Wednesday, November 10, 2021 By Stillness in the Storm
Spread the love;..(Stillness in the Storm Editor) Benjamin Fulford’s report from November 8th, 2021 has been updated. Click here to read the full report. This post serves as a notice that the original has been updated. Scroll down to where it says:
[Below is the remaining portion of Fulford’s update this week]
“The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit suspended the Biden administration’s new vaccine requirement for private companies,”
The end of the fake pandemic is being sped up by the “vacuuming up” of many senior cabal agents.
Former New York Governor Andrew Cuomo has been executed at Guantanamo, according to CIA sources. His disappearance forced the corporate propaganda media to say he was arrested for sex crimes.
California Governor Gavin Newson has also now vanished from public view because he has also been arrested, the CIA says.
These removals are part of a move to finish off the entire fake Joe Biden regime, CIA sources promise.
This process has begun with the arrest of Russian analyst Igor Danchenko as a part of John Durham’s ongoing investigation into the fake Trump Russia dossier.
Danchenko’s arrest comes on the heels of the indictment of Michael Sussman for his alleged role in spreading the false Russia conspiracy theory. Sussman was a former counsel for Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign and the Democratic National Committee.
These operatives are now singing like canaries about their boss Hillary Rockefeller Hanover Clinton and her entourage, CIA sources say. Since the fake “Fuck Joe” Biden regime is a front for Clinton, its days are numbered.
Their lackeys in Australia, New Zealand, Canada, and elsewhere are also doomed. Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison for example is now wearing an ankle bracelet with a GPS monitor, according to Australian intelligence sources. “Morrison is under the control of the Alliance. He is co-operating,” the sources say.
New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has also revealed herself to be a lying psychopath when she abruptly ended a press conference after being asked why COVID was spreading the fastest in countries like Israel that had been thoroughly vaccinated. She will not be around much longer, the Australian sources promise.
The arrest of Canada’s Justin Castro is also now a matter of time, say Canadian intelligence agency sources. The video below makes it clear Trudeau/Castro is a major criminal.
The collapse of the EU is also continuing. There, the Polexit drama is being followed by Czexit, as the new Czech government repudiates the Euro.
The Russians have built up their military along the border with the rogue Ukrainian regime in a show of force. However, FSB sources say the Russians are going to wait for the EU to collapse further before making any big moves.
Of course, the Ukrainian regime is located near the original Khazarian mafia homeland so its’ fate is closely linked to that of Israel. On this front, the Syrians have presented the world with the results of their interrogation of Captured Israeli Colonel Yossi Elon Shahak. Shahak has confirmed that ISIS (Israeli Secret Intelligence Service) was an Israeli operation. He says “Israel directed ISIS to commit crimes under the slogans of Islam to eliminate calls for peaceful dialogue between the religions.” ISIS’ acts of theatrical terror were intended to panic the European Union as it faced a contrived refugee crisis, he told the Syrians. Overall, Shahak has confirmed what this writer has long asserted and that is that the KM -who run Israel- were trying to start a massive “clash of civilizations” that would leave Israel as “last man standing.”
Of course, Israel itself is a slave colony run ultimately by the pharaonic Octagon group headquartered in Switzerland. These are the people who replaced Pope Francis with a rubber masked fake and also run the fake Biden presidency. They also now run Thailand by keeping their king hostage in Germany.
Since our webmaster was poisoned in Thailand last week, the responsibility for the attack ultimately goes to this king. Here is what a European royal had to say about him: “The new king of Thailand is an atrocious drug addict and a disgrace to his family and all imperials and royals East and West. As we say a ‘creep’ to be done away with.”
Speaking about “creeps,” we notice that PayPal -founded by Elon Musk and Peter Thiel- once again attacked us financially by cutting off our webmaster. WDS previously put out and then secretly rescinded a bounty on these men when PayPal blatantly stole $15,000 from this writer. At the time some highly placed criminals offered to collect the bounty by killing Musk and Thiel using electromagnetic weapons. WDS declined because, on the overall balance of things, these men seemed to be doing more good than evil.
“However, we are hereby challenging them to an open debate about the future of this planet. Unfortunately, it is likely they will be too cowardly to accept the challenge. In that case, we may have to reconsider the bounty”, WDS sources say.
Finally this week, we would like to point out a recent uptick in UFO sightings. For example, this video shows what looks like a UFO exodus from Boston.

This one meanwhile shows what has been described as a “mothership.”

Maybe now that the fake pandemic is winding down the fake UFO invasion is next? Or maybe the quarantine on the planet earth is about to be finally ended? Let us see.
For now, though, we must not count on ET or, for that matter, divine help. It is going to be up to us humans to save the planet. Remember, it’s the only place in the universe we have to live in right now. Let’s clean it up.