Published on Jul 2, 2013

The motivation you have in your activation process is showing you the direct focus that is layered to you as a star seed, light worker, human aiming at joining who I am as your Commander Ashtar, of who we are of the angelic realms, of the Galactic Federation of Light in the heavenly realms in the physical. Naturally, there are many distortions in reality to have you feel that you are not able to see the true sense of balance in your own experience of life, where you have those souls that say with ego, "I think you guys are a cult, you talk about heaven, nobody wants to die like you." It is an error in consciousness to feel that our collective aim is to die, no, that is the human experience of duality, it is however our aim to ascend beyond 3d, and to exist on a vibrational frequency that is beyond the 3d mind's sight. The intent that you make to leave planet Earth shortly during such global collapses is well earned for your light work, and those still just barely activated a week, a few months, a year or two, you are here to see the collapse on the surface world. Those of us first wavers have come to be activated beyond all such souls, and as a result get to leave before most for our volunteer work to your planet, to show you the importance in living and vibrating in a state of pure awareness.

Any kinds of lack of awareness leads to be stuck in duality, as this is a reality based in fear, which will say with ego, "I think I will be able to ascend, I just don't know how. I like being violent, I need to protect myself, sure I beat a lot of people up, but I don't regret it, they could have killed me." These are those souls that are still inactivated, unable to see the purpose of being here in the physical, and follow more of the Cabal in a state of disharmony, imbalance, and a state in which destruction seems "normal." The only normal reality that we know as one galactic crew is bliss, oneness, gracefulness, no pollution, no separation, no amnesia, as this is how you know that you are communicating to who we are of the Galactic Federation of Light, of your angelic guardians. It takes a strength inside of you to be a leader on the new Earth, as one of the main ways you know you are living in hell is in talking about ascension, most souls will say with ego, "Umm, I think that happens when you die dude, get real, everyone dies." Only this is only a reality for those stuck in duality, that are unaware of the higher conscious realities of being a galactic citizen, which is in truth, millions of years ahead to human limited consciousness experience. In making no mistake about it, ascension is where you are physically able to ascend beyond 3d, and to experience a blissful physical life experience, then existing beyond all death cycles.

Certainly this is magical, and miraculous to the majority of souls on this planet that are currently unaware of such a reality, and to realize it is the potential of all of humanity to ascend in the physical is beautiful. Until such souls ascend in the physical, they will keep dying over and over again, as in truth, most souls on this world now are ghosts, walking around already dead, just appearing to be physical, but choosing duality still. That is why it is a strange experience to walk among so many ghosts, which you notice when you approach such souls, they will give you the amnesia stare, saying often with ego, "Do I know you? How come you are looking like you know me?" This is the sickness of most of humanity, which is based on separated natures, while your own return to your divine self is how you are fully activated to no longer act from a state of amnesia. As you are fully awakened then you know the Akashic Records of all souls, as this allows you to know that you are God, in the physical, and embodying this is in embracing more of the Christ frequency, the highest order of the divine that exists inside of a physical vehicle. There are those of you that are in such a state now, in which you have worked for many years, and then are kind, gentle, balanced, and live in oneness, never treat another as if they are a "stranger," and only stay focused within. You have the ability to save yourself from going through more duality paths, as duality is hell, and hell means that such souls suffer, die, and then go on to the next lifetime, having a wiping memories of the lifetime before.

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