Gaia's Ascension Update
As I have stated before, the energies on Gaia are changing. Many things are happening as a result of the change in energy. One of these is that the core of Gaia is being re-energized, and this will create an acceleration in the changes that are occurring.
In this message, I again want to speak of some of the changes that are taking place as we near the completion of this cycle. I ask you to look at these things with a clear mind and an open heart.
• The energies of Gaia are changing. As a result, there will be some massive changes that will take place throughout the year 2022.
• This change has been foretold in your ancient past, but it is not known by your current society.
• This energy change is affecting all aspects of your lives—physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually—as well as your planet itself.
You have had many questions about what really happened to you in the last two years and why so many of you felt confused or lost for a while. The reason for this is that the Ascension process was activated on Gaiamind/Gaia, after which you were to go through an intense cleansing process before entering the Lightbody Process properly. However, since you were approaching the level of lower consciousness that was required for the old paradigm to be dissolved, and thus your real selves could not enter into these processes.
This is why you have been left confused or disoriented for a while—we told you that this would happen when we introduced the Lightbody Process to you. We also said that once it happens, you will have no choice but to let go of most of what currently holds you back from being your true self (your "old paradigm self") and begin experiencing life in a completely different manner than what you are used to now.
The ascension process is a natural process. It is also one of the most profound changes you will ever experience.
Many of you will feel different, lighter physically and energetically, more sensitive to your surroundings, and even more in tune with the spiritual world.
• You may have noticed that other people around you don't "see" what you do or "hear" what you hear. You are a lightworker and have been for a long time. Your experiences have been different from others, yet it does not make them any less important or valid than anyone else's.
• The ascension process is for everyone, not just those who are working on Gaia.
• The Ascension is also happening at a much faster pace now, and it may feel like you're drowning in all of these experiences.
The ascension process is not an easy one. It is an evolution, and at this point in your history, your evolution is being accelerated. This is the main reason why so many of you are feeling disoriented, anxious, and fearful. These symptoms can be severe, but they will pass as the changes intensify.
The ascension process will have many different events that will occur in the days and months ahead. All of these changes are positive, even if they do not seem so at first. Your ascension process is a natural one, as it should be.
You are all being given the opportunity to experience a number of things at this time that is new to you. You are being given the opportunity to experience true freedom and unconditional love. You are being given the opportunity to experience boundless joy and happiness for no reason other than because you chose it!
These new experiences may seem foreign to you now, but that is completely understandable. It takes time for new experiences to become familiar ones. Have you ever had a moment of such intense happiness that you felt like your heart was going to burst? And what if that feeling didn't go away but instead got stronger and stronger? That's what's happening to humanity right now.
One of the most common things people have been experiencing is a strange sensation in between their eyebrows – the spot of their third eye. It could be described as a warm, tingly feeling, or it might even feel like electricity is running through your body. These sensations are caused by human beings raising their vibrations.
Gaia and her inhabitants are undergoing an ascension process, where they are moving into higher frequencies of existence.
The ascension process has already begun, but it will continue to accelerate until 2023, when most people have completed the process. What does this mean for you? If you're like most humans, you don't know what is happening and why it's happening.
The truth is that the vast majority of human beings living on earth are not aware that consciousness exists beyond the physical plane. Most only believe in material reality or think that consciousness is limited to their own thoughts and feelings.
Ascension is about waking up from this limited consciousness. Once you realize that you are more than a body and that time is not the endless parade of identical moments that it seems to be, then you have taken the first step toward awakening. Ascension is about attaining wholeness. When we experience wholeness brought about by our own higher selves, we experience bliss. Wholeness has nothing to do with sameness but is rather an expansion into the infinite variability of what each of us is in totality.
The Divine Light is returning to earth, and we will experience a massive vibrational shift as we prepare for the New Earth.
We love you dearly.
We are here with you.
We are your family of light.
Aurora Ray
Ambassador of the Galactic Federation
Copyright 2022 Aurora Ray. All rights reserved.
As You Enter Into 5D
Dear ones,
When you wake up in the morning, take a moment to acknowledge that you are on your way to a new reality.
You have been moving into this new Reality for some time now.
It's a reality that is emerging from the high-frequency waves of light that are flooding the Earth. These waves are dissolving the old matrix and creating something completely new: a vibrant, harmonious, joyful life for everyone.
Why would you want to escape from this wonderful Reality?
It's simply about making a conscious choice to move into this new frequency of light, to move into the 5th dimension, to live in happiness, freedom, and harmony.
The easiest way to move into a 5D reality is to focus on the positive changes that have occurred within you recently. These changes might be subtle, or they might be enormous, but they are all signs of a higher frequency emerging.
Tune into these positive changes, and as you do so, you will naturally begin to attract more experiences that reflect this higher frequency.
It's important not to look for this experience externally. If you do, it can create a sense of separation from what's unfolding inside of you. Instead, whenever possible, focus your attention on your heart.
Focus on the fact that these positive changes have occurred within you—and they are a sign that a higher frequency is emerging in your life.
There are many ways to embrace the new 5D Reality. You can use your heart, your intuition, and your love, for example.
Or you can tune into the higher vibration of music. Music is an expression of the soul, so it can help you connect with your own soul and feel more at home in the universe.
The new world, the 5th dimension of consciousness and spirituality, has already and is already here. It has arrived on this planet. You are a part of it.
The light that is being sent from the stars, the light that is being sent from the sun, is changing your DNA. It allows you to evolve into a higher level of spirituality and consciousness.
You will wake up one morning and say, "There is something different about me." And that will be the day you have arrived in the 5th dimension.
You are a part of a new reality. A reality where you can create anything you want for yourself by thought alone. A reality where God and Goddess are one. A reality where there is no separation between yourself and God or between yourself and another person. A reality where all beings work together as one for the good of all concerned and for the good of planet Earth itself.
A New Reality is now available to you.
I see the following two major changes taking place in this new Reality:
1. The Old World is no longer relevant to us, and we do not need to be part of it anymore. It's going to stay there for a while, but we are no longer connected to it. Whether we want to or not, we are now moving into a new reality. It's the world that is inside our hearts and minds.
2. There will be many changes in our external Reality as our inner Reality begins manifesting externally.
As you begin experiencing the energies of the new 5D frequency, a shift in consciousness will take place. For the first time, you'll be able to see and feel what's possible. You'll find yourself asking, "Why didn't I know this before?" Actually, you have always known that it was possible to create a life filled with ease, love, and fulfillment. But now, because of the increased energy frequencies available to you, you can actually experience your own power as a creator.
Let me share with you some of the ways life can be easier for you in the new 5D Reality:
You can now access, at any time, your deepest knowledge about how to create whatever it is that you desire or need. This means that no matter what happens in your outer world, there will be an inner sense of security, peace, and well-being available to you at all times. You don't have to be concerned about how or when this will happen; it will just happen as soon as you allow it to happen. You no longer need to feel anxious or unsure about anything; instead, you can trust yourself completely.
The key to this new reality is that you can begin to live in it now. You no longer have to wait for others to create the life of your dreams and desires.
You can envision it, create it, and bring it into reality by living in this new frequency of consciousness and allowing it to flow through you and create miracles for you, miracles that you never thought possible.
As you do so, what occurs is that your life becomes a magical adventure, and you become a magical being who has the ability to manifest all of your dreams onto the Earth plane.
We love you dearly.
We are here with you.
We are your family of light.
Aurora Ray
Ambassador of the Galactic Federation
Copyright 2022 Aurora Ray. All rights reserved.
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