Greetings from Tucson Arizona USA
This place in Arizona is a hotbed of Spiritual Activity, similar to that of Sedona Arizona.
This town is filled with 5 Spiritualist Churches. Spirit loves to visit Tucson, and many
people from all over the world, visit Tucson in order to have a spiritual experience.
The Ashtar Command has been here since the early 70's see my earlier post:
In order to properly tell this story, allow me to set the stage. Tucson Arizona, USA
the 1980's. A very small church, the size of a cottage, with pews. A very talented
medium named Dr. Robert Ireland, (who is now also, working in Spirit)
the brother of the very famous medium Dr. Richard Ireland.
Robert Ireland would put a blindfold on, and would do something called Blindfold
billets. (A billet is a piece of paper with a question on it.)
Dr. Ireland would with the blindfold on, walk up and down the aisles, stand in front of the
person who wrote the question and answer it. Dr. Ireland was in contact with his Dr. Teacher.
(Dr. of Philosophy) Their job is to work with you, to give you directions in the physical
incarnation. Dr. Ireland's Dr. Teacher at this time was Dr. Carlos Blair.
Dr. Ireland was from the state of Ohio USA, people from Ohio have no real accent, to speak
of. Image Dr. Ireland sitting in front of a class every week going into Trance. And all
of a sudden an English sounding person, starts speaking through him. This person was
Dr. Carlos Blair..
Dr. Blair opened every class with the statement:" It is indeed a pleasure to have this
opportunity to manifest in this manner." Dr.Blair would also joke and tell everyone
"if you haven't noticed by now, I am a little bit english." Dr. Blair would present
metaphysical topics, that are all true and indeed valid in this day and age. "The Truth
never gets old or goes out of fashion."
Dr. Blair had a time limit of 30 minutes to use Dr. Ireland's body, Dr. Blair speaks
about someone called "The Rock", a nickname that Dr. Blair had given to Robert
Ireland's Indian protector." Rollin Stone." Rolling Stone would start coming around
near the end of the lecture, so Dr. Blair did not overstay his allotted time.
Dr. Blair not only gave lectures, he also opened the floor to questions about the topic of
the evening. If all the questions were answered regarding the spoken topic, Dr. Blair would
start answering questions of a more personal nature.
Today, a friend on mine has placed 54 of these channeled lectures on her blog site.
Check them out. (It's Free!!!)
<Warning this is real metaphysics not fluff >
Sal Salvadini