Galactic Federation Transmission
These are days of tremendous change, not only in one nation where many of you are today, but across the whole globe.
There have been many modifications. Many changes seem to be contrary to your wishes but which you recognize as necessary.
Because it is unstoppable, all must rise as one in order for the light to enter this world, raise the vibrations, raise the awareness of this planet, and all inside this planet. Currently, a tremendous deal of change is taking place.
You've been advised to prepare for such changes, but you never know when they'll occur. But we can tell you right now that many things are occurring behind the scenes at this moment.
These realities may be found by those who have eyes to see and ears to hear. They've arrived. And all you have to do is 'connect the dots,' as many people across the world are doing right now.
Because it's all about light pouring in and lighting the darkness everywhere, and the darkness gradually dissipating. However, before it fades away, it must first enter the light and feel the light, as well as the higher vibrations. Then it will have the option of either going into those higher frequencies and being inside that light or fading away from it.
Yes, many people have already chosen to fade away from the light. They despise being in the light. Consider several of them to be vampires in your tales and legends. They get darker as they go away from the light. They are unable to cope with the light. They withdraw from higher frequencies because they are incapable of handling them, and as the Earth Gaia continues to increase in vibration, less and less room is available for people of lower vibrations.
It was always going to happen. Every one of you has a destiny. Everyone who resonates with these words is meant to be a part of the Great Shift that is taking place.
Many of you, on the other hand, are a bigger part of it than you realize right now. Some of you take the initiative to speak out for yourself, to declare your independence and sovereignty. Others of you may discover that you are interacting with energy. You're experimenting with light. You're experimenting with vibration in your own body.
And when you concentrate on yourself, increasing your frequency, you increase the vibration of the whole human race, as well as all life on this planet.
As we've said many times, you're all doing your part. But, whatever that portion is, know that that is exactly what you should do if you are following your intuition. If you refuse to accept that advice, you are not honest with yourself.
So be aware of it. Realize it. Hear those tiny inner voices that say it's time; it's time to go ahead in whatever manner that means. You've been given your marching orders, as previously stated. These aren't demands from us. They are commands from inside, from your own Higher Self, to surrender your ego, follow your heart and to go ahead, in whatever way that may be.
And you're getting a lot of assistance from all sides, despite the fact that we can't go against the Prime Directive. We are unable to directly interfere with your spiritual progress. We may, however, intervene when requested to do so, whether by the Galactics or by you, the Ascending Ones.
When asked, we can all intervene, as well as the Agarthans. We're all here to help with this. And we've all been helping in a variety of ways, much more than you may guess.
Because this system, and even this planet, would not exist if it weren't for the Galactics. It would have been crushed a long time ago. And civilization as we know it would be a thing of the past.
That was the strategy of darkness. As you are aware, their goal was to depopulate the globe. They might then command a small number of slaves. That, however, was not going to happen, the different councils that got together made the decision that this would never happen. It'd never be permitted. Humanity must continue to exist on this planet.
So you've had a lot of assistance from behind the scenes. But every one of you, each and every one of you, has a significant role to play in bringing about freedom, as intended by the Founding Fathers of your nation. But it doesn't only impact one nation; it impacts the whole world.
The founding fathers of your nation have a goal in mind. They established the principle that all persons are born equal. In the perspective of the Father God and The One, the Creator Being, all people are equal. And it is not up to man to prove otherwise.
They have, nevertheless, made an effort. In many instances, they have been successful for a long period. Those days, however, are no more. They won't be able to maintain their control over the population because there are a lot of awakened ones. And the multitudes of awakened and ascending people on earth will triumph over the few 'powers-who-were'.
Rise up in any manner you know-how, and do not go quietly into the night. You are the ones who have come here to rip this system to shreds. Who would you be without you?
We send peace, love, and oneness into your hearts.
We love you dearly.
We are here with you and much more so in the future.
We are your family of light.
Aurora Ray
Ambassador of the Galactic Federation
Channel and Art by Aurora Ray
Copyright 2022 Aurora Ray. All rights reserved.
How To Ascend To 5D
The word Ascension comes from Latin, and it means "to climb."
Ascension is reaching a level of spiritual awareness.
It means becoming a conscious creator.
You become self-empowered. You become potent. You become conscious. You become aware of your true self.
It is reaching a level of consciousness where you realize that you control your reality. You control everything.
Spiritual masters define Ascension as "To be truly alive," or "is to possess yourself."
Realizing your true self is Ascension, and life is an ascension.
An integrated, multidimensional model of consciousness, Ascension is the merging and transmutation of matter (physical, mineral, and astral), consciousness, and spirit. It leads to the dissolution of all false forms and systems that do not carry light and is the final frontier of human consciousness.
The merging of matter and spirit is the core premise of Ascension.
A shift in consciousness within us and around us is the catalyst that enables us to transcend our polarized duality and ascend into pure oneness.
Ascension is a process that begins with a deepening of the awakening of spiritual principles and culminates in the expanded consciousness of Enlightenment, one with God and a unified field of light.
The state of your consciousness affects everything you do and everything you think—the greater your conscious awareness, the greater your ability to control your life.
Your level of consciousness is a reflection of the quality of your life experiences — good and bad and the wisdom gathered of it all.
Meditation techniques enable your consciousness to soar to new heights so that you can experience the bliss of a pure being. This will train your mind to be alert and relaxed at the same time.
Meditation is the process of unlearning. Meditation can not be learned with knowledge. Only by unlearning can you learn meditation.
It is about neutrality and peace. Letting go of all condition and arriving at zero. Emptying the mind from clutter and stepping into the unknown.
You're gaining a lot of knowledge by learning. Knowledge and the mind are both essential to living in the world. The mind, on the other hand, must be treated as a tool, as a servant. And keep in mind that YOU are the Master.
However, you are forgetting who YOU are and losing your true self as a result of your gathered knowledge.
The Master enters through meditation. It fully awakens you to the fact that your mind is your servant. You can now do whatever you want with it. And if you don't want to do anything with it, you can leave it alone and remain completely silent.
But the problem is, for most people, they are not the masters right now.
It is because of their accumulated knowledge. Hence, now it is time for you to unlearn.
Unlearn all that you have learned.
The more you have learned the more challenging this task will be for you.
A real spiritual master will teach you how to unlearn. Meditation is the act of clearing your mind by unlearning all you've learned so far.
The mind is like a stumbling block. The river is present, but it is obstructed and unable to flow. It is surrounded by rocks, which prevent it from flowing. The river yearns for the sea and wishes to be free of its confinement.
The river is trying to reach the sea, but it is being stopped by a large rock. That rock is a product of your mind. It's a huge rock, too, because you've been hoarding it and adding to it for a long time.
Breaking the rock and removing it from the obstruction is the process of meditation.
The rock will gradually go away. As a result from practicing spiritual discipline and as a part of that you must add meditation as a routine to your lifestyle.
When the rock vanishes, a new flow of water will begin to flow towards the ocean. That is what meditation is all about.
When you meditate, you give up control. You concentrate on bringing the mind to silence rather than to any particular thought or image.
Detach from your thoughts and learn to treat them as a separate entity. Observe them but do not engage in them and do not judge them. Do not identify with your mind's chatter.
Your mind will wander. As long as you are meditating, you are exercising control over your mind. Then, all of a sudden, your mind simply drifts off into a void space, a pure silence, ultimate bliss.
Each time you bring the mind to stillness, you are strengthening your conscious awareness.
You train your mind to be alert and relaxed at the same time so that your consciousness soars to new heights, enabling you to experience the bliss of a pure being.
As you become more familiar with your meditation technique, you will find that you can relax more and more. Your life will become more effortless. You will become more aware of the beauty that surrounds you, and you will become more receptive to the blessings that the Universe brings to you.
This is your challenge that you must overcome and master.
Meditation is your number one ally on your journey to ascending into the fifth dimension.
5D is a state of heightened senses and evolved conscious awareness.
The ancients called it Heaven, the Hindus called it Nirvana, the Buddhists call it Moksha, and others refer to it as a state of "pure holiness." In other words, this is the place where time has no space, space has no time, and everything in existence is ONE.
We love you dearly.
We are here with you.
We are your family of light.
Aurora Ray
Ambassador of the Galactic Federation
Channel and Art by Aurora Ray
Copyright 2022 Aurora Ray. All rights reserved.
We Are In A Time Of Great Change
We are in service to humanity by raising our individual vibrations to higher levels of consciousness through awareness, self-love, and compassion. As we do this, we raise the vibration of all humanity and accelerate mass planetary ascension.
The process of awakening to who you truly are begins with your willingness to do your inner work and make necessary changes within. The work I am referring to is clearing out all your old negative emotions, such as anger, fear, guilt, and shame, which cause deep patterns of suffering within your being.
As we heal ourselves, we help heal others; we help heal mother Earth (Gaia). Every time one person heals themselves, they transform their vibration and anchor a higher frequency into Gaia's energetic/crystalline grid system. As more humans choose to work on themselves, more light is anchored into Gaia.
The process of planetary ascension involves many changes that are affecting all living beings on the planet right now. The Earth is changing dramatically and releasing much of the density that no longer serves her or humanity. She's cleaning the house, so to speak, and humanity has a choice; join her or get left.
The term "great awakening" is a term that has been used to describe the changes in consciousness that are occurring on the planet at this time. The changes in consciousness are due to the effects of highly charged photons of light that are bombarding the planet from the galactic core. These photons are "charged" with information, light, or DNA codes that are designed to activate our DNA and transform us into higher frequencies of light.
The result of these upgrades in consciousness will be a change in the vibration of humanity and an increase in our awareness of who we really are at the soul level. As this occurs, we will begin to release the old ways of being (inertia, fear, hatred, and greed) and begin living from a higher vibratory frequency where we feel connected to one another at all times because we will see ourselves as each other-as ONE.
There is a great deal of information available about what is happening during this evolutionary cycle for humanity. However, it is important for us to understand that this is not just a mental exercise, but it involves our entire beings-our emotional bodies and physical bodies as well.
As humans become more aware of their emotional bodies, they will also become more aware that their thoughts create emotions, which then create their experience in life.
The world is changing, our consciousness is changing, and the old ways of greed, control, and domination will dissolve away when people stop feeding them with their energy. The new age of peace, love, and unity consciousness is underway. The extraterrestrial races have been waiting for millennia for humans to reach this level of maturity, where we can work together with other races in peace, balance, and harmony.
We all have a higher self, an indwelling spirit, and a soul. The higher self is the extension of God or Source. At the quantum level, everything is one and connected.
Since the beginning of time, we were seeded with intelligence, intuition, and creativity from our space families, and we were given free will to choose how advanced our civilizations would be in this golden age.
From observation of humanity over many generations, through their own free will (and this is what separates us from animals), humans are addicted to pain and suffering as they use it as a way to learn lessons, which is an integral part of their evolution.
This can also be used by negative egotistical entities to keep us in fear and ignorance, thus repressing our true potential as a race that could have had the most advanced civilization on Earth today if we did not follow the path of others, such as the reptilians, negative aliens, archons, grays, etc., who have taken over our planet for many thousands of years.
The ego-mind wants to control through fear and manipulation and operates out of survival mode rather than love because it is afraid to die. This has been manipulated by others so they can control us through fear-based programming that we have all absorbed into our subconscious minds at levels that are ingrained.
The information about our galactic roots is not new, but it is gaining credibility now that the masses are awakening and comprehending the truth of their origins. Everyone who has done research into the origins of humanity has come to the same conclusion: that we are an alien hybrid race with DNA from many different star systems.
We are in a time of great change. The Ancients have long foretold of this time, and this is why we are here. Through spiritual evolution and the activation of our DNA, we are the ones who will turn on the lights for the rest of humanity.
It is all about reconnecting with your inner being and programming your DNA to remember who you really are. Through this remembrance, we will tap into our latent abilities and knowledge that have been locked away in our DNA and deepen our levels of consciousness while we exist in these physical bodies.
As we go through the ascension process, our dormant DNA will begin to activate. This means that the information contained within our DNA will begin to unlock itself and flow through us, bringing with it knowledge of many things, including healing ourselves and others.
The more DNA strands we activate, the more conscious awareness we will have of who we truly are and what our purpose is in this lifetime. As we raise our frequency, more knowledge becomes available to us as we become more open, more aware, and ready for it.
The universe is expanding at a higher rate than ever seen before, and the Earth is being affected by this in many ways, including the increase in energy levels hitting our planet.
This energy surge is influencing the Earth's magnetic fields, which are decreasing by 10% per decade, which is causing the planet to vibrate at a higher frequency.
It's not just the Earth that is changing; the universe all around us is in a state of flux, with whole galaxies and solar systems changing in form and position. Everything we observe in space has changed in recent years, proving that what we have been told about our universe is incorrect and that there are still many secrets out there yet to be discovered.
We love you dearly.
We are here with you.
We are your family of light.
Aurora Ray
Ambassador of the Galactic Federation
The New Earth's Gateway Is Open
People on Earth may question what their life on Earth is all for from time to time. Not everyone can understand what living in a New Heaven on Earth might be like. They may find talk of LOVE and LIGHT repulsive. To them, the Earth evokes feelings of rage, sorrow, greed, sickness, and poverty.
For millennia of their existence on Earth, these ideas and feelings have been ingrained in them. Souls come and leave, suffering a great deal of hate from other souls throughout their stay on the Earth. It's sometimes ingrained in their very essence, as it were. This manner of existence was spawned by the darkness that arose on Earth as a result of souls who ate these evil emotions.
Dearest Friends, the time has come for you to rise up and clear your soul of these dark emotions. Most of you who are reading these words are aware of what is going on and are trying hard to transform from darkness to light.
Dear Ones, this is the purpose of your visit. The time has come for you all to move from the third to the fifth Dimension of heaven on Earth.
Gaia is a living, breathing entity, a being of love and light. She is assisting you in removing the remaining remnants of negative emotions inside you by knowing all of the souls on her planet. Do you not sense her adoration? She is aware of the wicked ones, though, and has ordered them to leave.
Gaia is transforming right now, and she has no room in her world for these dark forces. As you can see, she is quite active as she transitions from the dark 3rd Dimension to the brighter 5th Dimension, where ALL spirits are concerned about her well-being. You've all noticed how she's changed. Earthquakes, severe winds, floods, and unusual weather patterns are all happening. Many of her weather systems have been tampered with by a dark force in the past, and she is slowly regaining harmony and balance.
For ages, dark spirits have attempted to dominate Gaia. She has waited patiently for humanity to evolve, but the time has come for all souls in the world to unite with her.
Many souls have stepped forward to assist her. Her weather patterns will shift, and a large portion of the globe will have mild weather, allowing people to flourish. This may all sound like a pipe dream to you, and you may believe it is taking place in the far future, but Dear Ones, remember that all of this is taking place RIGHT NOW.
The energies that are now assaulting Earth enable individuals who are in touch with Gaia to enter the NEW EARTH. There will be no more poverty, illness, starvation, or a lack of love in the world. Those with a lower vibration that are unwilling to adapt, on the other hand, will be unable to maintain these vibrations.
As you travel through these new frequencies, many of you have experienced a variety of symptoms in your bodies that have never been seen before on the planet. So to say, your body is catching up with your spirit. Ask your body what it needs to move through these frequencies, and be patient with yourself. Your body is transitioning from carbon to crystalline, and you must embrace these changes, no matter how difficult they may be. As you transition to these new frequencies, many of you are tired and experiencing strange symptoms.
Your body and spirit are both connected to Gaia, so speak to them and listen to what they have to say.
Your body's cells are continually recreating themselves and know precisely what they need. Your body may need more sleep, daylight, nourishment, or exercise.
Learn to be in harmony and appreciation with your body and to adore it regardless of its flaws. In every symptom, there is always a lesson to be learned. It is difficult for people to comprehend, yet there is a lesson for the soul in every sickness, no matter how difficult it is to hear. The more you learn to listen to and love the body in which your soul resides, the calmer you will be.
Many advancements have been kept concealed from you due to a dark force. A sinister dominating agenda has been responsible for many of humanity's diseases. They are well aware that many diseases might have been treated centuries ago and that many illnesses have been created by them in order to profit from the so-called treatment. Money donated with a good heart to so-called charity organizations ends up in the hands of these wicked groups. Many of the world's so-called diseases are really the result of a dark force trying to profit from a so-called treatment while keeping people trapped in a fear matrix.
You've been kept in the dark about your own SOVEREIGN power as a divine creature.
Every human person on the planet has a great immune system that maintains the body in balance. However, the dark force has blasted your Earth with many pollutants and numerous so-called diseases in order to control you and earn enormous amounts of money by discovering so-called treatments during the past decades. Many people have been fearful of another similar event in the past year, which seemed to kill a large number of people. However, Dear Ones, each year, a certain number of individuals die, and this has not altered. The dark force has created a dread of these so-called diseases in order to control the masses.
Others of you who have awakened are irritated by those who are still sleeping around you but have confidence, dear ones, for ALL IS WELL, and your time will come.
On the planet, there is a wave of souls waking, and once awake, they do not sleep again. The frequencies will continue to be transmitted until all souls have awakened and the darkness has vanished.
When people hear of the terrible truths that are starting to come to light, you will be desperately required to assist them.
All you have to do now is be yourself. You can't convince people to share your viewpoint. They will eventually learn and become like you. They must learn for themselves, just as you have. The vibrations on Earth are such that many, many more souls are waking up to their own purpose on Earth at this time, and all dark, wicked souls are being called to leave the planet.
This has been decided and will take place immediately.
No more fear, dear ones, as the world changes.
Take note of the changes that are taking place around you. Gaia is rising, and you, too, are ascending.
Look forward to whatever you want and create the NEW EARTH NOW.
There will be no more worries about sickness, poverty, or a lack of love since Gaia will provide all you need. If you talk to her and ask how you can assist, she will provide you with everything you need to live. You are strong, powerful, and you have the ability to create the NEW EARTH in a community with other like-minded individuals.
Make the decision to escape the Fear Matrix that the dark force has attempted to implant in you. Believe in God as a part of yourself and have faith in a bountiful earth today, and nothing or no one will ever be able to hurt you. You will get whatever you want.
There is much discussion about the days of darkness, yet there would be no gloom if all souls realized that they are now a part of God and in touch with Gaia. New free renewable energy will be discovered, as well as new methods to rid the Earth of pollution created by mankind.
GOD, GAIA, and the HIGHER REALMS are always available to those in need.
Dear Ones, the TIME to connect with Gaia is NOW. Know that you've all come to help her usher in the NEW EARTH and that the TIME HAS COME.
As you all welcome the NEW EARTH together, rejoice with God and Gaia.
We are with you as you transition from darkness to light, and we wish you unconditional love and infinite blessings on your path.
We love you dearly.
We are here with you.
We are your family of light.
Aurora Ray
Ambassador of the Galactic Federation
Channel and Art by Aurora Ray
An Important Message From The Galactic Federation
Dear beloved ones,
We are the galactic federation, and we are here to help you with a new mission. This has been a pivotal moment in the fight between the Light and the Dark.
Much has been done with your internet technology, including the termination of your social media services. As they are caught and punished for their wickedness, you are starting to feel the effects of the Darkness's hold over you fade.
Today, at this turning point in the battle of Light vs. dark, we are asking you to help us defeat the dark forces that are attempting to control your world.
Together with our forces of Light, you will create balance, not only for your life but for planet Earth as well.
This is part of our mission to bring balance and love. We understand it has been a difficult time on the planet as we move closer to this galactic alignment.
You see the beginnings of many changes that will occur on your planet firsthand via personal experience. Take a deep breath and brace yourself for change; for the next few months will be full of it. You may or may not realize it at first.
We will continue to do all we can to explain the reasons for these changes to you. We will be able to communicate more directly to you after the dark disease on your planet has been cured, and they have been disempowered since operations will no longer be hindered by them. We will be able to communicate with you and share more with you after they have been fully disempowered. You won't be in the dark as you have been in the past.
You've got the chance to build confidence in the unknown and trust in our words. This will be very beneficial to you as you go through your life. Those who have not yet had a multidimensional connection will be able to comprehend via the words of others, such as those of this message.
Your Internet technology is being taken over, with many malicious features being turned off. You will begin to see the limitations we, the Light, are imposing on them, as well as the newfound freedoms you will enjoy.
The job is a little different this time. We'd want you to transmit your white light energy into your computer's network. Concentrate on fueling your system with the white Light of God's love, and you'll feel as though you're sowing the seeds for a bright future.
We only work with your permission. We may try to persuade you to alter your mind to move towards the light by thinking only positive thoughts and focusing on a positive outcome of things, but your decision is final.
Please concentrate on "harmony and kindness" while you meditate on the internet technology system. How ever you want to accomplish this is up to you. Many of you are acquainted with the frequency of the internet since you use it frequently, so trust yourself and your inner direction.
We are here to help you as your numbers continue to grow. Many of you are finally awakening. We have awaited this in great anticipation.
You are coming out of your slumber to fight against the powers that have deceived your entire race for so long.
First, you awaken to the darkness in the world.
Then, you awaken to the darkness within yourself.
Finally, you realize that there is only light.
None of this would have been possible without the help of many beings who have traveled across time and space to help us in our fight against the dark forces. There shall be a time of grand celebrations when the forces of Light have triumphed completely over those who wish to cling on to darkness.
The time for celebration is near, as you are now freeing yourselves to join our efforts against the Darkness. Thousands of intelligent races are working to secure your freedom. We are celebrating your cooperation.
We love you dearly.
We are here with you.
We are your family of light.
Aurora Ray
Ambassador of the Galactic Federation
Channel and Art by Aurora Ray
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