Full Update | Benjamin Fulford — November 29th 2021: Babylon will babble on but, to no avail !
Wednesday, December 1, 2021 By Stillness in the Storm Leave a Comment(Stillness in the Storm Editor) Benjamin Fulford’s report from November 29th, 2021 has been updated. Click here to read the full report. This post serves as a notice that the original has been updated. Scroll down to where it says:[Below is the remaining portion of Fulford’s update this week]
He said the U.S. has been engaged in a terror-based foreign policy, but the problem was that Islamic terrorists weren’t killing enough people to scare enough Americans into giving up their constitutionally guaranteed freedoms and liberties. Nor could it be used to coerce people in the free world to accept mandatory vaccines.
The program was started by the Nazi regime of George Bush Jr, when the US military released anthrax in order to use “terrorism” as a pretext to end safety testing for vaccines, he notes.
A seminal moment took place in the year 2000 when Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci “shook hands in the living room of [Gates] $87 million mansion…for a partnership to vaccinate the whole world by the year 2020,” Kennedy said.
Now an alliance of the US military white hats, Asian secret societies, and the benevolent faction of the European nobility are counter-attacking on all fronts.
In Japan, for example, the fake pandemic is being wound down by the new Kishida government with the backing of the US military. A police investigation is underway to identify and prosecute not only the pushers of the fake pandemic but also the perpetrators of the Fukushima terror incident.
Last week this writer met a senior member of the Kishida Cabinet who said that as a part of this counter-attack the Bank of Japan
has been nationalized. The next move will be to confiscate the close to 40% share of Japan’s listed companies that were extorted by the KM from Japan via threats of attack with earthquake weapons, the cabinet minister said.
The Korean gangsters who have been sub-contracting the murder of Japanese politicians for the KM are also being removed by an unprecedented Japanese police investigation that has the backing of the Emperor, right-wing and close to the emperor they say.
Ultimately the investigation will target the entire North Korean nexus of the KM, the source says.
The loss of Japan has been a fatal blow to the KM and their fake Biden regime in the US, Pentagon sources say.
In the US, the hammer is about to fall with Project Odin according to a senior ranking official connected to the Space Force Intelligence Agency. According to the source Project Odin is
The military space force intelligence operation run out of the Thule Military Base and the Cheyenne Mountain bunker complex (which is still locked down by orders from the Commander in Chief). It is connected to the Starlink Satellite System which controls all grids around the world –bypassing all media/radio/internet platforms- project Odin can take over all media platforms via the emergency broadcast system. The alliance is preparing to fire it up.
We have had so many false alarms about the emergency broadcast system before, though, that we recommend readers believe this when they see it.
Meanwhile, as we wait for the space force to come to the rescue, we are seeing here now signs the KM control grid is collapsing in the US.
The trial of Ghislaine Maxwell on pedophilia charges is a very visible sign of this. As we have already reported, the trial is expected to implicate a huge swathe of the Western oligarchy. Now it is looking like it might even take down the United Nations.
As incredible as it might sound, Ghislaine Maxwell had UN authorized control over the World’s Oceans. This happened via the TerraMar Project, a UN NGO micronation with diplomatic immunity and its own passports, according to CIA sources. While TerraMar was supposed to be “protecting the worlds’ oceans,” in fact it was actually representing the interests of Jeffrey Epstein and the Clinton Foundation, the source says. TerraMar, which owned its own submarine, was a front for human trafficking, Mossad sources add. The tycoon Richard Branson was involved as well, they say. His Necker Island is next door to Epstein’s Little St. James Island, they note.
More from the CIA about TerraMar:
Associates and financiers of the TerraMar Project included many of those who we now recognize as being linked with child sex trafficking, including the Clinton Foundation, Comet Ping Pong’s James Alefantis, John Podesta, and Tamera Luzzatto, along with many others.
Luzzatto was Hillary Clinton’s Chief of Staff. She is now Senior Vice President of Government Relations at The Pew Charitable Trusts. Luzzatto published a disturbing website called Evie’s Crib. She wrote the infamous email to John Podesta published by WikiLeaks that seemed as though she had been pimping her infant grandchildren to the political elite.
After the death of Robert Maxwell, Ghislaine’s father, in 1991, she moved to a Manhattan property owned by Lynn Forester de Rothschild, whose husband is British banker Evelyn Robert de Rothschild. The property was also listed as the base for Terramar.
No wonder Maxwell is asking the UN to get her out of jail.
Of course, it is more likely the owners of the UN are the ones who will end up in jail.
The key event is likely to be the bankruptcy of the US Corporation. On this front, we note the fake Biden regime has been able to buy time until December 15th by selling the US strategic oil reserve to China and India.
The fake Biden administration has also already sold over 30% of US commercial real estate in the top 20 cities to China in an attempt to keep itself in power, financial industry sources say.
However, as Jim Willie of the Hat Trick newsletter
notes, the US financial system is close to implosion. With 15% real inflation and 1% interest rates, the real rate of interest is minus 14%, he points out. This has happened as the money supply has doubled while productivity has fallen 30% over the past two years, he notes.
The result of this mismanagement is fast becoming a popular revolt against the KM and their top 1% flunkies. The mass attacks on rich people’s boutique stores, is one sign of this. “Popular shopping districts, wealthy residents, and celebrities” are being “systematically targeted,” according to the LA police.
The question is when will the KM politburo hiding around Lake Geneva, Switzerland finally face either mob, or police, justice.
On this front, we remember being told by the P2 (now P3) freemasons who control the Vatican that their Swiss overlords were “aliens.” We cannot confirm this but, in closing this week, would like to present the following picture for our readers to ponder.
Not sure how to make sense of this?