Galactic Federation of Light on all dimensions? WHERE IS GREG GILES?
Recorded call from Sananda Esu Immanuel Kumara about Greg Giles
Im not going to spoil this message recorded call for you all. But what Im assuming what Sananda meant about Greg Giles, may be a shock or a joke to some of you. Now remember that Im assuming. That he mentor, and took him under his wing, and then was sent here spiritually as a StarSeed, and incarnated here on earth. Basically you can say, he waited for the right moment as we get closer to ascension to start his lightwork.
i wonder, is this all a publicity stunt to gain mass attention, lol
its like when people rumour and say Elvis didnt die or that tupac is still alive out there floating on a time machine... lol
i agree, i find it all quiet
in any case, nothing i can do will bring anyone back so i'll just focus on my self work ;) <3
Wait a minute!! Are you saying that Greg, his twin brother AND THE DOG, RICO, ALL ASCENDED AT THE SAME TIME????? AND THEY'RE STANDING NEXT TO JESUS RIGHT NOW??? THAT GREG IS JESUS'S SON AND GREG'S COMING BACK BEFORE THE YEAR'S OUT? "PPHHFFFFFFF!!!!" LOL! XD! If this is true, then who is still posting on Greg's blog site? Who just posted a message of Greg channeling Greg's "higher self" talking to himself last month? I must of laughed a good ten minutes. Anyway, this message is from the Hollow Earth Network from Oct 6. Your a month late. Let Greg go in peace.
Not that I am into the GG debate, but if the messenger becomes bigger than the message, then things are awry...