell - DJIA ?
Thanks for reading.
Love to all,