Yevgeny Fyodorov, a big-time Russian politician, explains the situation at the interview linked below.

He explains the Rockefeller battle to stop the gas from flowing directly to Germany via the Nordstream II pipeline is a battle for European independence. If the Europeans buy gas from Russia, they would be paying $300 per cubic meter in long-term, stable contracts. Instead, the Rockefellers are trying to force them to pay $1000 per cubic meter of gas they control.

Now that the Ukraine is being liberated, France and Germany, which both existed as independent countries for over 1000 years, will once again become independent, Russian FSB sources say.

Here is what Russia plans to do according to Fyodorov: Bring Ukraine back to Russia, restore the Soviet Union, restore Yugoslavia and nationalize the Russian central bank. Fyodorov explains that the current central bank is a subsidiary of the IMF.

According to MI6 and CIA sources, the capture of Swiss Rothschild family head Klaus Schwab and EU central bank head Christine Lagarde means the IMF is now ready to work with Russia to replace the EU with the 47 member Council of Europe.

This is how Russia looks at the fake pandemic.

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