(« In Search Of Lost Time » by bogenfreund)
In « Lifeforce, » the story is told in non-linear time. It begins just after the collapse, and its various stages are presented as objects of an introspection. Eventually, this reflective process leads to appraisal and peace, and allows the protagonist to determine their next direction.

In the picture above, the bottom timeline represents the protagonist's sequence of events :
- Infused : inspiration and hyperactivity
- Derelict : doubt, destabilization, failure, consternation, collapse
- Forsaken / Flashback : introspection and appraisal
- De Profundis : relativisation, assessment, the return of hope, and renewal
The top timeline represents the musical timeline, in which the sections are presented in the following sequence :
- Forsaken
- Flashback
- Infused
- Derelict
- De Profundis
« Flashback » is a short instrumental passage which represents the beginning of the recollection process, the transition from present to past. It leads to the remembrance of the time when energy and inspiration were flowing in abundance, which is depicted in « Infused. »