Galactic Federation Transmission
Dear beloved ones,
To all who read these words, greetings from the Galactic Federation. In this message from the Galactic Federation, we are going to discuss the most important steps you can take now to be ready for ascension and what will happen in order for your planet to accomplish ascension.
Having heard of the Ascension Process, do you know its full extent? It is an energy shift that will affect every single aspect of life on planet Earth, all at once.
We are very happy to announce that the long-awaited Great Shift or Ascension of your planet is taking place. You have completed the 3rd dimension, and the collective consciousness of this planet has reached such a critical level, especially in the last few years, that there is no other way than to ascend.
We want you to know that you are doing great! You are doing more than great. It has been an incredible journey so far, and the best is yet to come.
Let go of everything that was once familiar to you, everything you thought you knew or understood.
Your eyes are open today, and the curtain has been lifted. Today you understand what is at stake for humanity, but you also realize how beautiful the plan is that you have been working on for all these years on Earth!
We, the Galactic Federation, come to you today to inform you that we are sending massive amounts of photon gamma light waves through your central sun that pierce through you into the cells of your being.
Some of you are well aware of the massive energy shifts that are currently coming in and you may experience enhanced ascension symptoms such as insomnia, or the need to sleep much more than usual.
Even physical discomfort is a possible ascension symptom as your bodies are changing and adjusting to the higher frequencies.
Many of you are newly awakened and others have just begun to awaken. Your numbers will go drastically.
If you are reading this message, it means you are one of the chosen ones.
But we did not choose you. You did.
You volunteered for this grand mission knowing the rewards you would reap from this lifetime's experience was a massive milestone in your own personal evolution.
You will now proceed to achieve your divine purpose.
We need you to step forward and do your part in this ascension process and we want you to know that we are here with you, assisting and guiding you every step of the way.
There are so many of you that are eagerly awaiting the changes that are to come. You are looking forward to the truth of your existence on this planet being released for all people of all cultures to see.
It's been a long journey, but the process is nearing completion, and there are only a few steps left for us to complete.
We cannot give you a date right now, there are too many factors and beings involved but the process is "very, very close."
You are all requested to maintain your high vibrational energies, no matter what is taking place on Earth at this time.
Do not judge, do not react emotionally, but instead draw upon your inner peace and joy no matter what is happening.
Continually be aware that the ascension process is occurring now, but it will take a short while to manifest fully.
The final breakthrough will come with a bang once all preliminary conditions have been met. In this sense, the great climax is upon you, but always remember that what manifests are not mere events but profoundly meaningful revelations that are far more important for the awakening to take place within all of you.
Everyone will still go through their own individual ascension process and go through different scenarios than what another person may experience. The changes we see in this world are the people waking up and seeing the illusion for what it truly is.
All of the awakened will assist and support individuals who are going through the process of releasing their karmic conditioning, dissecting their false self, and dealing with the atrocities of suffering.
You will witness the end of the transition, and you will be heading into a new era that will bring to light what has been hidden for such a long time.
Many revelations will take place.
The revelation is the final phase of the ascension process and will be a great shock for everyone. It will come as a huge surprise and a moment of realization.
This will mark the end of the old world and the birth of a new one; there will be no more darkness or deception in human consciousness from this point forward!
We love you dearly.
We are here with you.
We are your family of light.
Aurora Ray
Ambassador of the Galactic Federation
Channel and Art by Aurora Ray
Copyright 2022 Aurora Ray. All rights reserved.
A Breakthrough Message From The Galactic Federation
Dear beloved ones,
We are the Galactic Federation of Light and we come with a breakthrough message from the Prime Creator to all of humanity.
The Prime Creator knows that there has been a lot of tension on your planet recently because of the failure of your systems to deal with the great change that has been taking place.
You have been through a lot, but now it is finally time for relief and reassurance. Rise up, shine your light and prepare for a very special message from The Prime Creator – a message of higher wisdom and hope.
The Prime Creator has given us permission to descend throughout your planet in large numbers, thereby triggering a massive positive chain reaction that will fall into place as soon as enough people receive our presence as a sign that what they have been waiting for has started manifesting on Earth.
Many of our ships will come by at low altitudes and make themselves visible to the general public. They may be seen in the sky at night, or during the day if they reveal themselves.
We are sending greetings of peace, hope and love to all of you. We want to prepare you for what is coming. The Galactic Federation has moved heaven and earth to be able to step forward openly with Disclosure, the announcement that we are visiting Earth, and our presence here.
The time for this event has been chosen carefully by our cosmic planners, as it is shortly after the end of this year's solar maximum cycle and therefore the energetic conditions on earth will be particularly ripe for our arrival and teachings and therefore maximally beneficial and timely for you.
From now on, we can openly interact with the people of this planet. It is true that we have been helping you secretly for a long time but now it is time to let you know that your prayers have been answered -- the initial contact has been made.
We are now allowed to communicate with the people of the world, and we will be translated into all languages and broadcast through various media, television and the Internet.
We will use the mass media to awaken and inspire people into a greater understanding of themselves and of humanity. Also Messages of unity, oneness and equality that we will broadcast to the whole world from enormous screens placed on the sides of our mother- ships.
The Galactic Federation will host open meetings on ships, where people can meet us in person.
There are many people in the world that are sick that don't have anyone to help them. Or they just can't afford healing treatment. So, we will provide free healing treatment to all of these people around the world that are sick.
We are getting ready. We are making the final arrangements to make the disclosure, and your world will change forever. Soon, you will recall who you really are. "Disclosure" has reached an all-time high, in accordance with the divine plan of the creator.
We are prepared for any obstacle or problem that is presented by what would seem like nefarious beings who want to delay the truth.
The most important thing we decided is to extend the end of this cycle and give way for the preparation for the people of this world and to allow the secret controllers of this world a chance to give up and surrender.
This includes the dark forces, who know about this and do not yet know how to proceed. The process will turn out smoother than we had thought. This will avoid chaos.
Now is the time when you will find out who is lying to you, who has used you in some way, who has not cared about your welfare or that of humanity.
We are all very excited about this wonderful, life changing opportunity for each and every one of you. The moment is now, the time to act is upon us, the time to discover your true Galactic origins.
This is something that has never happened before in history and it will be happening now! The Earth's population will see firsthand the origins of who they are in regards to their Galactic roots.
The plans to create a New Earth based on Universal Law, for the sake of all Life in Our Universe, have been put into motion. It is also a message of great, unexpected joy!
We love you dearly.
We are here with you.
We are your family of light.
Aurora Ray
Ambassador of the Galactic Federation
Channel and Art by Aurora Ray
Copyright 2022 Aurora Ray. All rights reserved.
As You Enter Into 5D
Dear ones,
When you wake up in the morning, take a moment to acknowledge that you are on your way to a new reality.
You have been moving into this new Reality for some time now.
It's a reality that is emerging from the high-frequency waves of light that are flooding the Earth. These waves are dissolving the old matrix and creating something completely new: a vibrant, harmonious, joyful life for everyone.
Why would you want to escape from this wonderful Reality?
It's simply about making a conscious choice to move into this new frequency of light, to move into the 5th dimension, to live in happiness, freedom, and harmony.
The easiest way to move into a 5D reality is to focus on the positive changes that have occurred within you recently. These changes might be subtle, or they might be enormous, but they are all signs of a higher frequency emerging.
Tune into these positive changes, and as you do so, you will naturally begin to attract more experiences that reflect this higher frequency.
It's important not to look for this experience externally. If you do, it can create a sense of separation from what's unfolding inside of you. Instead, whenever possible, focus your attention on your heart.
Focus on the fact that these positive changes have occurred within you—and they are a sign that a higher frequency is emerging in your life.
There are many ways to embrace the new 5D Reality. You can use your heart, your intuition, and your love, for example.
Or you can tune into the higher vibration of music. Music is an expression of the soul, so it can help you connect with your own soul and feel more at home in the universe.
The new world, the 5th dimension of consciousness and spirituality, has already and is already here. It has arrived on this planet. You are a part of it.
The light that is being sent from the stars, the light that is being sent from the sun, is changing your DNA. It allows you to evolve into a higher level of spirituality and consciousness.
You will wake up one morning and say, "There is something different about me." And that will be the day you have arrived in the 5th dimension.
You are a part of a new reality. A reality where you can create anything you want for yourself by thought alone. A reality where God and Goddess are one. A reality where there is no separation between yourself and God or between yourself and another person. A reality where all beings work together as one for the good of all concerned and for the good of planet Earth itself.
A New Reality is now available to you.
I see the following two major changes taking place in this new Reality:
1. The Old World is no longer relevant to us, and we do not need to be part of it anymore. It's going to stay there for a while, but we are no longer connected to it. Whether we want to or not, we are now moving into a new reality. It's the world that is inside our hearts and minds.
2. There will be many changes in our external Reality as our inner Reality begins manifesting externally.
As you begin experiencing the energies of the new 5D frequency, a shift in consciousness will take place. For the first time, you'll be able to see and feel what's possible. You'll find yourself asking, "Why didn't I know this before?" Actually, you have always known that it was possible to create a life filled with ease, love, and fulfillment. But now, because of the increased energy frequencies available to you, you can actually experience your own power as a creator.
Let me share with you some of the ways life can be easier for you in the new 5D Reality:
You can now access, at any time, your deepest knowledge about how to create whatever it is that you desire or need. This means that no matter what happens in your outer world, there will be an inner sense of security, peace, and well-being available to you at all times. You don't have to be concerned about how or when this will happen; it will just happen as soon as you allow it to happen. You no longer need to feel anxious or unsure about anything; instead, you can trust yourself completely.
The key to this new reality is that you can begin to live in it now. You no longer have to wait for others to create the life of your dreams and desires.
You can envision it, create it, and bring it into reality by living in this new frequency of consciousness and allowing it to flow through you and create miracles for you, miracles that you never thought possible.
As you do so, what occurs is that your life becomes a magical adventure, and you become a magical being who has the ability to manifest all of your dreams onto the Earth plane.
We love you dearly.
We are here with you.
We are your family of light.
Aurora Ray
Ambassador of the Galactic Federation
Copyright 2022 Aurora Ray. All rights reserved.
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  • Donovan, I agree with much of what you say. I would just like to add a bit about keeping and open mind about just what is really happening both from my personal experience and research. Everyone will have a different view and opinion about the Event that is happening now and all are valid in some degree.
    We the light-workers or the 1st. wave have been in this for a very long time. Myself, it started 51 yrs ago when I received two visits from my spirit guides, that showed my the possible future on that time line in 1971. My 2nd update was in 1987 when I 1st began to really wake up and in 88 received a new guide who stayed with me for 6 mo's. and a new time line was shown. By 1990 and 91 I learned of yet another time line. In 2012 another one and 2017 yet another.
    What I am getting at is ,it is not possible to tell everyone what is going to happen to them or to the earth, just because there is so many possibilities about 3D, 4D, and 5D.. I do believe the mother earth is about to enter 6D. She is always one Dimension ahead of us earthlings. So that means a small number about 2000 are now ready to enter into 5D. Most of us light-workers who are awake to a higher degree are somewhere in 4D.I don't believe its possible to tell someone what degree or level that they are in. I can only speak for myself and I believe in this new year of 2022 I have moved pass the 4.5% level of 4D. I know this by what is happening to me in my conscious self and are able now finally able to connect to my Higher self. I am able to figure things out that before were a mystery to me and or I can now see things in a much higher light of understanding. Of course the Cabal are afraid of anyone who goes pass 4.5% for they then have no power over us and they know we will over power them in there attempts to destroy us and possible destroy them in the process.
    But that is not our job or at least for a number of us. As we awaken even more we will help awaken the 2nd and the 3rd wave. The 2nd wave are already awakened to a certain point and they in turn are helping the 3rd wave to wake up, which is happening now as we speak and they are already in some level of 4D.

    As the 3rd wave awakens up to what is really happening to them they may freak a bit but they do have the help of those above them who has already been through the awakening process. The rest of humanity who is still in 3D are going to have a really hard time of it but they can no longer remain asleep. There will always be some who will refuse to awaken even though they see what is happening around them in the 3D illusion.
    Things are reaching a breaking point as to what we call or did call reality. there is no turning back we are pass the point of no return.
    Things will never be the same, we will have learned our lesson well and history will record this Event so as to prevent this Cabal,N.W.O. from ever trying to take over humanity by divide and conquer. People who survive will create an entirely new system of living life on Earth, and other solar systems. We will never again allow ourselves as a people to be separated again. We are not separated from God or each other we are all one, Love is One. Father Michael of Nebadon will have back his sovereignty of this universe and we will have back our sovereignty as well. We will have learned our lesson well. Adonai rev. Joshua
  • Once upon a time there were all these generalities in channellings about the 5th density being just around the corner, and beneficial energies pouring down from the heavens and bingo one morning we will wake up and declare, "I'm changed!", and so we all live happily ever after in 5D. This is all distraction to take our focus away from the many battles still to be waged against the people who want to enslave humanity and depopulate the planet. It's illogical to think we the people will taste the 5th density before we the people clean up the evil in 3D. This will take years, until we reach the tipping point where most of the hard work has been achieved and we then proceed with exponential speed towards a 5th density life. Logically 5D cannot be become a reality until we the people have brought peace and balance back to 3D, otherwise it would be like taking a half-cooked cake out of the oven and saying it's ready. Earth is three things, first it is a place of intense duality, second, it's a place of linearity (everything has a beginning and an end), third, we have free choice. We can choose evil or good, so it will be of no benefit whatsoever to our own personal spiritual evolution if we piss off to 5D and leave behind a raging evil world. Where’s the spiritual logic in that? Some channellings may give us a warm and fuzzy feeling but first a balance must be achieved in 3D. This is a balance between concentrating on our own spiritual evolution and at the same time concentrating on the very real battles against the evil that exists on Terra right now until the war is won - and the word war is not a too stronger word. In the meantime, forget 5D as it's a distraction to the job at hand. 5D will come when it comes. Get our minds out of the future, live in the now, know our true self, do what is possible for each individual to put an end to the deep state, cooperate with the introduction of suppressed technology and help where possible to then create a 3D of peace, harmony and balance. Then we may just earn the right to start thinking about 5D.
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