you will not find you true self in psychiatry nor in monotheist religion neither in new age or atheist.
religion that turn earth into hell all biblic koranic toranic one.
de la revolution industriel aux reveil global
spiritual psylosophy that bring health and help you find you true self self,taoism,sufism,boudhist,pentheist,gnostic,yoga,wiccan,pagan,
religion without science is a oxymoron,scince without wisdom is a way to extinction.
in the coming earth change only pure soul will survive.
our creator right
every citezen as the right to proper and higher education.
the right of poursuit of happiness.
the right to be idependent and live from the earth with out money.
the right to consume any plant and extract we wish.
the right to chose our own belief with out interference.
the right to sleep in any park or forest we wish.
the right to natural and organic food.
the right to chose the medecine of our choice.
the right to refuse any medical traitement especialy psychiatric one.
the right to free and clean energy.
the right to a desent shelter.
the right to be selfsufisent and not participating in any economic system.
the right to live in a interest free nationalise banking system.
the right to cultivate any plant.
the right to be free from propaganda and disinformation and be jail for propagaging disinformation or lie vonlontary.
the obligation to have a spiritual and mystic education and the right refuse gouvernement schooling.
the right to live the way we wish as long it dosent harm the environement or the people.
the right to mystical and esoteric experimetation with or with out drug.
the right to know the truth about mdma , lsd ,dmt , and psylosibin on consciousciousness.
the right to asosiation and manifestation to change a destructive or war desision that we do not aprove.
the right to vote on any war desision.
the right to clean water without toxine.
the right to freedom of asembly
the right freedom of spech.
the right of freedom of press.
the right to protest for our right.
the right to be mask in protest.
the right to be a self sustainable society.
the right to free education water food clothing and shelter.
the right of freedom of choice.
you think you are free you are a slave.
you think you have choice all your choice are fated.
you think the gouvernement is there to take care of you know that farmer give food and medecine to the animal they send to the sluther house.
think the media inform you no they manipule your mind.
think you can report the truth about our system or the gouvernement try you be put in jail or asylum or kill.
think the pharmaceutic industry is searching cure for disease you are a fool they create disease and dangerous antidote to them.
think school are great is to domestic you like a dog.
think you vote count no opinion are manufacture they chose who can run and its not for your benifice but for the globalist agenda.
think the prsident or the prime minister are in charge no its the secret elite people who you nevr hear about they are bound by secrecy.
think the american dream is great you must be sleeping kill inocent bring misery at home and acroos the globe.
thik the gouvernement is in charge no its the corporation and the criminal baking elite.
think you can be a free thinker see what happen.