The transition point out of 3d starts now, it is not a past type event, it is not a focus anywhere but now, as the future is now, as you notice, the talk of the humans in mainly talking about the future as being some distant reality is based in a false mind made reality. Who I am as your Commander Ashtar, of who we are of the angelic realms, of the Galactic Federation of Light work non stop to bring about ascension, as there is not an hour in the day, when our focus is not ascension, is not to help to uphold the light, and bring in the new golden age in consciousness. The awakening that you are entering into as you are realizing that you transcend time by your choice is whether you are caught up in the stress of time itself, in feeling the need to rush, which is a mind centered event. This is however in no way to say it is not important for you to remain centered in your missions for the light, and to realize the short time for you to be able to help the humans, leading to full consciousness. You are realizing that time is short, in a linear sense, as with the coming, and happening complete global collapse of your economies, of the political realms, of the social realms are centered in corruption of the Cabal.
The Cabal has taught you from birth that greed is natural, that materialism is natural, that violence is natural, that war is natural, that fighting is natural, all the while fooling humanity, and those star seeds and light workers still holding onto the ego. You are fooled into feeling you are the ego, in attaching to a reality that is based in separation, in division, to look at one another as strangers, as the mind will never be able to know unity. As long as you focus on mind centered, ego centered realities, then you will always be separate, feel lost, confused, and stay in realms of duality. Rising beyond duality needs to be serious to make this transformation, as those of you star seeds and light workers, saying with ego, "I don't know how, I can't seem to get it, I try, and try, maybe I will pray to remove all of the ego's from this world," are as lost as those of the Cabal telling you that war is the only way to keep your planet safe. As long as you are existing in the ego, you will be lost forever, as this is the serious realization that you are awakening into, in your choice now to either continue onwards into more duality, in back to back physical reincarnations, of male, to female, or to exist beyond it. If you are male now, and choosing duality still, you will be a female in the next lifetime, and switch back and forth, forever, until you choose to awaken beyond it.
This is the path of you being either focused on more grace, more of your entrance into no longer choosing or needing to stay in duality, or to see that this path out of it is rare, meaning duality cycles take many thousands of years, similar to a large steel gate that opens and closes. The gate is open now, as with the collapse, the gate will close again, meaning those souls that are to shortly leave this world, and are already leaving without being fully transformed, are transferred into more realms, and worlds of duality. Duality is as you say in human terms, hell, as you are already here on the Earth experiencing it, it as you say gets more chaotic, and insane in planets which have reached such corruption, where no beings are able to exist on the surface any more, due to the oceans being dried up, drained up, polluted to the end. These worlds exist now, and are Cabal ruled worlds, just to give you some more insight into your experience to come for choosing duality, as you see how the oceans have been on this planet. It is beyond the human's capability to clean up the waters of this planet, which is why we of the Galactic Federation of Light, of your angelic guardians are here, to see the end of duality, and then clean up the surface world. This is why your surface Earth is experiencing more Earthquake activity, the whole surface is physically shifting in continents, to the point in which the complete evacuation of those left after the fall of duality happens takes place.
(Con't) by listening now...