Published on Jul 14, 2013
The return to more of your divine roots is why you are here to access the center point of your own conscious awareness, as such communications are natural from who I am as your Commander Ashtar, of who we are of the angelic realms, of the Galactic Federation of Light to you now. Your path has always been secured with the necessary guidance to provide you with a steady return to your fully conscious self, which takes you through a steady entrance into a higher dimension. This is not about doing, it is about being first, as you notice the doing is in your creations that are purely centered in service. Service that is aimed at rising the frequency of the higher realms is where you are encouraged to keep going on your path, to know that these messages are created anew for you daily. The only focus you have is ascension, as that is the most important reality to focus upon every single day, if your aim is to reverse the aging process, and to be upgraded enough to exist immortally in the physical. Of course those that are not able to know the importance of ascension will talk to you as if you are "crazy," and will often "joke," about such a reality, only there will be no jokes when such souls are dying shortly from a choice to not take ascension seriously.
The meaning of your life is to ascend beyond 3d, and to then join our galactic crew in who we are of the Galactic Federation of Light, of your angelic guardians into a blissful existence, as your dedication will show just how serious you are in focusing on your return to a higher realm. Those unawakened to source will say with ego, "Everyone is awakened, you can't reach a higher realm unless you die, come on, I know this stuff already. Do you have anything new to tell me?" These are the souls unable to see how complex ascension is, and how steady it is to allow you to open up more to your divine consciousness, which anchors in more of the higher realms for your own experience of life. The focus that you have remains with a simple attention to be more balanced, to see that there are infinite amounts of wisdom that are being given to you to show you the pathway back home into the stars. While you are existing beyond the 3d rational mind, then you are restored into a pure reality, where the end of chaos is in the entrance of a focused way of being. The cosmic connections that you are making is giving you a restored sense of feeling, where the end of confusion is made a real and true existence, which is absolutely necessary, and required for you to ascend.
The more confused you are, the less you are trusting your intuitive knowing, as this is how you are able to be more upgraded into a graceful way of existing, where the patterns of fear are ending, and the beginning of oneness is beginning. If you feel writing these words for you daily, and missing no days is easy, then you will see the difficulty that comes when you write daily more, create daily art, similar to making a painting every single day, and making a collection of songs every day. No, it takes much patience, and there will as you say be days where you feel extremely drained from working full time, from having a family, from exercising, and then still doing your light work in addition to this. This makes you a stellar worker for the light, as beyond all odds of not being able to complete such a divine role, you are making sure that all of your efforts are being a beacon of pure light. The light that you feel as you are healed more is generously giving you the necessary attention to be restored into a state where you are embracing only source, only bliss, and only a kind way of being. When you are insulting another soul from your actions, from being violent, from being focused on judgments, on divisions, then you are going away from more oneness.
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