This past life stuff, I choose several years ago and asked my Higher Self specifically to keep this all hidden from me, because I'm am working towards clearing that Karma and trauma of those past lives from the other side of the spectrum. I believe this is far more healthy for the soul and far more empowering as well, to unlock our past in this way. Allow me to explain. 

When people ask a Healer or Guru for example, "Who was I?" This is the process of learning "FROM THE BOTTOM UP" or from the Physical on up, but what happens when we do this is we learn "WHO WE WERE" as physical people in our historical past and this may become etched into our physical brains indeed and perhaps we discern these things in the Mental Plane and perhaps we even confirm these things in our Sacred Hearts, but simply "KNOWING" is NOT enough, because these dark past experiences are not then fully examined and cleared within our BEING. This is what I saw several years ago as I will continue to explain. 

What I do is to discover these things "FROM THE TOP DOWN" or from the Highest GOD Self, down on into the Physical incarnate expression of our BEING. Why do I do this? Well, I have said many times such things as:

"Waking Up is not the end of anything. There is ALWAYS another question to ask.. another layer to peel.. another wound to heal.. another note to play.. another song to sing.. another bell to ring.. another seed to plant.. another tree to climb.. another "me" to find.." 

"In Humility before ALL THAT IS, we discover ALL THAT WE ARE.. In Gratitude, we begin reflecting this wisdom upon others." 

What I suggest in these quotes is the importance of HUMILITY. And that is the process I have chosen for myself, because I know deep within that KNOWING is not enough and that it is those EXPERIENCES that teach us WHO WE ARE and NOT the names or the Historical References we have available to us that tell us "WHO WE ARE" as these so called "facts" are indeed so very twisted from ABSOLUTE TRUTH. And indeed those EXPERIENCES are what gives us TRUE WISDOM and this is far more valuable to us than simply KNOWING. 

So how do I go about learning and clearing "FROM THE TOP DOWN"? As I said, "in HUMILITY before ALL THAT IS" is how. I humble myself before everything and this includes my inner self and truly taking responsibility for my thoughts and emotions. 

Sure, I too have been told and have confirmed "WHO I WAS" in several of my more known incarnations, but this information means NOTHING to me as that KNOWLEDGE IS NOT WISDOM and those harsh vibrations and situations of those past incarnations are NOT "WHO I AM" -not in the slightest. WHO I AM, NOW, are the lessons I've learned from those experiences, NOT the experiences alone! And that is the important difference here I am pointing out today; we still have much to reflect upon and to learn from those past incarnations. 

So in HUMILITY, I monitor my thoughts and emotions. And when I am feeling uneasy, or angered, depressed, sad.. whatever Human emotions I might encounter, I seek within and ask, "What is this showing me?" And in meditation, and perhaps even an entire sleep cycle later, I discover a breakthrough about myself in some clarification of my own behavior that needs to be corrected. These signals, or warnings, we experience as emotions and they certainly do come FROM THE TOP DOWN. And those emotions are our soul's TRUE FEELINGS being expressed in the physical.

And what I gain from this is often times forcing me to face dark experiences from my past. Sometimes I don't even know where they are coming from, but I face them nonetheless! The "where" and "when" is not so important. That WISDOM is so very much more valuable to me than KNOWING "WHO I WAS" because I AM NOT, "WHO I WAS" at all. I AM "WHO I AM" or more accurately.. I AM THAT I AM. I AM my Highest Self, I AM my Higher Self, I AM my past as much as I AM my future, but NONE OF IT MATTERS if not 1st BEING... HERE... NOW... the living incarnate man, I AM. 

This is my process. This works for me. I only share this to express another perspective. Be THAT WHICH YOU ARE, HERE, NOW, dear Brothers and Sisters! <3 Jacob

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UPDATE: The following Excerpt was Transmitted Through Ronna Herman, LM-06-2013, from Archangel Michael I share this with you to express the importance of these techniques rather than falling victim to all the technical jargon out there which is only intended to confuse and redirect us all to continue seeking outside of one’s self when ALL THAT IS really truly is within each our own very Hearts!

As expressed through a proven and valid source:

“Do not be dismayed if your past is becoming only a hazy memory, especially the painful memories you experienced during this lifetime. It is time to heal and release the past, beloveds. It no longer serves you to delve into past lifetimes in order to heal yourself or to try to understand why you are acting or reacting a certain way in the present. That is the old way. The distortions of consciousness you created in the past cannot exist when you fill yourselves to overflowing with Adamantine Particles through the processes we have taught you. These magical particles contain the pure/perfect Essence of the Creator and will gradually transform/transmute any distortions in your auric field and your physical vessel. Slowly, but surely, the imperfections you have created both in your inner and outer worlds are being rectified. Remember, a slow steady pace forward on the Path leads to Self-mastery. It is the ego personality that desires more information and dramatic validation; it forever seeks excitement, drama and sensationalism. It has taken a very long time for the Earth and humanity to reach the present state of imperfection that is now so prevalent. The level of transformational progress that has been made by you, the earthly Legions of Light, in such a short time is truly miraculous.”

Read the FULL Transcription HERE at
The ONE TRUE SACRED SCRIBE of Archangel Michael

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Previous Articles:

Archangel Metatron About "Ownership" - The Meaning of Life and
The Responsibilities of The Ground Crew

Hello my lovely and beautiful friends, Brothers and Sisters alike, I am Archangel Metatron. I’d like to speak about “Ownership” today. When one looks upon ALL THAT IS "matter" or whatever that is outside of us, these things do not belong to any one being or government or corporation. Our dear Mother Gaia shares with us, this GIFT from THE ALMIGHTY ONE so that we may chose to either ENDURE, or to ENJOY LIFE. So why do we "LIVE"? What is the meaning of life? It is so simply just that; to BE ALIVE! And in that BEING, the entire point is To Live, To Love, To Learn, To Expand and To Repeat. That is GOD's WILL for ALL OF US! Just as it is our SOUL's Intention, to expand ALL THAT WE ARE, and in doing so, we in turn expand ALL THAT IS/GOD/SPIRIT!

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Archangel Metatron - In All things,Togetherness Is The Solution!
Taking Responsibility As A Light Worker

Hello my Brothers and Sisters, I am Archangel Metatron. I would like to continue speaking about OWNERSHIP. When we are received with hostility by others, these ones are only reacting to the Love and Light that you are reflecting back upon them. Those emotions arise in them due to what their own fear of truly connecting and BEING as one with their HIGHEST GOD SELVES. This is what triggers that FIGHT OR FLIGHT syndrome, but as with all fear-based thinking, we've had it drilled into us that these are your only options when they are not. There really is A THIRD OPTION and that is all part of the ASCENDED MASTERY we are all here to help Humanity to achieve.

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In All Things, "Separation" Is The Illusion!

So many are missing the very purpose of BEING alive, to live, to love, to learn, to BE. "BEING" ...being the focal point here of ALL THAT IS, NOT the SOUL, or SPIRIT alone and certainly not when mistaken as something outside of you, as these things are ALL already within you, ALL part of ALL THAT YOU ARE! So many have chosen to believe these things are outside of you and in turn have actively chosen to cut off from some of the greatest aspects of their BEING, creating separation where it does not exist. "Separation" is the illusion -In all things, separation is the illusion. In Humility, that veil is lifted through asking and seeking within. And in asking, we are Graced with Absolute Truth and Abundance.

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  • The multidimensional doorways of the past are closing, and the doorways of the future are opening at a faster and faster pace as the process of ascension accelerates.  The fear of change has been a major controlling factor within your conscious awareness for a very long time.  In the beginning of your journey into density, you sought a great variety of self-expression and change, and you delighted in each new creation.  It has only been during your earthly experiences that you have forgotten that you were a cocreator endowed with a full measure of creative abilities and that you have a direct link to the Power Source of Creation, which has been named the River of Life/Light.

    Read the FULL Transcription HERE at, 
    The ONE TRUE SACRED SCRIBE of Archangel Michael

    The above Excerpt was Transmitted Through Ronna Herman, LM-06-2013, from Archangel Michael

    I share this with you to express the importance of these techniques rather than falling victim to all the technical jargon out there which is only intended to confuse and redirect us all to continue seeking outside of one’s self when ALL THAT IS really truly is within each our own very Hearts!

    As expressed from yet another proven and valid source:

  • UPDATE: The following Excerpt was Transmitted Through Ronna Herman, LM-06-2013, from Archangel Michael I share this with you to express the importance of these techniques rather than falling victim to all the technical jargon out there which is only intended to confuse and redirect us all to continue seeking outside of one’s self when ALL THAT IS really truly is within each our own very Hearts!

    As expressed from yet another proven and valid source:

    “Do not be dismayed if your past is becoming only a hazy memory, especially the painful memories you experienced during this lifetime. It is time to heal and release the past, beloveds. It no longer serves you to delve into past lifetimes in order to heal yourself or to try to understand why you are acting or reacting a certain way in the present. That is the old way. The distortions of consciousness you created in the past cannot exist when you fill yourselves to overflowing with Adamantine Particles through the processes we have taught you. These magical particles contain the pure/perfect Essence of the Creator and will gradually transform/transmute any distortions in your auric field and your physical vessel. Slowly, but surely, the imperfections you have created both in your inner and outer worlds are being rectified. Remember, a slow steady pace forward on the Path leads to Self-mastery. It is the ego personality that desires more information and dramatic validation; it forever seeks excitement, drama and sensationalism. It has taken a very long time for the Earth and humanity to reach the present state of imperfection that is now so prevalent. The level of transformational progress that has been made by you, the earthly Legions of Light, in such a short time is truly miraculous.”

    Read the FULL Transcription HERE at, The ONE TRUE SACRED SCRIBE of Archangel Michael

  • :) Yes, well "ascension" has been blown out of proportion into some arduous task, but in reality, it really truly IS very simple. "Seek Within" It is that simple; really, truly. 

    Bless you, ★ρlεïαḋïαṉ♆ṡταɾṡεεḋ♓ <3 Jacob

  • thank you divine willpower. a fresh perspective for me indeed .


  • Yes Clifford. It is important to BE very simple about ascension right now. All that technical jargon has been coming in from these channels with half truths and partial truths for far too long, but Sananda, Archangel Michael and I are all working very diligently at simplifying all of these things and Sananda has been providing much needed clarity on all those flat out lies that have been coming in from those many impostor channels out there now that we've rounded just about all of them up and arrested them.

    So far as to what I am teaching is actually quite simple to comprehend. But still, you really are right in what you are sensing right now, but what it really comes down to, in relation to what you are receiving right now is that WE ARE ALL GOD, EXPERIENCING ITSELF AS ITSELF, to use Sananda's words to me just earlier today. Just as ALL THAT IS, is within each and every one of us, so are we part of GOD/SPIRIT/SOURCE/ALL THAT IS in UNITY. This is all very simple indeed, but it are those technical half and partial truths that had been plastered all over the internet that has Humanity so confused and let down from the many false promises that had been made when only about 10%-20% of it was actual TRUTH and accurate. Even those channeling Metatron these past years have gotten it substantially wrong and this can be quite a frustration for me, let me tell you indeed, but I still have ABSOLUTE FAITH in all Humanity that they will discover their inner KNOWING and their inner FEELING, because ALL THAT IS REALLY TRULY IS WITHIN US, and ABSOLUTELY NOWHERE WHATSOEVER OUTSIDE OF US. 

    <3 Jacob/Met..

  • Certainly.. :) I wrote an article on the differences between Emotions and Feelings about a year ago here if you're interested:

    Read more:

    <3 Jacob

    Follow Your Feelings To Find Your Knowing & Be ALL THAT YOU ARE!
    I have been meaning to write about the difference between Emotions and Feelings -between Thoughts and Knowing for a very long time. It is time that t…
  • And Jacob, also, thank you for pointing out the distinction between Emotions and you define them and Feelings, deriving from our true being.

  • Yes, energy in motion. That is exactly what it is. And that energy needs to go somewhere, as energy cannot be destroyed, though it can be used for destructive purposes.

    I have learned, the hard way, that in a real,m palpable, practical way, the key to dealing with negative emotions is to acknowledge them, try to understand them, and then, most importantly, use the GIFT of the intense power that these emotions often hold for divine love, simply by transmuting these energies into that frequency of divine, unconditional love for all life everywhere.

  • Yes indeed, Kat.. it are those things that upset us the most that we truly need to look at. However, in humility, we do not have to beat ourselves up so much over those hard learned lessons and just allow them to show us what needs to be understood. Then in gratitude, we can truly learn through joy rather than through strife. <3

  • Thanks you merkaba. Now you can follow those emotions and find what it is your true FEELINGS are. Your FEELINGS come from the SOUL whereas those (E)Motions are simple the energy in motion that is sending you a signal or a warning that something is either out of balance or that you are simply happy with that situation. When our emotions are uneasy, that is when we know our Higher Selves are telling us to learn something. <3 Jacob

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Drekx Omega left a comment on Comment Wall
"UFO Sightings RISE! New Jersey Drone Frenzy...Now helicopters are chasing our Sirian scoutships......wouldjyabelieveit...!!😲🪩🪩🚁✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨👏🏻

1 hour ago
Justin89636 commented on Drekx Omega's blog post An Introduction to the Devic Kingdom
"I would say yeah good chance animals may see them sometimes."
3 hours ago
Justin89636 commented on Drekx Omega's blog post An Introduction to the Devic Kingdom
"Since they have been caught on camera before maybe I should find my video camera and film the area. It's worth a try :)"
3 hours ago
ET Hugger commented on Drekx Omega's blog post An Introduction to the Devic Kingdom
"Animals may see devas, I’m quite sure about that."
3 hours ago
ET Hugger commented on Drekx Omega's blog post An Introduction to the Devic Kingdom
"You don’t need to do much, just sit somewhere or walk around, take your time and look at the trees, birds and other animals. You may feel a tingling sensation but may not see the energetic interaction between you and the devas. I’ve always been…"
3 hours ago
Justin89636 commented on Drekx Omega's blog post An Introduction to the Devic Kingdom
"Thanks for that. I actually posted something a while back on my health page that talked about forest bathing. I'll have to go back and read that again as well."
4 hours ago
Drekx Omega commented on Drekx Omega's blog post An Introduction to the Devic Kingdom
"To prepare you for deva watching I recommend trying the following starter process:

"What is forest bathing?
This Japanese practice is a process of relaxation; known in Japan as shinrin yoku. The simple method of being calm and quiet amongst the…"
4 hours ago
Justin89636 commented on Drekx Omega's blog post An Introduction to the Devic Kingdom
"A lot of other people like to go through that area that I mentioned so I gotta time it carefully. Folks like to ride their dirt bikes in that area so definitely can't do it during that time. Definitely gonna give it a try one of these days though.…"
4 hours ago