21 September 2012 - 3:53am | sierra
Channeler: Judith K. Moore /channeler/85846/judith-k-moore

Artwork by Naya Ærodiode, Leonardo DaVinci, and Nature, Itself. http://www.silverspiral.org/images/stories/the_golden_mean.jpg Cosmic Source of the Galactic Center Formula for integration -Source of Galactic Center Dear Soul Group, The invitation is to connect to the Temple Grid System through the Cosmic Formulas encrypted in Dendara and to the cosmic Source of the Galactic Center and Channel the energy into the world grid through the HEART Grail, your light body and your crystalline DNA.

Each element that is added to this formula is alchemical. Many of you work with the Tones and Over Tones of the Divine Harmony, this is a good time to bring this cosmic force through the Divine Harmonies. Thank you for your good work, blessings Judith 9-19-12 Galactic 9- the Hathor's Overtone for the Temple Grid System to Integrate the Frequencies from the Cosmic Source of the Galactic Center Formula for integration -Source of Galactic Center in the days of Sept. 21st through the 25th Judith in Denver and Sean in Salmon Arm 11pm PST I feel that the purpose of this transmission is to facilitate the integration of a powerful Galactic force that the earth is now receiving.

I can see a wave coming from the cosmic source of the Galactic Center (those words are important) Cosmic Source of the Galactic Center. This wave is of such intensity and velocity. The guidance is showing me a visualization of a wave that compresses like an accordion and becomes an extreme peak with no space. It is a quantum surge. Quantum surge is what I hear. It is called Galactic 9. This pulse that we are receiving right now is from the cosmic source of the Galactic Center. It is such a massive field of vibration that it is an omni force.

It carries, from the cosmic source, DNA, energy patterns that are helix like. As I look more closely at the waves that are so compressed, the only way I can describe it is like an accordion. If you can imagine when the accordion is stretched out and then compressed, it is compressing so rapidly (I don't even know if an accordion is a good example) but the wave peaks touch each other.

The velocity and intensity of this cosmic formula is unparalleled in anything that the Earth has experienced in all the cycles. My heart is really being affected by connecting to this powerful energy. Galactic 9, they are calling it. OK we are going back to understanding why I said cosmic DNA. It is a blueprint of instructions from forms of conscious vibration that carries the harmonic energy signatures from the cosmic source. Each molecule of our living hologram is open and encode the vibration through an osmosis like infusion of these frequencies.

Ultimately, this field is so vast that it is an Omni Force. It is all encompassing. They are showing me the crypt in Dendara and the astrological wheel at Dendara. Somewhere within the encryptment of the Hathor tones, the Hathors were able to inscribe through the angles and the frequencies of the formulas in Dendara, that the entire pyramid complex is built as a perfect harmonic resonator.

The Hathors brought Dendara to Earth to create an instrumentation that would encode or receive the encodement from these powerful cosmic frequencies. Dendara is the only place on the planet that is so perfectly constructed. Because within the walls, there are harmonic patterns. The Hathors knew that the time would come when the overtones would reach the epiphany of light and sound frequencies from the cosmic source.

That the planet had to encode these frequencies and translate them into useable harmonic overtones. Each one of these (the word scriptures isn't perhaps correct) but the encodements that I am referring to) carries cosmic DNA that interfaces with the crystalline structure in our DNA and gives instructions to the Living Hologram and accelerates the Living Hologram of the planet beyond the capacity of time, into a vast acceleration of frequencies. The Hathors brought the encryptment through Dendara.

I have received the tones of the specific frequencies in the crypt in Dendara when I was there in the crypt in 2007. They keep showing me the Hathors. I keep seeing that the entire complex of Dendara was like a massive cosmic generator that had the capacity to receive the encryptment from this Galactic 9 and translate it into tones and overtones that are useable harmonics for the Living Hologram of the Earth, through water, sound and light frequencies and the patterns of energy that the Dendara complex was comprised of.

You can't think of the walls and just the hieroglyphs or the pillars. But think of it more in the sense of each infrastructure, within that Dendara system, is a generator. It has the capacity to receive input and carry harmonic overtones into the Living Hologram. OK, now that I have connected to the Dendara zodiac and the crypt, the tomb, down in the crypt where we went to tone in 2007, I see this golden mean open. I have to say, the Golden Mean opening now.

I see Dendara sending out frequencies to the major pyramid and temple complexes, beacons of energy signals, that are received from the particular dynamic geometries of the temple grid systems, wheels, water wheels, stone circles, temple grid systems, the Master Plan, of the Great Ones who built these receptors. Every one of them is important. Every single stone circle or every water wheel or every temple, every pyramid complex, was built with a formula in mind. It is engaging now. Because I can see the epicenter.

It is like Dendara can receive the encryptment and decode it and send out the frequencies into the temple grid system to energize the Living Hologram of the Earth. From these power spots, the world grid is receiving this Galactic force. It is altering the nature of our reality. There are certain encryptments, instructions, cosmic DNA, that is like a rapid fire. It is like a sound wave that has no wave.

It is compressed so powerfully. But connecting to Dendara is the place the Hathors built, knowing that this powerful Galactic energy would consume the Earth as we move into this Galactic 9, this accelerated space time continuum, accelerated velocity of powerful Galactic Source from the cosmic source of the Galactic Center. I clearly see the face of the Hathors. They are toning. They are smiling and they’re singing the tones and overtones, the powerful tones of Creation Source, songs of Creation.

They call them the Songs of Creation. It is as if the whole of Dendara has become one harmonic energy transmitter that was built to receive this powerful, extremely high velocity, Galactic 9. Each of the groups that are gathering now, and the individuals that are on the power points of the planet, everything is set as a stage. Because people are positioned in a DNA formula on the time grid.

There is a DNA formula on the time grid of where people are and what their energy relationship is to this cosmic power. The overtone has to be sent into the grid and the portals of light opened, so that the people when they come and gather, over these next days when the epiphany opens, they are able to receive this input on a molecular and cellular level and focus through the heart on opening the Heart Grail for the planetary consciousness.

Translating this power, of the cosmic force of Galactic Center, into frequencies that encode the planetary DNA and the harmonics of the Grail Heart energetics, this is the heart frequency, that can only be described as a perfect tone of light, that is emanated from pure love, from the pure source of union. That is the frequency that the planet must reach in these next 4 days. We must reach the vibration.

We must be able to attain this heart overtone. I hear again the Grail heart frequency that alters the heart energetics of consciousness. It alters the capacity, accelerating the capacity for love and alters the capacity for humans to co create with that Source of Infinite Love, that is the Creation Creator's Source. The capacity we have to relate and to maintain in those energies, in that consciousness, and to maintain the frequency of this pure heart vibration that is necessary, absolutely essential, for us to cross Galactic center and utilize the frequencies for our evolution, for our restoration of the planet and for the evolution of human consciousness.

They are speaking of molecular discord and the intense, chaotic power that this Galactic 9 has and the only way that it can be utilized in a way that the encryptment becomes codes of light in our DNA, is through the heart harmonics. But the discordant frequencies are not able to receive the input from this powerful Galactic 9. The awakened ones, this whole energy system of the temple grid system, that I call Temple Grid System, must compensate for the incapacity that the old paradigm has to receive and transmit beyond and above the frequencies here.

Therefore, each individual, who is actively co creating with this cosmic force, must be particularly focused on the love source and to be aware that your heart will be generating extremely powerful energies in this constant force, this constant field of vibration. It must be a constant field of vibration to alter the nature of the capacity for the specific tone of the heart to be sustainable and allow us, as conscious beings, to be consistently capable of staying in the heart frequency without dropping into the dense vibration of chaos and the fear frequencies.

Those of us, who are receptors for the light, must be very aware of the flow of this dynamic. It is most useful for us to connect through our intention to Dendara and to connect to the Hathors and give them that signal from your psyche, from your pituitary gland. Because, when you connect to the Hathors, they will receive a signal from your pituitary gland.

That strengthens the harmonic pattern that allows integration of this Omni Cosmic Force, called Galactic 9. I am feeling a great release because I know that when I was in Dendara my pineal gland was encoded and my body harmonics to the Hathor tones. I, myself, as through this transmission, I am making that para psychic connection to the Hathors, through my pineal and pituitary glands.

I am visualizing the temple grid system, the wheels and water wheels, the stone circles, temples, great cathedrals. I can recognize a pattern that is, again the word, the Golden Mean, that is energized from this to utilize the omni powerful cosmic forces, that we will be infused with as we reach the epiphany of light in these next 4 days. I am focusing now to see, through the Grail, if the pattern has been established.

There is an affirmative of energy here. I hear yes. The pattern is established. It is established through the Grail dynamics and the cosmic Grail. Remember the Grail is a heart energy. The Grail is a heart overtone. It is the pure power of Creation/Creator Union. Beloved heart energy is the pure power of the Grail. So this is the Grail formula. The Hathors are very pleased that we were able to make this connection to the Temple Grid System and the formulas that they brought to the planet, with the explicit intention of this co creation with the Master Plan, NOW, for these days of light.

Blessed be, so be it and so it is. PS. This isn't that urgent to get transcribed. We had to make the psychic connection. The connection is made now. It is not about the transmission, it is about the psychic connection. Angel and Gina are going to be up with Bear Babin, Lauri Reyon is down with these very intelligent dolphins in Panama, Marshall and Camila and Flora de Maya and Don Alahondro and the grandmothers have activated the water wheel at Flora de Mayo.

There is one in Oregon and there is one in Omaha, Nebraska. So it is making this trinity. If you can imagine all those 3 water wheels are spinning. It is like a trinity geometry of light with the water wheels that they have gotten activated. That is very important for the integration.

There are other formulas like that around the planet and people are just in the right place right now to integrate these frequencies. I have no doubt that is why I am in Denver now. Galactic 9- the Hathor's Overtone for the Temple Grid System to Integrate the Frequencies from the Cosmic Source of the Galactic Center My guides said that it was important that I got you up.

S. It was important. It is a big relief. I thought I was going to explode before I got channeling. It was so intense but now that I made that Grail connection with Dendara and the Temple Grid System I can feel a great easing. Talk to you in the morning.

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  •  This is the Original Interlaced Heart which is from a members personal family altar I received back some two years ago. When the Interlaced Heart is rotated on its North South Axis points the top and bottom diamonds become invisible and you have an apple or Planet Gaia we all reside upon which of course is Androgynous.

     The Red eyes  in the Blue are for positive control while the Blue eyes in the base represent negative control of the  passions  and the two hearts opposite on the East West Axis are Twin Souls who have found each other being in unison and balance and meeting each other in the Violet Higher Consciousness of Prime Creator and Prime Creatrix which is indeed why we have Prime Numbers and Primary Colours. Blessings Light Love Balance Grace Harmony Kingjeff.

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  •  Here you see the Red of the Passions surrendered and merged with the Blue of Spirit of Hercules and Amazonia merged to Violet which allows the Balance of Gold of All That Is of who We all are. This is Peter's The New Interlaced Heart which is a lot softer on the eye than the original which none the less has been alive working in the Cosmic Matrix for the last 30 years enabling the Neutrino to be discovered which is the God Particle of Balance and is the Gold. Behold the Rainbow for the Gold in the middle our Creator has always been with one hand under the Red cooling and creating Orange while the other Hand is under Blue enlivening and warming it giving Us and Blessing us with the Green of Life and All that lives. Blessings Feather Winger and thanks to Meindert for this opportunity. Love you all. Today is 2/10 which is 12 and presages 12/12/2012. and it is now 9.09 am. Love Light Balance Grace Harmony Kingjeff

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  •  See Feather Winger the Red is merged to Fuschia as I have been saying for the last 2 years and also I now hav verification of the Interlaced Heart which I brought through with Peter Fich Christiansen of Denmark whom I met in Melbourne Australia some 30 years ago. The story behind this was the cleansing of Horus. The lifting of the Red base energy and merging with the cool Blue energy of Spirit which gave us Violet which switched to Gold and gives us metaphorically treasures in Heaven; treasures of the Spirit of the Heart and Soul.

    You have just given me these confirmations which has just been posted 29th September 2012 by Hercules and Amazonia. I am Stoked This is the Real 9/11. Work I have been doing in the physical which humbles me immensely. I AM in Me thanks All That Is so so much. Blessings once more Kingjeff

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  •  Feather Winger  thank you thank you thank you. Lots of cuddles and hugs and my deepest heart blessing and love to you as this link www.walkingterrachrista.com has confirmed so so much for myself and the work that has been ongoing through me over the last  20 or so years. No all my life. First this image which is a confirmation of the New Primary Colors Fuschia Lime and Aqua as they are very prominent and confirmed as 5 D. This is from the site you referred me to. Thanks to Meindert for this post. Blessings Light Love Balance Grace Harmony Kingjeff

  •  This is the New Four Elements Template which is actually 5 and contains the New Three Primary Colours of Fuschia Lime and Aqua replacing the first one the  Red Yellow and Blue but as you see the Saint Germain Cross is still alive in the middle and has a two fold action following the path of the Christ energy. Water Air and Earth are All Mother energies. Fuschia is Masculine representing the Fire Element of Spirit of Father Prime Creator while Water Air and Earth are all Feminine aspects of the Divine Prime  Creatrix  Our Cosmic Mother. Again the Hathor energies are heavily represented. Blessings Kingjeff

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  •  Somebody mention Water Wheels. Follow an Orchestra Conductor's Baton movement as they scribe Fire Air Water Earth and back again. Very interesting again supported by the Hathors.

    Blessings Kingjeff

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