Dr. Angela Barnett

Crystal Magic Orchestra

Cosmic Healing Music (

The process of ascension is from the inside out and from the outside in. This 
transformation requires re-structural engineering from the inside out, but the 
alignment comes from the outside in.

First, one must look inside and see the structural design of the internal temple of 
one's body. There is a physical form and there is a spiritual structure. We don't 
loose one structure. We don't disappear. We merge our physical structure together 
into equal balance or equal proportions with the spiritual structure. The structure of 
the spiritual form is an etheric structure that is golden crystal dust.  The crystals in 
forms of dust, gel and light, dance into a flowing form that continuously sings into the 
halls of records that are in the crystal cells. These are called Cousha Cells or cellular 

These cells sing and dance into the new reality as they gain all that was learned and 
given to the soul to be able to grow into and engage into the next dance of reality. 
The cells sing and dance because they are made out of the tones of light and sound. 
The more information of the new learning, the new experience, the new reality that is 
given to the cellular memory, the faster the new formation of the spiritual and 
physical body can expand and grow into a brand new reality. Since there has been 
no new information give to our cellular memory for thousands of years, we grew 
denser and denser as years went by. Now is  the time to create a new reality.

1.    Source Spark
a.    EirA Spark- original spark of creation from Source
b.    In the Crystal Heart located behind the Heart near backbone
c.    Spark ignites and grows into a flame from breaths of consciousness
d.    Lights up the crystal cells into an internal white light body
e.    Connect physical body with EirAdonis Body
f.    The golden dust body in Core of Mother Earth
g.    Inside Earth's Core is liquid light, crystal dust creation of the Twin 
Spiritual Earth
h.    Our spiritual self has been stored away in this liquid light core of Earth
i.    We can now  ignite the spark in our crystal heart
j.    We connect with our Golden Crystal Irradescent Body
k.    (See Irradescent Body Meditation) We grow the twin flames into 
Oneness by aligning our crystal heart spark in our Physical and 
Spiritual Bodies
l.    This new dance of the flames of the sparks create a new more etheric 
m.     The inside structural change takes place through the spark of one's 
n.    This spark must connect with the spark of the Spiritual Body
o.    The Aqualene Liquid Light Energies from Sirius B or Sirius Spiritual 
Twin is flowing down through the spheres into our crystal heart in our 
physical body and into the Earth's physical and spiritual body in the 
Earth's core, as well as into our Eiradonis body in the Earths core. 
This allows the connection of ONENESS of our Physical and Spiritual 
Selves to connect and combine into ONE.
2.    The outside change takes place by alignment with one's Garment of White 
Light or the White Light Body. After we merge with our golden dust body from 
Mother Earth's Core, we must step into our White Light Garment that we 
create from our Crystal Heart growing into a Crystal Sphere of White Light. 
We pull that Sphere of White Light out of our Crystal Heart, let it grow in front 
of us, step inside of it and raise it out in front of us, a little above the head.
3.    Next, guide the Galactic Suns frequencies to stream through that self and 
through the physical body into the crystal heart to merge into oneness. 
4.    Say - Galactic Suns Aqualene Light Stream down through me- ten times. 
Galactic Suns Aqualene Light Stream down through me 
Galactic Suns Aqualene Light Stream down through me
Galactic Suns Aqualene Light Stream down through me 
Galactic Suns Aqualene Light Stream down through me 
Galactic Suns Aqualene Light Stream down through me 
Galactic Suns Aqualene Light Stream down through me 
Galactic Suns Aqualene Light Stream down through me
Galactic Suns Aqualene Light Stream down through me
Galactic Suns Aqualene Light Stream down through me 
Galactic Suns Aqualene Light Stream down through me 
5.    As we merge into that White Light Body, we gain our Communication with 
our Higher Selves. This merging of consciousness is what has been referred 
to as the SOUL MERGE. Our soul merges with more frequencies of 
consciousness energy the more we allow new realities to come forth. We can 
activate these new energies by streaming the sun through the thymus by 
aiming the light about four inches below the neck area.
6.    Each of us has a higher self in the Cosmic or co-creative sphere of 
Consciousness-this is our Monadic God Self. We connect with our god self 
through breath- the Entity's consciousness or the Entity's Frequencies.
7.    We must Raise our Frequencies to be as high as our higher selves in the 
solar, galactic, universal and cosmic realms of consciousness.
8.    The meditations and music contain the frequencies of these entities 
9.    The more we absorb these frequencies from the music and meditations, the 
more we raise our frequencies into their higher consciousness. This is how 
we raise our frequencies into Ascension. Once we have fully merged with our 
god selves, we have ascended.

Cosmic Mystery School of the Omniverse

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Have a nice week...
Thanks...take care....
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