The 3D hologram will show you no truth of who I am as your Commander Ashtar, of who we are of the angelic realms, of the Galactic Federation of Light, as it is purely illusory, as you notice these messages to you are consistent beyond all doubt, meaning beyond all lacks of information. These include having new, and fresh information to you, in the form of a direct communication, as this is not one of those communications that talk from a soul outside of a soul. That as you say would be pointless, as the only reason I have come to descend from the heavens to be with you in this human form, that we have come to speak to you as a collective is to show you your multi dimensionality. Those holding onto the 3d hologram will continue to only see one being, will not see the multi beings of light that we are, as you are able to only travel beyond 3d by your choice, this is not about forcing you to change, if you feel comfortable in duality. Duality however is a choice based on conditioning, feeling that you are not able to be eternal in the physical, is certainly a block in awareness, similar to not going to a higher level of existing beyond struggle, and chaos. Those choosing the 3d hologram as the only real reality will say with ego, "Struggle has made me who I am today, looks like you have had no struggles in your life, no wonder you are rich, no wonder you are this way, that way," all the while existing in the illusion of separation, of 3d.
This is a rare case that there is a path in which you are experiencing a higher dimensional awareness in a lower dimensional plane, meaning most souls on this planet will choose, and are choosing duality for many more thousands of years. This is similar to entering a pit of fire, knowing you will be burned, and still choosing to be here, as much interactions on this world are harmful, always with souls using egos to try and cause harm, not being aware of it. Those souls that are the most wise on this Earth have as you say, experienced the most suffering, and chaotic lives, until such souls have made a conscious choice to evolve beyond it, into harmony. That is why you are powerful, there is no getting beyond experiencing the depths of duality, for choosing to be a leader on the new Earth, as with many years of military training, you are noticing the consistent focus, and dedication, that all of our galactic crew members carry on this world. Our Galactic Council shows you that with heightened awareness, you are able to see beyond the depths of time, to know that our collective strength comes from an inner knowing of who we are of the Galactic Federation of Light, of your angelic guardians in your reality shifting. That is only realized the more you surrender the illusion of 3d, this is not a physical process, as you say, it is clear that you will, and are staying in 3d, by focusing on this unfolding to be based on physical interaction.
The ego will say, "Only I want to meet you, I have been calling for you, can you land for me, and take me for one ride in your star ships, take me away from this Earth?" The only way to board our star ships is for you to ascend beyond your mission, as being a worker for the light, as it is pointless to bring you along before you are ready, no matter how much the ego says, "I am ready now, been ready for 10 years, 20 years, I am waiting for you." These are the illusions to feel that time is real, that you are not here to complete a divine mission that has as you say, taken a very long time, over many thousands of years. Informing such information to those holding onto the 3d hologram, will say with ego,"I don't believe this is possible, sorry, but nice try though," as if this is a convincing contest, as if that was the case, then you would no longer have any of these messages. That is because it goes beyond all convincing, as you say, it is only about a reality, no more, no less, as the only existence is beyond 3d, as where who we are as your galactic family exist in now. This means that you are only able to greet, and meet who we are, first in your inner awakening, that is only able to happen by your conscious choice, in evolving beyond such a state. As long as you identify who you are to be the mind, you will never be able to evolve beyond 3d, you will forever then stay in this state, in belief systems of separation, division, judgments, and harm.
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