although many of my friends intend to accent into a higher realm and leave much behind and gia is working to do her thing, there will still be work to be done in the physical realm here where we are at this point in time!

my purpose and the purpose of many more of my kind will remain and help gia transition through this pain and curruption and cause peace and control with what is left, because there will be light left behind and there will be innocence left behind!

i do have the choice to go with them to accend but i choose to stay and help and do what is right!
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  • i love her, and although i know this is no hell hound, the top picture is about as close as your going to get to seing one!
    that pretty much details what you'd expect to see minus the people lol :P
  • haha lol celina you are quiet right, i do agree, however the hell hounds aren't dark creature's the only reason i came into contact with them or knew of them around me is because i lie in the grey realm, where they sit!
    i don't think you will encounter them, they stay hidden unless you enter dark territory looking for trouble!
    then again if you look for trouble you usually find it!

    i like your energy, not sure why i just do =D
  • When I look into the darkness, it is hard to see without some illumination. When I look up into the light, it blinds me.

    I also prefer to stay here, in the middle way of soft light, loving mother Earth and all her creatures.

    Have not met Hell's Hounds, but maybe that's because I have a guardian in agreement to protect me from such beings.


    So, not going anywhere unless I have to :s

  • p.s love the vids
  • a hell hound come's in many different type's but is almost always some kind of dog, it can one head with red eye's or 3 heads or simply an angry dog that can go through walls lol :P
    ah no they are spiritual animals not from petworld!
    and yer that's pretty much how it works with them i jsut leave them alone!

    a fairy line is easily explained ok say you have an estate that just went up, a fairy line is (as the crow flie's) a straigh direct route to somewhere, a popular path to a destination!
    basically like a highway for spirits, they go the most direct path, a fairy line is created when your van or room is sitting on one these direct paths (highways) it basically means a constant flow of spirits!
  • this is true, the difenition of darkness is essentially personal gain, that is where the complication and the not so heard of "grey" area and realm come into it, this is where the angels have no place being and the dark has no power of for the most part!
    2 example's, the 1st is you have a brother who's been stolen from no money and he has a young child newborn, if then he casts a spell or ritual for money to provide and keep this child alive is it  still wrong because essentially it's seen as a product of personal gain!

    the second isn't so relevant but give's a greater scale to things, take a hell-hound a majestic grand beast designed to torture dark souls to keep them dark for the balance, OR to drag dark souls to hell, now this creature "dog" essentially will not attack a civilian of any kind unless it's in the way of it doing it's job!
    they can be called upon by dark spells and used for darkness, or they stick around to keep dark souls away wich can be persuide as light!
    yet they are only a creature of purpose, they do not actually serve either dark nor light they just do thier job!

     now i used to live on a fairy line, and due to my genuin curiouse nature attracted all sorts of things, the 3 hell hounds used to come by allot and chase them off (it's a game to them, they love it :D) like playing fetch or frisby lol, now they tried to annoy me and push me off the bed once so i punched it in the face, they didn't try again! now they are there simply to do a job and we had a base understanding that they where allowed to look in my van and then leave and we got along fine!
    yet their seen as dark!

  • so so many point and complications with this topic lol
  • as do i my friend!
    don't get me wrong if my vissions come to pass then i will be required up there (wherever that is) to help out aswell but i will mainly base myself here!
    it's my purpose my way!
    and many dis-agree with me thinking that all that will be left is darkness, well not entirely and although the grey is where i'm most at home it does not mean i'm staying for dark reasons!

    in saying that although i have both darkness, ego, and light inside of me and litraly everything inbetween, neither light nor dark can stand the fact that i refuse to pick a side, and more of us are becoming like that aswell!
    mainly because sometime's you have to do dark things for all the right reasons!
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