In a better society with more understanding people, nobody will try to change you...
everybody will help you to be yourself, and to be oneself is the richest thing in the world...
why should one have a philosophy of life? so it can guide you...
if you are intelligent, you don't need any philosophy of life...
intelligence is enough unto itself, a light unto itself...
love gives freedom, and love helps the other to be himself or herself...
love i a very paradoxical phenomenon, in one way it makes you one soul in two bodies,
in another way it gives you uniqueness, individuality...
it is certainly dangerous to have unintelligent people in powerful posts...
and it is becoming more and more dangerous, because they have more and more power, and less and less intelligence...
but why does it happen?
stupidity doesn't mean the absence of intelligence....
it simply means you haven't used your intelligence....
love and meditation are two wings, and they balance eachother...
and between the two you grow...
live each moment so totally, so fully aware, that you never repent later on what you didn't live,
what you could have lived more, and what you could have enjoyed more...
that's what intelligence is: to live life so totally that there is no repentence never...