So where to start. First of all i am sorry I didn't report the last blog 2 1/2 wks ago. I smashed my left hand had several cracked fingers and one cracked bone in my hand just when I was ready to report that nothing much was happening after the july 4 Green light that didn't happen or did it. Any way after several days of pain I went to the hospital where they took x-rays and put on a temporary cast. After a wk I came back to put on a permanent one to last 4 to 6 wks. But I got a different doctor who examined my hand and said it didn't look bad then sent me for more new x- rays and when he got them back he said my hand had healed or the first x-rays were faulty, he got another doctor whom I know to ck it and my hand was healed except for the tendons. They couldn't explain what happened, I said it was divine intervention. Several days later I remember a article in my Nexus mag on healing bones and Arthritis.

So I read it, the magic cure was Borax powder or boron also boric acid. Yes the same laundry cleaner Borax and the bug and ant killer Boric acid. Funny thing was I have a war on ants at my place and sense I couldn't work I decided to put boric power on them but it wasn't pure. they don't people to have pure borax powder for wash so its not on the shelfs in the markets anymore and the bug killer is reduced to 65% and thats the one I used and sense I had some cuts on my hand it was able to come into mu body stronger. Its reported by a Aust doctor that Boron powder heals but borax is stronger and Boric acid will work stronger as well. So that is why my hand healed so very fast.It strengthens teeth and bones. He states it also cures Arthritis and can be used for a Detox. I have been looking for a Arthritis cure for 28 yrs, for I have it bad and the Lupus form almost killed me some yrs ago.Also I cracked both my hips from a motorcycle fall 3-1/2 yrs ago and this is the first yr I can walk mostly without a crutch.

   So I was so into the Miracle that happened to me I decided to do the Detox. I remember seeing the Boric acid in a hardware store and I went to ck it. And it was 99% pure, which is what I needed. By the way the pharm. ind. wants you to think its poison, they put the word Killer on the package and say call 911 if ingested, but its all lies, they don't want us to use it as a home cure all. They would lose billions of $ every yr. Its very hard to get in Europe and the states are replacing it or mixing it like the first one I bought. Boron is naturally in the soil but the fertilizers keep it from coming into our foods. This deficiency is one reason why we have so much teeth decay and it is the major reason for Arthritis in all its 100 forms.So I followed the instructions for detox with boric acid instead of borax sense I couldn't find the latter. Health shops sell  the natural boron capsules but its less effective that the borax and boric acid. Use one slightly rounded teaspoon for one liter water.

This is a slow detox and you take a table spoon or more every 3- 6 hrs. I am sick from the chem-trails and so are my dogs. My lungs hurt when I breath deep from coughing so much, Any way I started a wk ago yesterday. My female that night took the bottle and drank a good amount she was very thirsty the next morning, I scolded her but then decide if she liked it so much and it didn't hurt her, I would also give it to them in there water , which I did, I have several water bowels around my place but they prefer to drink from this one.By the she is no longer sick but the male still is. As for me I am still going through withdrawals from the detox effect. I made a new bottle and made it stronger that the daily maintenance one. And I am taking much more of it. Some detox clinics have you drink a bottle a day if you can for a really heavy detox when you have serious disease. I'll keep you posted as how it goes with me and this new program and you can look it up on the net. But I can say my Arthritis is less and my cracked hips are much better after just 1 wk.I am looking for a Miracle. So go and ck it out for yourself; http;// or read my post 7-17.


   Now lets see if I can put some of this sites news together thats been going on now for the last 3 wks. I am not sure if the Green light event really took place as we don't see much evidence on the net and nothing on the MSM. But this last wk they have started to to release news on the Libor fraud from Barcleys bank and now others. So maybe the Green Light #1, just took a little while to go from red or yellow to green. I have been posting other Frauds and scandals that are going on as well most of it from MSM.Like the oil investors pricing co.'s and the money laundering of drugs and war money from banks such as HSBC and others. And the Obama birth scandal Fraud and Romneys lies and corruption of outsourcing jobs.I think its good that they have a go at each other and bring out all the Fraud on both sides.Its like putting ants from one hill ontop of ants from another hill they will destroy each other.

So yes it is finally happening. But of course the gov'ts. just want to fine and slap the hands of the banks for all there Frauds and as well shall find there are probably hundreds of banks involved in this Libor thing not just the 15 listed. But we all know that we need to shut them all down and put all the people involved into jail. Not to let them go, so they can continue to destroy the world financially. There was also a FBI scandal and investagation from a whistle blower and of scandals of the Pharma co.'s which will grow as well and in the back ground the scandals of the inside trading  and rumor control by the wall st. people. And then we have the pope and the Vatican bank ties and money laundering from the Mafia,whom they are connected to big time, So it will also mean the end of the church and the list of Fraud and Scandals goes on and on. I am beginning to wonder if there is anyone left in the system who is honest so we can prosecute all of these DC people. I think we will need help from our space brothers on this cause it sems to me most of the gov'ts of the world is corrupt or in co-huts with the DC. At the present rate of investigation it will take a decade to get all of this out and the DC in jail.

   I think we may have some frauds on this and other sites as well. Last wk there was several blogs posted about Drake being a Fake. SoI call him Drake the Fake. Some where saying he is a DC man inplanted to cause a rebellion not only on the sites but in America as well. Some say he is a #6 clone and the real blake was a Blake Brian from Florida and was a militia org. man. Now there is nothing wrong with the Militia and I think its a good idea to join up but not to go to the FBI like he stated in his last Radio interview that got cut short by the gov't or by ET. But you don't go to the DC-FBI and tell them your plans to arrest somebody of the DC because the FBI will spoil it and arrest you. This guy is calling for a revolution now! in the USA and wants his friend the Dragon Lady of Cananda to follow suite. I think this is all wrong and the wrong way to go about it. Sure you should prepare yourselves in all survival ways and defend the Constitution but you must wait for back up!

Let the ET Alliance do the work for yesterdays report is that they have started the arrest in about 7 states and there was several shootouts and deaths on both sides and back up of the DC rogue military. That would be were the Militia could come in if they were called. You must work together not to try and do it on your own . These DC are very powerful and are not going to give up easy. This guy also speaks to much about guns and taking them out and his time in Vietnam and how he fell in love with his gun. I was drafted into that fake war as well and got injured in special ops training and got out. I want nothing to do with war its not the solution but if you must defend your country from invaders forign or domestic then its OK. But so far all the wars have been created by the DC for profit and power. This guy needs to balence out all that war mongering with some spirituality. He's to much like Alex Jones whom I respect but can't listen to his voice,they cause to much Fear. We wont win the war that way. IIt will only turn people off. Follow your Heart! 

   Now speaking of ''THE EVENT'' Which is what all of this is really about. Getting rid of the DC every last one of them. I couldn't follow some of our ET friends plans.As you know there are two Green Lights one for getting rid of the DC and setting up a new finicial system and way of life, some call it the FON the ''Federation of Nations'', A sort of new world gov't but that stays in the background because word,world gov't leaves a bad taste in the mouth for many. The 2nd Green Light has to do with the Ascension plan at whatever level you plan to ascend, aim high they say. So before or maybe even during the 2nd  Green light can take place we need to finish the 1st Green light . Take out the DC. And to be truthful with you its very hard to follow our ET friends plan of action and as you know it keeps changing on a regular bases. Things that were supposed to happen 3 yrs ago are just now beginning to happen. Then in the last couple of wks I read the words in between the lines. In other words they know the DC is reading all of these blogs and posts.

Many times they talk about how they know where each and ever one one them are. In the beginning of the yr they talked about what I call the pyramid. And going after the 10,000 DC members. And there was 100 in all that quit or was arrested. Then it stopped and I wondered why? Why did they stop going after them. Then sometime after that they began repeating on our posts that they not only know where each and everyone of them are ,they also know all there plans so that they could be one step ahead of them an advantage point the the DC don't have as they cannot listen in to them they just have whats on these blogs to go by.Then our ET friends started telling us that also they could read there minds as well, so there was no escape for them, nowhere to run and nowhere to hide!


   And last wk they said that they have already captured some of the top DC rulers of the inner groups and won some of them over to our side so that they could spy and mislead the DC and others.They said that they had those that they captured agree to be a walk in's. That they could ascend and be treated well and the walk in would take there place and no one would be able to know. I wondered how this strategy  would work,and how they were going to use this to capture them. Then it downed on me. Of course, this would cause a lot of mistrust amunst them. This was a brilliant move by our space brothers. So that they could no longer work together in completing there world takeover plans or escape. They would become peronoid of each other wondering who was a spy and who was a walk in. It would cause them to be suspecious of evryone even when they ate out in a resturant they would wonder if they were being watched and if they were next.

This was the highest level mind game I have ever heard of, it was brilliant and it does seem to be working. I figured this out last wk but  the voice in my head said not to post it so they wont find out until its to late which is now of course as they are being rounded up all accross the states and other places world wide. So I will give credit to the GFL for this , whom I had thought was a bit of a wimp before but not anymore , There are more than to ways to skin a rabbit. Of course all of this has been hard on us light-workers for all the delays and overtime we think we know whats going to happen they change the plans but now I see what they were up to.They haven't given names of those captured yesterday but have given the locations . So finally we are own our way. I don't think they wont us to get involved except for what we are doing now passing on the info to otheres around us that will listen. And that means no civil war in the USA that Drake the Fake is trying to start, just hang in there, as they say.We can now follow the MSN news that hopefully will keep getting better and the Alternative news. I know all of this was to happen sooner but  the DC lied about given up!


One thing is for sure, the earth is changing faster. This is the hottest yr in over 100 yrs and the worst drought in mid states in nearly 60 yrs.Many crops are being lost to this and of course that means higher food prices come the fall. They has Flooding in Indonesia, England, Japan, Sweeden, Aust. and else where around the world. All of them stating that the rain fell like buckets, heavy downpours. The amount in one day that they would get in a month. The storms are heavier than normal and sometimes they appear out of now-where and some with a low humming sound attached , which makes me think of HAARP that they would have a hand in this. The Poles are melting faster than precious yrs because of the heat last month and last wk pieces fell off both in green land and the N. pole as large as twice the size of Manhattan island, all because of the heat. And as the poles melt of course the ocean level will soon rise and this cold huge ice burgs are cooling the ocean and mixing el Nino with la Nina and that means heavy rains and more storms. And the MSM jumps in and says see we told you its the Green house effect, Global warming. Yes its global warming but not from the Green house gases, its not man made but it come from all those  Solar flares M-class and X-class CME's that, Charged Particles nd Neutrino' beams hitting the earth and warming the surface temp.

And I do believe the ET reports that where on then off about the Floods that are coming. They warned us to move inland and to higher ground. As for rain here in C. America last yr we had a very long wet season ,a very short dry season. Normally we have 6 mo's wet and 6 mo's dry . Now we are having 9 mo's wet and only three months dry and so far this yr looks the same. My place is a mess with all the mud. So that would also mean that there will be some rescue from the island s and from the shore line for those people who didn't believe. I plan to move to higher grounds. Oh, Yes and the Chem-trails are still going on. Sunday in the wee morning hrs the sky was filled, I could only see Chem-trails. I started coughing and mucus started runing.When I see this stopped then I will know for sure that we are winning. Mean time I am doing all I can to over come this sickness ,its seems they are spraying more deadlier stuff, My dogs and plants are even sick from it. And watch the Sky they are seeing Planet-x, Nibiru near the sun in the last 5 yrs, but now it can be seen from Russia, Finland,Sweden and Norway and even Denmark and Poland as well as the N & S Poles. Reports are that it is getting closer to earth and its great magnetic forces could be the cause of the coming great Floods, Earth Quakes and Volcanoes going crazy and its what has been effecting the Sun. Its arrival coincides with the predicted Floods the GFL has warned us about.I took a night picture of it several mo's ago. You can actually see the missing peace from last yrs hit!          The end.

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  • Sorry FW but the Green light refers to ''THE EVENT'' .it was when the mass arrests were supposed to begin and the 2nd Green light was about when the Ascension was supposed to begin. I think this term was started b the group ''Cobra'' that is posted regularly on Acc. By the way I can't make out your new pic. And when are you going to send me the pics of yourself sense its not on your profile and re people being nice to you. I hope so. Blessings, Adonai

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