First World Slave...Free Yourself Here Now - by Dieter Braun (Indian in the machine)Prepare for the truth....the truth will set us free.You really are not that very informed on most subjects but that's okay because we are all collectively on our individual learning like mainstream media and on most levels, you don't really may not know how it influences you. You may think your? Hollywood movies and television shows have given you an education. Your language may be foul, your style may be sarcastic. You may drink tap water or coca cola or green tea or maybe even starbucks or some other corporate beverage. You may like your coffee or meals cheap, strong and with white sugar and table salt thank you very much... or maybe you are not a coffee drinker but then your favorite drink is simply something unhealthy or non-spiritual. You may have one or several corporate addictions. You may not realize that there is cocaine in the coca cola, and opium in the cigarette paper.... (look for the faint stripe!). Your favorite restaurants may serve GMO foods and you may not care. You may like franchised corporate foods and you may eat them often and maybe in large amounts. You may watch lots of tv. You may not realize that the tv is watching you. You may not see the hidden camera coming out of your digital cable box. You may have a computer but you may not know it very well. You may not realize the key stroke recorder inside your laptop. You may not realize the camera and microphone attached to your computer is always on. You may not realize that any electric device can be used by global positioning satellites to monitor your movements. You may not realize that the government has already chipped you with the mark of the beast. You may not realize that evil satanists have taken over but now they are funning scared. You may not realize you are being ruled by fear. You may not realize that the world around you slowly aims to take away your Godspark. You may not know that God communicates with us powerfully through the pituitary gland. You may not realize that you have been brain poisoned, so that you were a better sheep. You may not realize that your electronics based car can now be shut off at anytime your slave handlers want to do so. You may believe that the devil exists or God for that matter but your quite foggy about "all that". You may have a relationship with God but it may not be all that deep (you're too busy, depressed, rundown, sick, tired and/or bitter take your pick). Deep down and on the surface you may have turned yourself simply bitter. You may not realize that your food choices may be slowly acidifying your body mind and emotions. Your third eye at the centre of your forehead may be scrunched up. You may not realize that if you look at the spots in your eyes, you may diagnose various parts of the body that need special treatment. You may have a swollen belly. You are very likely infected with parasites and you may know it not and even if you, will will likely not care. Your body may be slowly becoming acidic over time too. You may like alcohol and maybe cigarettes or carcinogenic diet soda drinks. You are likely tired, depressed and often you get sick and you may have no real reasons why. You may move from problem after problem, and this has become your daily life. Your life is may solve one problem with another and not realize your life may not be getting simpler. You may hurt yourself or others and then claim yourself to be a victim. You may consider yourself smart even though you don't study anything unless it may be a game, a distraction or a mindless pursuit. You may not read much or are passionate about any subject. You may feel "this is all there is". You may like the music of the most popular music idols of today or yesterday. Face may like "false idols"...PERIOD! You may not be aware of the mind control of popular movies, music, television and radio but you may not care because "even if hidden mind control like the beat anyways". You may not realize that keeping your radio turned on inside a metal car is like sticking your head in a microwave oven. You may not realize that a cell phone will give you brain cancer or slowly make you stuuupider because chemicals in your blood will cross the blood/brain barrier. You may very pleased with Hollywood because it's dumbed down movies, you relate to....they entertain you and you like that feeling of being entertained. You prefer entertainment, to looking in the mirror most days. You look at the sky and you may not see just clouds....when others see the sky spirits or the ufo cloudships, you may think they are mentally unstable. You would likely rather be entertained by special effects rather than experiencing substance, and this is reflected in both your education and entertainment choices, but also in your elected officials. Right now your governments may have become hostile but you don't care too much about that except get angry now and again, belch, fart and go back to sleep. You are in pain on some level, and on some level you blame others for that pain. You likely believe there is nothing one person can do to make great change. You may not believe in your own power. You don't believe in much except that which is in the physical world....your priorities are A. a roof over your head, B. some power and C. some sex but not in that order of course and the quality may not be of concern. You may have become a fraction of who you really are and know it not. You may only use 5% percent of your brain and you're busy poisoning that too. You may only use about 5% of your dna, the rest you call "junk". You may not realize that wifi signals are damaging to the human dna, and if you do realize, you don't do anything much about it. You may believe the bullshit that people tell you without question, especially your authorities...and when someone tells you the truth, you may think they are crazy. You may believe in vaccines and may happily line up to get injected. You may believe that the oil spill in Gulf of Mexico is being cleaned up. You may believe in global warming. You may believe that there is no war in space right now. You believe when confronted by truths that you don't want to hear, that the best response for you is to attack the messenger rather than to look within for the answers. You believe in your ego and are led by it. You may believe in separating from the Universe as a means to solve your problems. You may walk through your day, numb, and disconnected with most around you. You are barely functioning. You are walking on the brink of cancer . You don't believe in eating healthy apart from the odd salad or vegetable or apple. You may have no concern in the quality of your food, air, water or soil, because you may not think it matters, or that you can do anything about it. You may not care about organic foods. You may eat cloned chicken parts with greasy lips and fingers and think yum yum! You may like your hamburgers full of hormones. You may like hotdogs even though they destroy you with their cocktail of poisons. You may like to eat whatever is commonly eaten, and never question anything. You may be constantly being manipulated by hundreds of ads a day, by political propaganda...and you care not. You may see yourself as a slave, but you surely don't see yourself going free anytime soon. You seek death everyday but you don't realize it because it's your subconscious that really has control, and you don't know this either. You may seek to die and to leave this body as soon as possible. You may be out of shape. You may not love yourself when you look in the mirror. You may not love God. You may blame God for your own choices that have caused you pain. You may not realize God is with you in each moment, and has never left. You may have resentment to God. You may find yourself in a process of ending denial of God. You may not realize that God is taking back His planet. You may not realize that God is awakening everything in the Universe. You may not realize that humanity is not alone, and we already have visitors in the sky and on the ground. You may not realize that much of our earth technologies come through extraterrestrials working secretly with certain satanic governments. You may not realize this planet is under quarantine. You may not realize that there is a war going on in space, and bit of it make the news now and again. You may not realize that God wants to speak directly with you. You may not realize that God will not force you to acknowledge Him because he loves you and gave you Free Will, so that you make that choice as a "mini me" of God. You may find ways to criticize everything. You always have reasons why you are unhappy and often those answers have very little to do with the real reasons which are within because you may not want to change. You may not like looking within. You may prefer to be entertained by stupidity than to look within. You don't have the nerve to speak your mind. You may not have the nerve to sing a song. You don't have the nerve to tell the truth. You like to blend in with the crowd. You may feel there is strength in numbers, even if everybody around you is even more asleep than you. You may be one of the world's biggest suckers and you may know it not. Your air, food, water and soil are poisoned and you may not care. Your response to stress is to medicate yourself rather than deal with your issues. You may call people names often. You may call people who can see the truth you cannot see....conspiracy theorists. Your life is one big conspiracy theory and you know only a fraction of it's total complexity. You have choices that you may not be aware of. You have the choice to awaken, you may have the choice to go to the Light, you may have the choice to be open to the truth. You have the choice to be powerful, you may have the choice to be intelligent and smart. You may have the choice to love the reflection in the mirror. You have the choice to take back your world. You have the choice to get off your ass. You have the choice to respond with love, in any situation. You have the choice to be love. You have the choice not be a slave. You have the choice to free yourself from self-imposed slavery. You may not realize that the solar system is going through a photon belt and this is accounting for much of what we are experiencing from global warming, to increased volcanic activity and frequency of earthquakes. You may not realize that you can free yourself of slavery if you come to comprehend what the photon belt is, and how it relates to your health, wellbeing, and complete transformation as a human being from double stranded dna. You may not realize that our dna will alter itself as new light energies bathe our planet. You may not realize that we are mutating from double stranded dna to crystalline dna. You may not know the significance of 2012. You may not know that trillions of souls from the Universe and beyond are now watching us. You may not know that spaceships are stationed throughout our solar system. You may not realize that we are about to be visited by extraterrestrials. You may not know that your spiritual power is what evil people in power fear. You may not know that your slavehandlers fear the spiritual awakening of humanity. You may not know that your governments are secretly conspiring to bring in a one world government under satan. You may not realize that God's world is final. You may not realize that God's love is greater than your ability to comprehend. You may not realize that now is the time to have a talk with God about what the two of you are creating as your experience. Right now you might not realize that you need to surround yourself and loved ones with WHITE LIGHT PROTECTION. You may not realize your spiritual connection with God within you, is what your heart is actually seeking.IF THESE WORDS HAVE AWAKENED YOU ON SOME LEVEL, THEN LET US CONTINUE TO AWAKEN TOGETHER....COME....LET'S ALL GATHER IN THE LIGHT AND SEE WHAT WE'LL CREATE ONCE AND FOR ALL!PERMANENT LINK in the machinehttp://www.indianinthemachine.comGALACTIC GLOBAL NEWS NETWORK
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rev.joshua skirvin commented on Justin89636's blog post The Arcturians And The Arcturian Solar System
"Very good post and it is also true,for they performed an operation on me. Here is my story;back in 94 after my trip to Belize I was in Tao's NM. I had obtained a case of the Book '' We the Acturians'' and was selling them at the Flea markets. At the…"
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"Good response fella...Glad to playfully joust with you, here....And if I might seem a little overpowering, sorry, it's my passion for exactitudes, which one could suggest is very much a quality of my 7th ray persona....(Hopefully tempered by the…"
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Philip Davies left a comment on Comment Wall
"Thank you Drekx 🙏

For your Response and the thread has prompted a discussion beyond what I expected in relation to the 7th Rays and happy to have found a community with an extensive understanding on the Ray's and it is an honour to have you and…"
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Edward posted a status
Have a nice week...
Thanks...take care....
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For you response and Yes the reincarnation of 4th Ray souls and the affect they will have on the Collective Conciseness will be one of true understanding as the initial work will be performed by the 4th Ray Personalities that…"
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Philip Davies left a comment on Comment Wall
"Thank you RandyFirstContact 🙏

For your response and it's fantastic that you are enjoying "Superhuman" and Yes passing on and introducing the concept of Consciousness and the awareness of Conciseness to the most skeptical does indeed "plant the…"
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