Friday the 13th has traditionally been touted as an unlucky day but we hear that originally it was not. Perhaps we will be turning this around. More on the Templars downstairs with Charlie Freak’s ‘must watch’? update.[  but keep an open mind there saying the free masons have joined the white hats, which of course is a lie, he is a Freak. This is a test, see my post in the comment section,rev.joshua ]

The first official Q drop referenced the arrest of Hillary Clinton. Obviously that was not the case in 2017, BUT— October 30th, 2023 will be a Monday… and this Telegram says Chuck Grassley alluded to that post. We’ll see what happens.

GRASSLEY – Isolates DROP #1 – TWICE!

Hillary Clinton will be arrested between 7:45 AM – 8:30 AM EST on Monday – the morning on Oct 30, 2017.

HRC extradition already in motion effective yesterday with several countries in case of CROSS BORDER run. Passport approved to be flagged effective 10/30 @ 12:01am. Expect massive riots organized in defiance and others fleeing the US to occur. US M’s will conduct the operation while NG activated. Proof check: Locate a NG member and ask if activated for duty 10/30 across most major cities.
Join Here ➡️@teamanons

DARK [10]


What is to come in the near future, you wonder…?


As always, Putin speaks truth and logic. It is not acceptable to harm civilians in war—any war, at any time. Only psychopaths do that.


Psychopaths in action:


I don’t believe this Canadian post got enough attention. Link to Telegram for more.

You Need to Understand Just How
—> (You, Me, Your kids and Everyone you love)
———Came to Extinction———–

#CanadasCrimeMinister and the rest of the World’s Elite
“HAD” ➡️ ***** Several Plans on the Table *****

Think “irregular” Immigrants, aka refugees, aka MS-13 gang members, aka Auntie fass, aka I$I$ = FAKE Refugees


They are one in the same
Now, think about the shooters, ie Danforth, Toronto, etc
Think about the van/Truck drivers, ie Edmonton, Humboldt

Ya, ………. That Humboldt!!
Very Sickening

Remember those “False Nuke” warnings?
4 of them
2 in Canada

They were NOT Fake
Think about the Fires, BC, Fort Mac, etc
Think about how every Street corner has changed

Even Calgary “voted” for a Muzzie Mayor Nen She, who, btw, the media says, is loved 🤮🤮🤮

They Weaponized the Media against us
They don’t really give a damn if you voted for them or not

***YOU are their Target
Your DNA

1 of 3 AF1 Missile

Charlie Freak uploaded a brilliant new update on the massive sting operation unfolding every day and if it’s as well received as his initial video which revealed Trump’s worldwide “Capitulation Tour”, it will go viral. I give it my “must watch” notation.

They mention the first Q drop as well as Friday the 13th and I think you’ll learn a lot about the “bloodlines” we keep hearing about, and whose bloodlines they are. Whose DNA are we talking about here? What did Q mean when he said, “We have it all.”? Check it out. You’ll hear about Gematria and Alchemy, as well. Fascinating stuff.

This portion of Charlie’s “decode” shows us that the Alliance sting op goes so far beyond mere acting and for some involved living a false reality every day to infiltrate the cabal and manipulate them into assisting in their own demise. People who only look at someone’s background and decide if they’re cabal or not, on the enemy’s side or not, are missing the boat.

That shallow thinking will lead them astray and they will fail to see the brilliance of this long-standing ‘Plan’ which has evolved over a very long time to put us where we are today, watching the last phase of the eradication of evil on our planet. Those are the people who can’t “trust the plan” and live in fear because they can’t see the victory has already been claimed by the White Hats, and God. A lot of disinformation and misunderstanding gets set straight in this exceptional video below.

The going narrative says Trump was chosen by the military to help with the resurrection of America and to save the world. I have maintained that he is not just a guy; that he is a very special, exceptionally powerful warrior with a highly evolved soul. Trump is not “helping” the military, he is in charge. The military, the Q team, etc. are support staff for Trump, as I see it.

Charlie suggests the Masons, Knights Templar, and others have returned time after time to execute the greatest escape ever witnessed, when Humanity is liberated from Satan’s web of demonstrable evil—forever.

Here is Colleen’s excerpt from the summary video description.

Part Two of our Big Show Series that Reveals how ‘The Donald’ pulled the Shocker of the Century and Fooled the Fake Jew International Bankers into Thinking he was the Greatest Business Man of All Time…

Once Fooled, Trump then got these Cabalistic Bankers to OVER EXTEND on his Capital Investments, and then he brought them to their Knees when he acquired the Taj Majal, and spent a Fortune Making it Over, and Finishing it, so that ‘The Taj’ could Open as the Biggest Money Loser in History, forcing these Bankers and their Banks to their Knees, as Trump had Now become TOO BIG TO FAIL, and as such, these Banking Scum had NO OTHER CHOICE but to Ride Out Trump’s ‘Bad Financial Times’, which NEVER ENDED…

The Result? Trump and the Q Team USED the Canaanites to Fork over their Illegally acquired Money to ‘The White Hats’, who then used these Funds to Build, Acquire and Renovate their BASES of OPERATIONS for the Q Team on the East Coast of America…

Talk about The Apprentice becoming the Master, Trump SOLD his Act as a Raving Ego-Maniac, Libido-Driven, Bankster which the Cabal LOVED, and then used their own Funds to TAKE THEM DOWN…

Game, Set and Match…

Q Team One/Won, Canaanites ZERO…

What was our first unequivocal clue that Trump was on the war path? And the crowd loved it. 14 sec.

If that isn’t enough, the team gets into my ultimate favourite old band, the Moody Blues. No wonder they resonated so strongly and still do. So much has been lied about, covered up, misrepresented, and it’s time to reintroduce reality, and HONOUR—something almost erased from our societies where so many are in service to themselves and nothing higher. Enjoy the special version of “Knights in White Satin”, which is how I have always thought of it, for some reason.

You may not agree with everything Charlie throws at us, but a lot of research and effort went into this presentation so I hope you will make the time for it, consider it thoughtfully, and give it a thumbs up on Rumble to promote it to others. It’s the best I’ve seen in quite awhile, and from a master decoder so I say, wow, wow, and just wow. Thank you, Charlie and Colleen. I have waited a long time for this. 3 hrs. 55 min.

Charlie Freak LIVE ~ Donald Trump & the Greatest Sting Operation of them All, Part Two


The infiltration of everything good on our planet is in full view every day.

White Hats Arrest Loony Jihadist Infiltrator

What the fake Jews do to Humans is unforgiveable and I feel sorry for circumcised babies. Visuals on Telegram.

The deep state are trying to keep their puppets alive. Typically, the United States Postal Service is keeping the lie going with Ruth Bader Ginsburg “forever” stamps, for godsake. It seemed like she was going to be forever, but finally succumbed after rallying from cancer six times! [perhaps a slight exaggeration]

Honor the distinguished, multifaceted legacy of the 107th Supreme Court Justice of the United States.

Honor the distinguished, multifaceted legacy of the 107th Supreme Court Justice of the United States.

The sexual deviants continue to be exposed.

Canada is a locus of control for the Nazi/Commies that many more people are recognizing now. Hardly a day goes by without Canada being mentioned and the horrific activities there being highlighted for all to see. Hopefully the normies are picking it up by osmosis and starting to come around.

Crown alleges former RCMP director Cameron Ortis was trying to sell secrets to police targets

Here’s some fresh, good news:

Supreme Court of Canada Voids Most of Trudeau Environment Law


And there’s this concerning the notorious scamdemic practices in Canada. The app known as ArriveCan was fleecing travellers and it was really about more money laundering.

A senator says outstanding fines related to the ArriveCan app should be cancelled after revelations that the RCMP is probing alleged misconduct in an outsourced government contract.
“Yesterday we learned that the Royal Canadian Mounted Police is investigating the outsourcing of a Canada Border Services Agency contract involving the same companies at the centre of the $54 million ArriveCAN boondoggle,” said Conservative Sen. Leo Housakos during debate at the Senate on Oct. 5.
He was referring to three technology firms—GCStrategies,, and Coradix—as reported by the G&M on Oct. 4. All three are based in Ottawa and involved in work related to the ArriveCan app. The app, initially projected to cost $80,000, ballooned to $54 million, becoming the subject of criticism by opposition parties.
In his remarks addressed to Sen. Marc Gold, who is the Government Representative in the Senate, Mr. Housakos said heavy fines were levied against Canadians when the app was implemented in full force during the COVID-19 pandemic.
“This is the same boondoggle that saw Canadians, who were exercising their right to return home, slapped with fines as high as $8,500. Then they were threatened with more fines if they were caught breaking the quarantine—as high as $750,000.”
He alleged that the whole arrangement was “more like a deliberate get-rich-quick scheme” for those “with connections to the Trudeau government.”
“Given the latest news regarding it, will your government finally do the right thing and cancel the outstanding fines that were issued as a result of this deeply flawed and—as we now know—fraudulent app?” Mr. Housakos said.


How are they killing us? We’ve been counting the ways. Here’s another: Link to Telegram for video.


“My opinion…is that this “citric acid” is the basis of cancer. When my dad got cancer I learned many facts…go look up SV40. Also, most cancer starts as candida then turns into cancer…so It is introduced to the body as black mold, turns to candida…then to cancer. Well what I learned is that there are virus & other “things” in the vaccines besides the main active ingredients (that’s where the SV40 comes in). Anyways, citric acid appears to be the mold that starts it.”
– @BlondieB77

“When the words “citric acid” appear on a ingredient list, many believe it comes from limes / lemons. The truth is citric acid is poison & comes from genetically modified black mold. Hiding known toxins in food for the masses to consume is actually a form of spiritual warfare carried out by evil forces in a direct attempt to lower the population’s vitality & natural vibrational frequency.”
– Connecting Consciousness – Simon Parkes


Evidence of previous civilizations on our planet is not hidden forever and this short video reveals a lot of the proof that the planet underwent a “reset” and started over after a high tech weapon literally melted the earth and rock, creating mud which covered up most of what didn’t sink. We can see from the remains that the ones who constructed the giant edifices had skills and technology we do not and which were kept from us. 1 min. 10 sec.

His story is a lie.. there are liquefaction evidence all over of a civilisation long lost

Kerry K explains the Matrix and clears up the confusion. 15 min.


It isn’t looking like another pandemic is going to fly on our planet so kudos to everyone for sharing sanity and truth and intending a different result. Maybe there is hope for Humanity yet.

James Gilliland is someone I had on the list to follow up with and his last update about Ascension was 2 weeks ago on As You Wish talk radio. I have not yet listened but his discussions are always good.



Tomorrow there may be another important “operation”. You can see the path of the eclipse across Southwest America at the link. We should be wondering why on Earth they would fire rockets at an eclipse unless it is not what we understand it to be.

Why NASA Will Fire Three Rockets At The ‘Ring Of Fire’ Solar Eclipse

The Republicans nominated Jim Jordan for Speaker of the House [SOTH] and we’ll see what twists and turns develop.

I think that’s enough for today. and Friday the 13th has been a good day for me. Hope it was for you, too.  ~ BP

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  • After posting nearly 5000 blogs on this site alone, I must say that this Charlie''Freak'' is just that, a FREAK. Normally I try to keep a open mind and allow for different views, if they don't go against the Divine Plan. If they do I try to correct it and let people see both sides. The Starship Earth blogs are usually OK and BP has some good stuff to post for the last 10 yrs' but sometimes she gets it wrong, like the stuff she posts from Phil G. and when she is to far off, I don;t post any of it or I edit it down to just the good stuff. ''Anyway she has made a really big mistake on this guy C.Freak.''
    He is a truly professional double talker. In other words he weaves Trumps Maga sayings, the White Hats Allience, New Age Movement, the Patriots and ''Spirituality'' all together and he has a female backup Colleen, who seems to be the one who dragged him into the Free Masons Lies.And Justin just says a few back up words now and again.. I have studied Spirit~ Reality from the Urantia Book sense my last yr. in college in 72.And I study the book ''A course in Miracles'' [ ACIM ] From Jesus himself daily for the last 18yrs. The reason I tell you about my back ground is so you will not fall for this or these lies, especially the newly awakened ones. I have also studied many other books and mags, my whole life has been to find the Truth, be open minded and put it out there for the public and light-workers to decide for themselves. I do not make a cent from this work, I live off of my VA disability cks.

    But BP has truly made a big mistake this time by highly recommending this disinformation. I trusted her and did not get time to view all the vids and posted it. Afterwards my higher self said I must view some of the video before I go to bed. So I watched the 1st half hr. and realized this was not good , so I put the above clause in the beginning.Do not give this vid a thumbs up.
    Today I was told to go back and view more so I viewed another half hr.. This guy Freak is a real professional lair.
    I don't normally talk this way about people but he deserves it and let me tell you why.

    1st of all when he talks of God he or they are talking about there ''God not ours'', which they Lucifer and satanist call the Unknown god.Which is a false God or Idol. They are not talking about a Loving God but the one's who rebelled against God and was kicked out of the Spirit Realm and came to Earth and made this lovely Planet the base headquarters and turned it into a Hell hole and with the help of other fallen angels and negative ET's made it a 3D hell Matrix which they figured we could never get out of, But they were wrong, God the Father Michael has a Divine Plan that he and the good angels who never fell plus the positive space brothers are all a part of as well as us light-workers who came here to be a part of this Divine Shift or Event from 3D hell to 5D heaven on Earth.

    The allies are not allowed to do it for us,for then we would not have learned anything from this evil masters who have controlled us for 250,000 years.And it would all happen again as it has before. This is the 4th rebellion not from Lucifer and Satan but from other fallen angels in the past. Part of the Divine Plan is to make it, the return of Gods Sovereignty stick this time by doing it a little different, well a lot different. Normally He lets Evil run its course of self destruction but this time he has decided to help us, not directly but indirectly by sending info from the Spirit realms,and our ET allies. This info and ''heavenly energizes'' about how to contact the ''Spirit of Truth'' which was given to Jesus to Bestow on us upon his Ascension at Pentecost. this ''Spirit of Truth'' was and is a combination of the Father God, The Mother Daughter Spirit and the new Son of God Jesus-Sananda.Jesus went from a high Bestowal son and became a God upon his completion of his mission but not a Creator God.

    This Spirit of Truth will help greatly for the New Awakened to tell what is the real truth because as you can see in this vid the evil ones love to mix Truths with untruths,and are very good at it,so you except there lies as truths and this vid is a perfect example of this! Lucifer and Satan has been put to eternal Death by the Ancient of Days, the Creator does not destroy anything or anyone he has Created but the Ancient of Days can, and they are sent from the one who Created our Creator, the Eternal Son.

    The Dark Cabal, knows that they are next, if they do not repent and except being rehabilitated that they to will soon have the same fate, eternal Death of which there is no coming back. And that is why they are pulling this last stunt of the knights Templar, free Masons, They are only one arm of the many Black lodges of the Deep State, Illuminati. They have split themselves up into many groups to confuse the people. They all know they are doomed for what they have done to the Earth and it people and souls.They know they have lost the War, that all of them will be put to trail, on Earth, upon the ships and in the Spirit realms. The Ancient of Days only Judge the Fallen Angels. the ETs will judge those evil ETs and we the alliance will have to judge the humans who were part of all of this evil mess.The trails on earth has been going on behind the scenes for quite some time. They the new Nuremberg 2 trails will be made public when enough of mankind has awakened from this nightmare of hell on earth and except the ''Spirit of Truth'' into there hearts as they learn to work with the ''Holy Spirit'' when they ask the HS to come inside of them in there minds to guide them back home and to the New 5D earth when they raise the consciousness to Christ consciousness, which will be quite a shock for the newly awakened.

    Mary M. did play a role in the new Christen movement, she led the female followers of Jesus-Sananda. But that is where it stops, She was not the wife of Jesus nor did they have sex and produce offspring. Jesus as a Bestowal son was not allowed to have sex or a wife and offspring because then people would give there power away to them along with there hard earned money and all there powers. This so called Black Noble Family, is just that a lie, they have conjured up a long time ago.If you do your research you will find the 12 to13 Black Noble familys that control all the world including billionaires and trillion-ares like the Rothschild and Rockefellers. I could not stomach anymore lies after the one hr.of the vid but I can tell you there last move, they always have to tell us there next move that's why they were allowed to continue. Anyway,C.Freak gave it away when he said that the knights Templar and the Free Masons have the body of Mary and guard it well because someone could steal the DNA from it and then create a new mother Mary and if not guarded the DNA could be stolen as well from the cloth shroud of Jesus and if you put two and two together , they plan to do just that, create clones of them both and have backup clones? or even offspring's to lead the world into the final stage of the N.W.O.takeover.

    They know they have lost the War and they will all be put to death so what do they have to lose, they have already lost and maybe they can take a number of bodies and souls with them.No ships are allowed to leave earth without ETs permission, the Dumbs 6 miles down that they have been hiding in with the millions of children they have taken, torturing themfor the Adrnochrome drug, harvesting of the organs and eating of the flesh and putting the leftovers into our food supply system.They are being bombed without harm to the children that they are being rescued and the Ancient Of Days are taking the fallen angels,known as Devils and Demons , to prison worlds to await trails. So the Final Battle will soon be over and then we can begin the long process of Healing of all that has happened the 250,000 yrs, Amen
    Be gentle in your comments and keep an open mind, after you do your research and homework.DO NOT GIVE THIS VIDEO A THUMBS UP, GIVE IT A THUMBS DOWN........You will be saving lives by doing so.
    Adonai rev. joshua.
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