So this chick asked me why I used the image of the Fullmetal Alchemist as an avatar. I said it's a reminder to myself to be strong, face my fears and not give up on myself. It doesn't matter if others have given up on me, just as long as I don't give up, I'll be all right. I think many have forgotten the importance of having our own back. But I get it, it can be damn hard to be strong, especially when you're used to being beaten down. So what to do in such a situation? Try to be strong anyway. Sounds way too simplistic, I know, but it works. Sometimes you just gotta suck it up and do the work. The only way out of hell is through. Edward eventually earned his title of Fullmetal Alchemist and it wasn't easy. He endured the crucible and was transformed into a better man.
I want to transform myself into a better woman. Some days I fail but I try not to focus on that too much. I focus mostly on putting forth the effort to stand up and try again. It's an endeavor that requires great patience and my innate stubbornness and determination is greatly appreciated. Interesting because my mother would always complain that I was too hard-headed or stubborn. I've learned that these traits are my saviors. I am my own savior creating my own New Age. I'll never be perfect, and I'll make plenty of mistakes, but better that than to be where I was. And yes, I feel so powerful and being in control is a powerful place to be. Feeling that way is a reminder that you aren't a victim, that there is hope and the problem/s can be repaired. Even if you need help from others, at least you're not stuck in a rut. To embrace your power and transform yourself is to be great.