Published on Apr 24, 2013
The inner feeling of being restored into your divine self is taking place now, there are no as you say moments that are outside of now, where you return consistently in centering yourself more into your true self. That is where who I am as your Commander Ashtar, of the angelic realms, of the Galactic Federation of Light, are here to be here with you in the presence of this moment, where you are realizing more of the spiritual connection that you share to our galactic family. There are only clear openings that result from you ingesting more of the higher dimensions, as you notice the clearness in your reality is always molding you to be more divine, this divinity is possible not through ego, but through your heart center. As you notice, the feeling of greatness that you are is able to be felt in fullness, as you are no longer looking to stop this process, as you notice the conditioning of the mind are not who you are, which brings you closer to an awareness of your true nature. These messages to you are endless, meaning, the more you awaken, the less you feel separate from who we are as your galactic crew, and the more you are realizing your own multi dimensionality.
From your own respectful nature, then you are resulting to only being peaceful, forgiving, joyful, while realizing the seriousness that goes along with this role, as you notice the realms of duality labels being serious as often anger, or violence. These are the lower dimensional parts of your experience of life, as you are evolving beyond the need to focus on any lower dimensional parts to who you are as source. Source is always unconditionally loving, caring, gentle, peaceful, and able to share this with the planet on a consistent basis, and until you are truthfully living this way, as you say, there is intense work that you still need to do to yourself to release the veils of separation. The only way to feel who you are is inside, the more you are awakening to the reality of your own eternal nature, then allowing you to enter into more of the gracefulness of your own inner self. This allows for a divine alignment to happen, and then circulate more of the consciousness of the divine to enter into the core of your expression of being here and now. As you are combining your own efforts to work for the light, there are millions of who we are of the angelic realms, of the Galactic Federation of Light on our star ships, including the many thousands of us on the surface on this Earth now. There is no mistake to why you are here at this time in divine shifting, you are not here to look to what may or may not happen, according to the ego, you are here from the future, clearly knowing what is going to happen already, as you say.
Our future civilizations are here time traveled, already aware of the future of this Earth, as in truth, it already exists, which is why the serious lies that have been taught to your whole world is still in the trance of duality. Duality has you feel that time is only linear, while your freedom beyond such a state is where you are divinely opening your own conscious awareness to know that you are ascending here in this moment. You are able to realize this on a deeper level, as until you leave 3d, you have serious work to do, in order to ascend, and fulfill your role as a newly awakened ascended master. You exist beyond 3d in a body, only you realize that you exist not in just one lifetime, as in duality, but many, as this is part of your multi dimensional self, which means multiple life experiences, all at once. This clearly goes beyond the logical 3d mind, which is why you are here to embrace more of your inner knowing, to open up more of these truths in your own energy field. As you are steady returning to full consciousness, then you are here to adjust to the incoming energies from source, to then know that you are feeling this as a gentle presence inside of you increasing your own strength. The stronger you become, the more unconditionally loving you are being, and noticing in your own choice to vibrate into more oneness, less into fear.
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